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Author Topic: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.  (Read 490319 times)


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #105 on: April 21, 2015, 08:29:02 AM »

Do you have the ability to look to see if a specific cabinet has been enabled (STMERE-3)?
Broadband and Line rental: Zen Unlimited Fibre 2, Mobile: Vodaphone
Router: Fritz!Box 7530


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #106 on: April 21, 2015, 09:32:25 AM »

<Caveat> Unless something's happening at a higher level that I don't have access to ?.

I tend to agree with wombat on this.  It wouldnt make financial sense to continue rolling this out if there is a problem thats causing lots of man-hours for the ISPs and no doubt engineer call outs from EU's wanting to know why in some cases theyve lost quite large chunks of speed.

BT have gone very quiet and they arent even telling the ISPs anything.  Ive made a couple of enquiries but drawn a blank.

My gut feeling is that they will have temporarily suspended any further roll outs until theyve found a fix or work around for the ECI modems and HH5A's.
It was only 2 days after the start of the Huawei rollout that we started seeing people start noticing the overnight outages when the dslam was updated.   Weve not seen anything so far for the ECI's.

It may also be that a DLM reset is now totally removing g.inp.     In the early days of the issue, a DLM reset would not stick and g.inp returned after 2 days of open profile.   Yet Aarvark's line previously ginped™ and reset 2 weeks ago after a line fault, still hasnt seen any signs of g.inp again despite using 2 different g.inp modem/routers.   I would like to see more cases of this though before I draw any conclusions on the latter.
Please do not PM me with queries for broadband help as I may not be able to respond.
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Black Sheep

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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #107 on: April 21, 2015, 01:16:37 PM »

Do you have the ability to look to see if a specific cabinet has been enabled (STMERE-3)?

Alas, no. Once upon-a-day, we were given up to the minute info as to what was going 'live', and when. I used to share this info on here. But in their infinite wisdom, the upper-echelon decided to remove that info from our mailing list  :no: :-\ ::)


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #108 on: April 22, 2015, 02:14:40 AM »

Had to register just to say thanks for such a great and informative thread  :thumbs:

I guess I'm pretty much typical in that last week I noticed a drop in my speeds. But mine were coupled with some contractors turning up to replace the telegraph pole outside our house. We live on the side of a steep hill and it has been leaning for some years now and each year it gets inspected. Finally back in January we got notice that it would be replaced in the next 10 days (yeah, go figure!) and I was dreading the day.

I work from home, permanently, and internet is critical for me as I manage a virtual infrastructure remotely. I had previously had a rock solid sync rate of 80001 d/l since FTTC came to the town in October 2014. So I was dreading some grease monkey pulling that pole out of the ground. And of course, my fears came true. Initially I noticed them packing up to leave so I stuck my head out the window and asked when my line would be back on. I was of course greeted with the expected puzzled looks, phone calls and the ladder coming back out the van. 20 mins later we're back up and running and "yeah, sorry, these new modules are crap" comment. next day someone else goes up the pole and the line goes off again, a similar story takes place.

So don't get me wrong 80Mbit as it was is fine, 59Mbit as it became is still pretty good but it irked me that I'd lost 25% and yet was still paying 100% so I contacted Zen (my ISP) who were OK but I'll admit not as great as usual. I do remember them saying something about waiting on a firmware upgrade from BT but it still didn't seem right.

Bear in mind through all of this I'm on an ECI modem that is locked so the only way I can see my sync rate is from Zen's portal "line data" and right now, that is no longer updating since the 59079 rate. Today, I look out the window and spot another chap up the pole. These modules must be really poor! I wonder across the road and explain my (roughly) 20Mbit drop and he says he'll take a look and join the wires directly.

So now from d/l rates on speed checker's I think I'l back to around 70Mbit, so I'm hunting around for further info and if I'm honest, I think I have arrived at the conclusion that I'm probably now also effected by G.INP. I can see that totally unrelated to the 'pole' incident my line went down to 71858 on 31st March.

I've put a cheeky punt on a Huwai VDSL modem on eBay but beyond that there's not much I can do but keep an eye on things on here.

I never intended to spend the evening reading up on this but I'm glad I did.

Unfortunately only last year my ADSL router gave up and I bought a TP-Link 8980, otherwise I'd probably go and buy a 9890 as I do link TP-Link's service. Will sit tight for now though.

Sorry for the rambling reply...

[EDIT] Oh, no idea what kit is in our green box. Now I've also seen the pictures I may take a walk at the weekend. I know where the box is...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 02:18:04 AM by MartinW »


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #109 on: April 22, 2015, 02:20:30 AM »

Are you connected to a Huawei cabinet or an ECI cabinet?

That's the key question.


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #110 on: April 22, 2015, 02:23:00 AM »

Yeah, will take a wonder when I get 5 minutes.

