Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
HG612 Modem Stats v 5.1 Full Release for Windows Users
Using ClamXav on Mac
Plan to run the program under wine
Will update definitions and retry
Still claims to have found Win.Trojan.8886870
Will do some research
--- Quote from: kwillers on October 24, 2015, 03:34:45 PM ---Still claims to have found Win.Trojan.8886870
--- End quote ---
These are indeed False positives that some AV programs wrongly detect.
Which file is supposedly infected?
It claims the HG612_run.exe is infected
Having had others also confirm its not the case I will continue to install
Hg612_run.exe is a very simple VBA script that I compiled into an exe file for some reason, can't remember now why we did this. All it does in run HG612 Stats.exe in such a way that you don't get a dos session window flash up every 60 seconds (doesn't happen in all cases as it depends on OS version and how the task is configured). Its probably because it runs another program in a covert way that some anti virus systems report that it's a trojan.
The main problem is that a relatively small amount of people actually use our programs, and an even smaller amount submit them to AV companies when they are flagged as having a virus or a trojan.
If any anti virus programs flags any of our programs as a threat please submit it to them as a false positive, they will then take a closer look and act accordingly, last time I did this I got a reply back declaring Hg612_run.exe as safe. The more people that do this the less false alerts will be raised, until eventually it's not flagged as a threat by any anti virus programs.
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