Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
HG612 Modem Stats Editor & GUI v5 released
I use Avast, and it blocked upload.exe, but if you scan the file it pronounces it as safe, very odd that it comes up with two different results. Please report it as a false positive.
I ended up having an argument on the avast free forum 2 weeks ago about another .exe file. Sadly the moderators on there seemed to take a stone wall opinion of false positives. It's worth a try I suppose, if it becomes an issue. So far now its working correctly.
ahh so uploading is now a seperate exe, I need to run another update to get it.
I've noticed Avast seems to want to scan every .exe file. But they all come out good. It only does it the once.
Btw, I like the G.INP enabled information. Does this come from the modem, or is it relaying information back from the cabinet about the line?
The reason I ask is I still havent updated the modem firmware yet, so I'm wondering is it saying No, because its not seen on the modem, and could still be on the line (but the modem isn't using it)?
Sorry if that question sounds a bit confusing.. nearly confused myself too lol
It's comes from the modem data, BE1 can tell you more about as that's all his handy work, I just lookup the relevant field in the log file generated by his program.
We are only aware of one person that currently has G.INP enabled, BT have only just started rolling it out.
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