Black Sheep

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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #111 on: April 22, 2015, 07:23:01 AM »

I can only comment on the modules the other guys mentioned, and is really just for info purposes.

My own personal view is, they aren't as good as the old-style screw terminations. The new ones are a 'push-fit', and as such the engineer has no idea whether the made connection is good or not ??
On 0.4mm Aluminium DP feeds (IE: The bigger cable running up the pole to the block, from the underground box), we have historically had massive issues with poor terminations and the wires will just pull out of the module with ease. The work-around is to 'Crimp' a short length of 0.5mm jumper-wire to the Ali, then use this to terminate into the module.

As I say, I couldn't possibly comment on if you do have an issue with the modules or not, only an on-site engineer could do that. Oh, and welcome to the forums, Martin.  ;D ;D


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #112 on: April 22, 2015, 08:19:14 AM »

Bear in mind through all of this I'm on an ECI modem that is locked so the only way I can see my sync rate is from Zen's portal "line data"

A reminder that, if you are on a BT Wholesale backhaul, then you can find out your sync speed another way.

Run a speedtest on the BT Wholesale speedtester. At the end, when it offers the extra diagnostics, select those, enter your phone number and run the tests. The page updates to include your speedtest results, but more importantly, it shows your IP profile speeds. Ignore the upstream one (it always reads your full package speed), but look at the downstream speed.

Your downstream sync speed will be 3.3% higher than the profile speed.

I work from home, permanently, and internet is critical for me as I manage a virtual infrastructure remotely.

Time for a backup connection mechanism - A PAYG 4G connection perhaps, depending on your coverage at home?

If so, you might want to consider something like the Billion 8800AXL modem, which includes the ability to fall back onto 4G. Or a standalone modem that you can switch to.


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #113 on: April 22, 2015, 11:47:02 AM »

I had a drive past the box on my way back from somewhere earlier. It looks like we have one of the small Huawei 96/128 boxes. Bearing in mind the high proportion of elderly in this area that makes sense (I guess).

I haven't really considered a backup. I usually keep backup kit but other than that my backup, if things are going to be down for any more than a day is to get in the car and do the 4h drive to the office - anything up to a day, it's a welcome break ;D

As far as mobile goes, it's terrible. Our house is situated right between two masts and flips between them all the time. Until the day the pole got switched over I had never even seen 4G anywhere I have been in the UK but that day as my internet was down I had the phone off the wireless and I noticed that the weaker of the two masts is now showing 4G. But sadly only 1 or 2 bars if I'm upstairs. The stronger mast (full reception) is 3G. And it keeps flipping between the two which is annoying. When we moved in I was with Vodfaone and they had the cheek to suggest I should not have bought the house (the weaker mast would not give me reception at all at the time so I kept losing mobile altogether). Needless to say I bought out of that contract and am no longer with them!

Anyway, I digress. We're on Huawei cab, ECI modem.


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #114 on: April 22, 2015, 11:58:18 AM »

You should definitely get a modem that supports G.INP. The difference is very worthwhile.

Did you know that EE have just enabled wifi calling, and Vodafone will do in the summer?


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #115 on: April 22, 2015, 12:33:59 PM »

Thanks Dray.

I meant to add that I just did a BTW speed test and can confirm that my sync speed is back up to 71858 which is where it dropped to (from 80001) on 31/3/14. So I'm happy now (poss. not the right word) the the issue caused by the telegraph pole replacement was resolved yesterday when the last engineer was up there :)

So, we're getting there.

I'm not really all that fussed about straying too far from the stock setup so I will pursue the Huawei modems and see if I can get one of those. I need to look at mobiles and consider 3G/4G backup but I don't use my mobile phone too much and therefore hate contracts. I'm just on £7.50 PAYG with giffgaff at the moment and don't even use all of that. Apart from maybe if I'm travelling for work then the data will get used.


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #116 on: April 22, 2015, 01:39:30 PM »

BT Openreach has temporarily suspended g.inp enabled for now until further notice.


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #117 on: April 22, 2015, 01:45:33 PM »

Where did you get that information from?
Broadband and Line rental: Zen Unlimited Fibre 2, Mobile: Vodaphone
Router: Fritz!Box 7530


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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #118 on: April 22, 2015, 03:10:01 PM »

BT Openreach has temporarily suspended g.inp enabled for now until further notice.

Max, please post the link to Openreach's announcement of the above.
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Re: G.INP - BT rollout 2015.
« Reply #119 on: April 22, 2015, 05:59:33 PM »

Looking at the last active time on his profile he's been on here since both of our posts - but no response.

Could it be that what he's posted is as grounded in facts as most of his posts?
Broadband and Line rental: Zen Unlimited Fibre 2, Mobile: Vodaphone
Router: Fritz!Box 7530
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