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Author Topic: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?  (Read 28573 times)

central scrutiniser

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talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:50:02 AM »

Hi I have just joined your forum and there's some interesting stuff here indeed. I have just bailed from TT and was curious if it is possible to use this router modem elsewhere ie with alternative firmware with a different ISP.

I am not an advocate of using two plugs to do one job ie router modem, and I know there are a lot of other plug and play vdsl combos I could use with my new supplier, but I don't believe in just  tossing something away that could be re- used, albeit with a little bit of effort to do so.
I only use two hard wire connections at home, so the wi fi aspect is not that important to me, but hand for the phones sometimes.

I am familiar with installing custom roms to mobile devices, so my question is,  is it possible to flash some sort of  open source  firmware to replace what I am assuming will be locked firmware from TT,  and if so which  software tools programs etc do I need to be able to do so, if it is  possible. Any pointers in the right direction etc... to be able to do this would be gratefully received.




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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 06:53:13 PM »

Hi, welcome to the forum, the hg633 is a step back from the hg635 that i use on my plusnet adsl connection; the "newer" hg633 only has 100 Mb ethernet ports (hg635 has 4 x 1000 Mb ports).

Have talk talk/huawei released the open source firmware?

Have you looked at the (long) threads regards the hg635 and mirrored the processes there; the python script to decrypt the saved configuration files works best of all.


central scrutiniser

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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 07:21:59 PM »

Thanks for you welcome I have had a look on the Hauwei site and have discovered this and downloaded it , and is of a file type  TGZ   :-

As to how I get it onto the device if it is indeed what I need , I do not know at this point not being familiar with flashing loading software etc techniques for these types of devices.

The  speed for the Ethernet ports only need to support max broadband speed I have applied for 80/20  currently on 40/ 2  so it is not that critical, but I appreciate you pointing me in the direction of the HG635 which as you state has the faster ports.

I shall now have a gander at the techniques in the thread you mentioned, hopefully they will apply in this instance for this device as well.
Many thanks once again.


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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 09:14:43 PM »

tgz is a compressed tarball, winrar or 7zip should handle it.

central scrutiniser

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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 11:16:32 AM »


Been overseas since my last post and have not got round to sorting this out.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get into this device at all and has anyone on here done so ? It's obviously locked to talktalk unlike the 635. I have firmware to upload if I could only get it to load on somehow, I cant even find a location in it's GUI to try my new  isp account details in an attempt to try and get it to do something.Looks like the connection speeds up down are better than on the new  set up  I have now !!.

The BT modem and the asus router I am using are giving very poor results, I want a crack at this at least before I head out and buy a one plug combo unit that I really don't want to.

Cheers for any assist.

central scrutiniser

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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2016, 06:17:57 PM »

After a long winded attempt to get any information on how to input the open source software for this device I have given up. Repeated requests to Hauwei  (who suggest I speak to Talktalk  but now not a customer of course) on how to upload their os file, on their own device, has met with a wall of silence, not even a return email to my requests.

I have  now gone down the used route and as suggested  by Kitzuser 87430 and obtained a  Hauwei HG 635 ,which seems to function well at the moment.Changed my user and password  to that of my isp and connected up straight away.

I Had  problems  with an outdated win ethernet driver, alongside a faulty BT openreach mk3 faceplate that has dropped my connection that many times that my ip profile has been reset to 50 max  from 79 , currently using adsl nation microfilter direct to master socket which has eliminated the line noise the BT face plate was creating.

I don't know if this is a better solution that the BTone, but for now is,  can anyone tell me would a fault free BT  filtered MK3 face plate perform better than  my current ADSL nation microfilter ?

Plan to upgrade all the interconnects to this device with cat6a cable now that it seems stable enough.

Can anyone tell anyone tell me if the speeds will self increase as it were ?, or do I need to ask for my dslam profile to be reset by my ISP Origin , who have been excellent throughout.

Also one last thing. Is there any advantage in uploading the Opensource software file for the HG635  over of that of the  default Taltalk  v 1.06 , and are there any settings in the router that I can disable ~ enable to improve things. ?

We have only two pcs hardwired to it, we hardly use wifi at all, with the exception of maybe updating mobile phone software.


P.S. If anyone would like the HG633 to tinker with, PM me and you can have it for postage cost.


  • Kitizen
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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2016, 07:06:45 PM »

  First re the HG635 the latest TT 1.06 firmware is almost certainly safer than the opensource images though one of the Hg635 images (without telnet access enabled) in the opensource looks like the actual TT1.04 firmware which some found better.  On a post to this form you will find links to a python file that enables you to edit the Hg635 settings file to allows telnet access and thus modem stats.  The python file is also on npr's web pages.

  For the HG633 I am afraid I think the source files provided lack key broadcom files (they are not opensource) and it also lacks any built images. If the Hg635 python files also works with the setting file from the Hg633 might be possible to unlock the Hg633 that way.  It depends on the nature of the lock.


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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2016, 07:15:27 PM »

I thought the HG633 uses a Triductor DSL chipset (according to the BTWholesale list of approved devices), rather than Broadcom, don't know about the wireless.


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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2016, 07:36:47 PM »

I did not know that and assumed broadcom like many other Huawei modems.


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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2022, 01:17:33 PM »

I wanted to see if I could repurpose my HG633 and run openwrt

I found a number of discussions, including this one, and posted links here:

TL,DR: someone made a start, but didn't get v far


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Re: talktalk super router HG633 alternative firmware ?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2022, 04:31:01 PM »

I wanted to see if I could repurpose my HG633 and run openwrt

I found a number of discussions, including this one, and posted links here:

TL,DR: someone made a start, but didn't get v far

Sadly I believe you have ewaste.

Back when I was testing routers for talktalks Hammersmith development team I would receive one a month, I had to start giving them away after testing as they didn't want them back.