Well actually I wanted both ports to go to a PC
You could have both connect to a PC and just have the modem do PPPoE.
this would result in a /etc/config/network change to something like:
config interface 'wan'
option _orig_ifname 'eth0'
option _orig_bridge 'true'
option ifname 'eth0'
option proto 'pppoe'
option username 'user@isp'
option password 'password'
config interface 'wan6'
option ifname '@wan'
option proto 'dhcpv6'
config interface 'lan'
option ifname 'eth1'
option type 'bridge'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''
option ip6assign '60'
I think I have killed my ECI /r V 1.1 attempting to install OpenWRT
I had an old spare ECI which I had attached the UART header to some time ago.
Well i ran all the instructions up to and including the run update_openwrt but when this
got to the copy to flash part it just kept coming up with something about protected
At this stage I thought that if I had any issues I would be able to use UBoot and try again
so I went ahead and did the reset as I could think of no other way to get past the issue.
Now I can get UBoot but there is no images in the flash as I guess the erase command from the
update_openwrt has wiped them (just get bad magic number messages)
Problem is I don't appear to be able to get the VR9 switch to operate anymore, no lights when ping etc
and cable disconnected on the laptop. Tried alternate RJ45 cables but no joy.
Am I correct in thinking that UBoot does is not enough environment to actually use the VR9 switch ports native?
When I try a ping it says using VR9 Switch device and then a while later comes up with host is not alive
(no lights on the LAN port come on).
Oh well you win some and you lose some ..... it was only a cheap spare that I never use as I have 2 HG612's
and a Billion 8800NL for connection, just liked OpenWRT which I ran on the homehub 2 some years back with ADSL.
That sounds rather strange to me
I'm not sure what has happened.
Did you change any of the variables, or do anything differently?
ping host not alive should always be the case as that's just there so the bootloader has time to see your break command to get into uboot.
Just after it displays lines of "........." to indicate it's wiping those partitions you could try setting up tftpd at that point as sometimes the modem won't recognize any connections until then. Are you using Linux or Windows?