Any ideas on getting jsamuel's OpenWRT system to assign a working static IP address on eth0/LAN1? My last post on the subject looks a little garbled!
I can edit /etc/config/network and assign a static IP to 'lan' using eth0
config interface 'lan'
option ifname 'eth0'
option force_link '1'
option proto 'static'
option ipaddr ''
option gateway
option netmask ''
option ip6assign '60'
option dns ''
and the IP address applies correctly following a reboot, but no IP traffic will flow across eth0.
If I remove eth0 from the bridge using the console
brctl delif br-wan_bridge eth0
I can then ping successfully and access the Luci web interface via eth0/LAN1.
Having done so I can then add eth0 back to the bridge
brctl addif br-wan_bridge eth0
and it still all works correctly!
If I assign a static address to the wan bridge interface 'wan_bridge'
config interface 'wan_bridge'
option 'type' 'bridge'
option 'proto' 'static'
option 'ifname' 'eth0 ptm0.101'
option 'auto' '1'
option ipaddr ''
option gateway'
option netmask ''
option ip6assign '60'
option dns ''
then the assignment succeeds and the modem is immediately accessible via eth0 after booting. But I don't know which interface will be assigned the wan IP address when PPPoE starts up. Is it wan_bridge or ptm0.101? If anyone has their ECI configured and working in this fashion could could they report back the results of 'ifconfig'? I'd rather not disconnect my HG612 for a while.
If I can get it working I'll check the resultant inbound security from the Internet.