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Author Topic: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2 - Update: G.INP/ReTX Support  (Read 289352 times)


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Well actually I wanted both ports to go to a PC :)

You could have both connect to a PC and just have the modem do PPPoE.

this would result in a /etc/config/network change to something like:

Quote from: begin editing line 10
config interface 'wan'
        option _orig_ifname 'eth0'
        option _orig_bridge 'true'
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option proto 'pppoe'
        option username 'user@isp'   
        option password 'password'

config interface 'wan6'
        option ifname '@wan'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

config interface 'lan'
        option ifname 'eth1'
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option ip6assign '60'

I think I have killed my ECI /r V 1.1 attempting to install OpenWRT
I had an old spare ECI which I had attached the UART header to some time ago.
Well i ran all the instructions up to and including the run update_openwrt but when this
got to the copy to flash part it just kept coming up with something about protected
At this stage I thought that if I had any issues I would be able to use UBoot and try again
so I went ahead and did the reset as I could think of no other way to get past the issue.
Now I can get UBoot but there is no images in the flash as I guess the erase command from the
update_openwrt has wiped them (just get bad magic number messages)
Problem is I don't appear to be able to get the VR9 switch to operate anymore, no lights when ping etc
and cable disconnected on the laptop. Tried alternate RJ45 cables but no joy.
Am I correct in thinking that UBoot does is not enough environment to actually use the VR9 switch ports native?
When I try a ping it says using VR9 Switch device and then a while later comes up with host is not alive
(no lights on the LAN port come on).
Oh well you win some and you lose some ..... it was only a cheap spare that I never use as I have 2 HG612's
and a Billion 8800NL for connection, just liked OpenWRT which I ran on the homehub 2 some years back with ADSL.

That sounds rather strange to me  :( I'm not sure what has happened.
Did you change any of the variables, or do anything differently?

ping host not alive should always be the case as that's just there so the bootloader has time to see your break command to get into uboot.

Just after it displays lines of "........." to indicate it's wiping those partitions you could try setting up tftpd at that point as sometimes the modem won't recognize any connections until then. Are you using Linux or Windows?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 11:16:46 PM by jsamuel »


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What I meant was, I'd like the ECI modem to do the routing (i.e the PPPoE - DHCP in my case as I use TalkTalk Fibre) and for the router to get a local IP from the ECI and thus have Internet :)


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What I meant was, I'd like the ECI modem to do the routing (i.e the PPPoE - DHCP in my case as I use TalkTalk Fibre) and for the router to get a local IP from the ECI and thus have Internet :)
The above will be able to do that, and then my DHCP change from earlier on if you need it :)

Well I found I had another ECI modem hiding away in the cupboard, this one a V 1.2
It also had a header from UART in place as I had looked at an unlock some time ago.
So off I went with all the instructions again (remembering to use the V2 test image this time)
and hey presto it has worked and I now have OpenWRT running.
Now the new setup has the modem on IP address which clashes with my ASUS RT-AC87U router
I can see the WAN bridge and LAN settings page (when plugged into LAN 2 with a static of
on the laptop) but not sure how to best change this to say
I could change the ASUS to operate on the 192.168.2.x subnet I guess as an alternate option.
At present I have an additional interface on the ASUS eth0.1 which uses and an IPTABLES
command to route all traffic for this subnet down the WAN link allowing me to access the router (HG612) via a single
cable running both PPPoE and LAN. The HG612 is on address and has the PPPoE vlan unbound from
LAN port 1.
Can the ECI with OpenWRT be made to operate in the same way ?
I plan to try the ECI on the line tomorrow (I am on a Huawei cab with G.Inp enabled so can see if it is picked up ok)

Just spotted your reply AlecR while creating the above post .....
Then other (broken) ECI displays the following at startup

ROM VER: 1.0.5
CFG 01
DDR Access auto data-eye tuning Rev 0.3a
DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa1ffffff
DDR check ok... start booting...

U-Boot 1.0.4 (Oct 18 2010 - 16:20:02)

DRAM:  32 MB

 relocate_code start
 relocate_code finish.


Flash:  8 MB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   fw_addr=0xa0200000
Internal phy(FE) firmware version: 0xffff
vr9 Switch

Type "run flash_flash" to mount root filesystem over flash

Hit 'Esc' key to stop autoboot:  0
## Booting image from active region 1 at 80800000 ...
Check RSA image magicBad Magic Number
Retry another region
## Booting image from active region 2 at b03f0000 ...
Check RSA image magicBad Magic Number
VR9 #
VR9 # ping
Using vr9 Switch device
ping failed; host is not alive
VR9 #

Sorry, I just saw this post. It seems I'm not getting emails for newer posts until I read the previous one.

