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Author Topic: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2 - Update: G.INP/ReTX Support  (Read 293106 times)


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2 - Update: G.INP/ReTX Support
« Reply #375 on: September 11, 2021, 05:11:10 PM »

Your line has been capped (banded) by the DLM.
It won't sync above that figure.

The DLM usually applies banding due to too many resyncs in a short time period.
Talktalk FTTP 550/75 - Speedtest - BQM


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Is the upstream fastpath? That’s not good at all. Errors on the upstream ?


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Hmm, I am not sure. I have been having quite a lot of issues with my network at the moment (a lot of disconnects and I've been hit by DLM pretty badly). Have an Openreach Engineer coming tomorrow actually!
I decided to get a Home Hub 5 and stick OpenWrt on it for a bit more power so I could install monitoring and other packages on. Pulled this from the CLI DSL metrics in case it answers your question.



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Looks like the downstream is capped (banded) with high Interleaving (12ms delay) and the upstream is banded with low Interleaving (8ms delay).

You need to stress to the OpenReach engineer that the line needs a DLM reset AFTER he/she has done any work on the line.

The BT HH5 from the single snapshot of stats looks to perform much worse than the previous modem.
Talktalk FTTP 550/75 - Speedtest - BQM


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Thanks for the advice j0hn. To clarify, the stats from the two screenshots do appear to show the HH5A being worse, but the screenshot from the ECI Modem was from before I started experiencing the line issues.

The line issues started happening about 3 weeks after that screenshot. Part of the reason I bought the HH5A was in case the ECI modem was dying as I really couldn't figure out what was causing my issues. An hour or two into an outtage I decided to test with a few different devices/firmwares and I couldn't get DSL connected at all on either my build of OpenWrt 19.07, jsamuels 15.05 build or even the stock NowTV hub until eventually it started to connect a few hours later. Some mornings the line would drop after 10-15 minutes and wouldn't be back up for like 30-45 mins. It would continue doing this for like 4-5 hours at times, really annoying.

Well at least now with the HH5A I can have fancy graphs for historic stats! :)

« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 01:56:59 PM by jaimbo »


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Looking further the line attenuation (latn) reported by both modems is very similar at 10.1dB and 10.2dB.

The attainable rates (attndr) are dramatically different. They have dropped from 91/24 to 74/15.
The attainable rate is usually exaggerated when Interleaving is enabled but as Interleaving is enabled in both instances it shows the scale of the drop.

Such a drop in the lines potential can be from a physical fault but it can simply be due to crosstalk (interference from new subscribers lines that run alongside your line in the main cable bundles).
Such large drops in attainable due to crosstalk are all too common unfortunately.

Hopefully the engineer finds a physical fault on the line somewhere and fixes the cause of the disconnections. With a DLM reset on top the sync rates should improve considerably.
Talktalk FTTP 550/75 - Speedtest - BQM


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Fingers crossed, will update tomorrow morning after I speak to the engineer.

Any information you suggest I have ready for the engineer? Anything I should to do to prepare to make things as easy as possible for them to find the problem?


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So the engineer came around yesterday and potentially identified some internal issues with the wiring of the master socket and extension which he resolved and then done a bunch of tests with his tester which apparently all passed.

Then double checked that my modem could still get sync, I pointed out that there were still errors on the upstream which he said he "wasn't worried about" and he was only worried about errors on the downstream? After that he done a DLM reset which has left me with this:

Very happy with these speeds. Fingers crossed I don't see more instability and get hit by DLM!


  • Kitizen
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Just an FYI. The upstream ES/SES in your stats are old errors reported by the DSLAM.
They don't reset when the modem is restarted line the downstream does.

It looks like an excellent result. Stability is key now so keep the modem in sync and enjoy the connection.
Talktalk FTTP 550/75 - Speedtest - BQM


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2 - Update: G.INP/ReTX Support
« Reply #384 on: February 21, 2022, 11:27:34 AM »

Thanks for the advice j0hn. To clarify, the stats from the two screenshots do appear to show the HH5A being worse, but the screenshot from the ECI Modem was from before I started experiencing the line issues.

The line issues started happening about 3 weeks after that screenshot. Part of the reason I bought the HH5A was in case the ECI modem was dying as I really couldn't figure out what was causing my issues. An hour or two into an outtage I decided to test with a few different devices/firmwares and I couldn't get DSL connected at all on either my build of OpenWrt 19.07, jsamuels 15.05 build or even the stock NowTV hub until eventually it started to connect a few hours later. Some mornings the line would drop after 10-15 minutes and wouldn't be back up for like 30-45 mins. It would continue doing this for like 4-5 hours at times, really annoying.

Well at least now with the HH5A I can have fancy graphs for historic stats! :)

If you still around? Do you mind posting how you got those graphs working and in which build of OpenWRT, I have worked on the same thing and ended up giving up due to LUA errors.
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