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Author Topic: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2 - Update: G.INP/ReTX Support  (Read 293103 times)


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Hi there. I thought I would share with you my OpenWrt image. It's been quite stable and there are some fixes which aren't currently in the trunk.
The configuration is setup much like an unlocked HG612 is setup, ie:
Set the router's IP to
The modem, by default is set to

LAN1 -> WAN port on the router
LAN2 -> LAN port on the router, configured with a gateway to the router so the modem has internet access for OPKG. And of course access to the modem itself via

I've had to make some modifications to get this working, and since the switch driver is still broken there's no VLANs so LAN1 and LAN2 are back to separate ports like you might have seen in previous images. eth0/eth1

Lan2 led has been fixed too.

Graphs: see this follow up post

I've also modified with the help of Kronos' additions to it last year, but I've added a few more things.
LuCI's status page has been changed to reflect this.

Nano is preinstalled, too. This image requires no additional configuration. Hopefully I've helped someone who wants to install openwrt on their ECI/r in an HG612-like setup without losing hair.

v1: openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J-squashfs.image
v2: openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J_V2-squashfs.image
Remember the SoC on the ECI /r v1 is labelled "v1.1"  and on the v2 it's labelled "v1.2"
Don't put the image for the v2 on a v1 otherwise your ethernet ports won't work effectively leaving you with a bricked unit.

If there's any stats missing, let me know.

Flashing procedure for those who aren't familiar with these modems:

Buy a USB to TTL UART connector. I used one with a CP2102 chip.
Buy a 1mm drillbit
Buy some right angle 0.1" 2.54mm header pins
carefully drill the four serial holes (see this previous post on Kitz) connect the pins to the PCB and dab some flux core solder on the bottom of the pins.
See the above image on how to connect the serial header to RXD, TXD & GND.

If on Linux use something like picocom, eg: $ sudo picocom -b 115200 -l -r /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8,-parenb,cstopb,-hupcl
If on Windows use PuTTY Tray to connect to the serial and enter the following:
   Serial line: COM3
   Speed: 115200
   Connection type: Serial
Click the dropdown at Connection and select Serial.
   Databits: 8
   Stop bits: 1
   Parity: None
   Flow control: None
Save your session under something like "UART" for future reference.

Now connect to the serial and connect LAN1 to the ethernet port on your PC.
If using Linux, mkdir /tftpImage, copy your squashfs image into it and setup tftp:
   ifconfig eth0 netmask up
   /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --listen-address="" \
   --no-daemon \
   --dhcp-range=",,12h" \
   --interface="eth0" \
   --no-negcache \
   --enable-tftp \
   --log-queries \
   --domain="my.lan" \
   --bind-interfaces \
   --log-facility=- \
   --tftp-root=/tftpImage/,eth0 \
   --log-dhcp \
   --stop-dns-rebind \

If using Windows, see:

Interrupt the bootloader by pressing CTRL+C
Enter the following commands at the VRx prompt:

   set ipaddr
   set serverip
   set bootfile openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J-squashfs.image
   set bootcmd cp.b 0xb0020000 0x80002000 0x400000\; go 0x80002000
   set preboot ping\;run bootcmd
   set update_openwrt erase 0xb0020000 0xb073ffff\;tftp 0x81000000 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J-squashfs.image\;cp.b 0x81000000 0xb0020000 \$(filesize)

If your modem is a v2, change:
   set bootfile openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J-squashfs.image
   set update_openwrt erase 0xb0020000 0xb073ffff\;tftp 0x81000000 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J-squashfs.image\;cp.b 0x81000000 0xb0020000 \$(filesize)
   set bootfile openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J_V2-squashfs.image
   set update_openwrt erase 0xb0020000 0xb073ffff\;tftp 0x81000000 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-VG3503J_V2-squashfs.image\;cp.b 0x81000000 0xb0020000 \$(filesize)

Now run:
   run update_openwrt

All should be good.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 09:36:01 PM by jsamuel »


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 06:05:11 PM »

  Many thanks for the post, I will give it try next week after a holiday.  Do you trust the error stats? they look odd to me with the SES nearly half the ES and no CRC reported?  Is that just a start up burst of errors or ongoing.  Perhaps doubly odd with interleaving on.

   Finally have you any idea of the dsl drivers G.INP status?


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 06:12:56 PM »

Those errors are due to DLM currently lowering my sync speed. I'm not quite sure what it's doing since it isn't interleaved on downstream. it may be due to an existing fault.