Set the Asus to as by default that's the gateway. Or you can edit /etc/config/network and change
   option ipaddr ''
   option gateway
   option ipaddr ''
   option gateway # router

The above indicates there's no squashfs image and that you've wiped the partitions. it seems like it's not been loaded properly and you are having trouble with tftpd.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 11:35:06 PM by jsamuel »


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Sorry, I just saw this post. It seems I'm not getting emails for newer posts until I read the previous one.

Go to your profile > modify profile > Notifications.   Make sure you dont have "only for the first reply" set.
Please do not PM me with queries for broadband help as I may not be able to respond.
How to get your router line stats :: ADSL Exchange Checker


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From the small amount of "breaking and fixing" I have done today, it seems quite difficult to truly brick one of these modems.


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Thanks, Kitz. All fixed  ;D

AlecR, I managed to brick two when learning.  :-[
Note, always make sure it can ping something on boot, even if the host doesn't exist otherwise you won't be able to get back into the uboot prompt for some strange reason.


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But what I mean is, you seem to always recover it via UART.


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Except in the situation above, UART becomes useless and you'd need to JTAG.  :D

PN are sending out an Openreach engineer to reset my IP profile at the cab and check external wiring, hopefully my line will stabilize after that. Atleast I have a few more days of tinkering with the ECI to clone xdslcmd output and I shouldn't care if I upset DLM anymore than I already have :)


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Does JTAG use the same pins?

It would be useful to know for future reference :)


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The JTAG pins are below the serial :)
Very similar to the old ECI /i



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So many pins...


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Is your sync getting better? :)


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After some hours of sleep I have noticed this is an ECI /i
This isn't supported by OpenWrt unfortunately.

Quote from: ECI /i
ROM VER: 1.0.5
CFG 01 ...
DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa1ffffff

Quote from: ECI /r v1 & v2
ROM VER: 1.0.5
DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa3ffffff


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Yes you are spot on it is an ECI /I ... how silly of me not to spot that on the label earlier ...
oh well that explains why it did not work, still it was only an old spare so no problems really

As for the other ECI /R V1.2 that I got to work I moved my ASUS to and plugged it up.
It got sync OK but is the LAN1 LED (the WAN link to router) meant to blink at rapid pace non stop all the time ?
Also I had to connect a second cable to LAN 2 in order to access for browser to work, need to see
if this can be done down the single LAN1 PPPoE cable link
It was only on the line for a few minutes as it was showing massive number of ES - it racked
up 542 in under 5 minutes and also almost 5300 FEC in same time.
The HG612 has been reconnected for 21 minutes and has zero ES and only 54 FEC, it never gets ES on DL now
with G.INP
The ECI did show G.INP enabled on DL but not on UL (same as HG612 on my line) however it showed interleave as 1
for both UL and DL but HG612 has DL showing at INT 8 with G.INP
Maybe the stats from ECI are not totally correct .....
I need to leave HG612 in place now for a while to ensure I don't upset DLM but will continue to look at the ECI
config offline ....


  • Reg Member
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Yes you are spot on it is an ECI /I ... how silly of me not to spot that on the label earlier ...
oh well that explains why it did not work, still it was only an old spare so no problems really

As for the other ECI /R V1.2 that I got to work I moved my ASUS to and plugged it up.
It got sync OK but is the LAN1 LED (the WAN link to router) meant to blink at rapid pace non stop all the time ?
Also I had to connect a second cable to LAN 2 in order to access for browser to work, need to see
if this can be done down the single LAN1 PPPoE cable link
It was only on the line for a few minutes as it was showing massive number of ES - it racked
up 542 in under 5 minutes and also almost 5300 FEC in same time.
The HG612 has been reconnected for 21 minutes and has zero ES and only 54 FEC, it never gets ES on DL now
with G.INP
The ECI did show G.INP enabled on DL but not on UL (same as HG612 on my line) however it showed interleave as 1
for both UL and DL but HG612 has DL showing at INT 8 with G.INP
Maybe the stats from ECI are not totally correct .....
I need to leave HG612 in place now for a while to ensure I don't upset DLM but will continue to look at the ECI
config offline ....

LAN1 led blinking all the time is intended as it'll be sending data to your router's WAN all the time. Since LAN1 goes to WAN on your router, you can't access the modem using just LAN1 :( that's why you need to connect LAN2 to your routers LAN port.
Showing FEC errors is good and it means your CPE is trying to correct the errrors on your line. This should return to normal after 24 hours. It's good that G.INP works on downstream but have you tried the test image?
G.INP is enabled on the upstream. Can you also post your stats from calling
killall cat;killall dsl_control;/etc/init.d/dsl_control extra
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 07:45:43 AM by jsamuel »
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