For the past week I've been upsetting DLM, so it's time to let it settle.  :D

As you might have heard some manufacturers have G.INP support in their drivers, but to get that to work on this it'll need a firmware update too which I have yet to do.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 06:16:40 PM by jsamuel »


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 06:48:10 PM »

  Many thanks for the post, I will give it try next week after a holiday.  Do you trust the error stats? they look odd to me with the SES nearly half the ES and no CRC reported?  Is that just a start up burst of errors or ongoing.  Perhaps doubly odd with interleaving on.

   Finally have you any idea of the dsl drivers G.INP status?

They're spot on when compared with the stats my HG612 put out.
Latest 15 minutes time = 6 min 47 sec
FEC:      0      0
CRC:      0      0
ES:      0      382
SES:      0      150


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 07:33:54 PM »

If it is the same on an HG612 is must be some sort of strange startup issue on your line.  I don't get ES and SES on startup with an HG612 so hopefully I won't with this firmware and the ECI/r.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2015, 04:04:28 PM »

Line profiles were missing (17a, 30a, etc) so I've added those in's admin page and updated the squashfs images.
What I'd really like is some fancy graphs.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2015, 12:32:12 AM »

that is indeed massive progress for ECI owners,

This was done by someone else a few years back as well but his work was never released, so it remained as just a proof of concept test all this time.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2015, 02:07:03 AM »

I'll keep it updated and add more things to it, I'll also try and get it compiled with the newer lantiq firmware for G.INP support, I'm working on some graphing on the LuCI backend too. so fingers crossed it'll come out where the HG612 currently is  ;D

I'm surprised it's took this long tbh, it seems everyone just pushed the ECI away and are focussing on the HG612.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 06:57:48 AM »

2 main reasons I expect are, the difficulty in flashing the eci and that the hg612 has the better dsl chipset.

But still this will be helpful I expect.  As many people still use the ECI but operate blind.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2015, 09:06:40 AM »

I'm surprised it's took this long tbh, it seems everyone just pushed the ECI away and are focussing on the HG612.
True, I just got an ECI for £1 on Ebay.


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Re: OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer r46559) for ECI/r v1 & v2
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2015, 01:57:04 PM »

2 main reasons I expect are, the difficulty in flashing the eci and that the hg612 has the better dsl chipset.

But still this will be helpful I expect.  As many people still use the ECI but operate blind.

I'm not quite sure either of them are better than one or another. But I do prefer the Lantiq over Broadcom because atleast they reveal more source and without that we would have no firmware or drivers, so no OpenWrt to work with.
Granted, it needs more work to pull stats better.


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It appears I'm having some luck with the latest Lantiq drivers, which is good news ECI owners.

lib_ifxos 1.5.19
ltq-vdsl-vr9-mei (old one was 1.2.0, oh my goodness!)

I'm using the latest vdsl.bin I can find -
the one everyone else is using (and the one on the factory firmware) - 4.11.4

I can confirm this is syncing perfectly, it's stable and giving me some room for DLM to restore my line.

DSL_CPE#>lfcg 1
nReturn=0 nDirection=1 bTrellisEnable=1 bBitswapEnable=1 bReTxEnable=1 bVirtualNoiseSupport=1 b20BitSupport=0

DSL_CPE#>lfcg 0
nReturn=0 nDirection=0 bTrellisEnable=1 bBitswapEnable=1 bReTxEnable=0 bVirtualNoiseSupport=1 b20BitSupport=0

These are the configuration values for the modem. G.INP is available on downstream, and virtual noise support is available on both.

I can't, however, test G.INP is actually working since I'm on an ECI cab although it should be working quite well.

Please test this and post your results.
I've updated the squashfs images at the start of this thread to reflect the changes.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 02:35:29 AM by jsamuel »


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Code: (drv_dsl_cpe_api_vrx- / line 1112 ) [Select]
   /* ReTx is only valid for downstream direction */
   pContext->lineFeatureDataCfg[DSL_UPSTREAM].bReTxEnable = DSL_FALSE;
   pContext->lineFeatureDataCfg[DSL_DOWNSTREAM].bReTxEnable = DSL_TRUE;



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btw is there a special kind of DSL truth?
silly of me, I know. Just in a daft mood. :-)

(I didn't assume it was your code, no offence meant at all. ;-) )


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btw is there a special kind of DSL truth?
silly of me, I know. Just in a daft mood. :-)

(I didn't assume it was your code, no offence meant at all. ;-) )
:P well, I was pondering if I should change DSL_FALSE to DSL_TRUE on the upstream. and then a few other bits.. and then, perhaps we'd have ReTX on upstream too? That way it would be compatible with Huawei cabs (in my thinking, or perhaps I'm just being too over zealous)

Tidying up the, I notice I don't have bitswap enabled. erm?

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