well plusnet claimed earlier in the year when asked people are on the speed profile, would they lie, or have they misjudged who knows?
I estimated kitz last week to have less than 2880ES when she got interleaved but unfortunately she never confirmed that 24H stats from her router.
I think its not 100% accurate to guess daily ES from those graphs tho.
I think people only get unbanded if they syncing at the max cap of the band. I am more referring to interleaving levels.
It's all confusing, as I expect there's more to the DLM algorithm than just those ranges. The training doc states that it also takes into account the history of the line, the FEC count, and variations in things such as the rate (presumably either attainable rate or sync rate, not sure), that's assuming it's all accurate information.
Unfortunately the unbanding didn't work that way for me. More than a year ago I was stuck on 60/20 although I had an attainable rate of over 90 meg down. Around late December 2013 to January 2014 I was back at 80/20. I wasn't interleaved on either band. Suffice to say it took several months before I managed to get 80/20 back, either due to a reset that was performed at the cabinet perhaps (firmware upgrade rolling out at the time for the HG612?), or something relating to DLM's algorithm decided to let me have 80/20 again.
As it stands, at the moment I'm officially below the estimates on both clean and impacted ranges. Attainables are currently 98 meg down and 21 meg up (reduced transmit power which increased the downstream attainable rate but reduced the upstream attainable rate, obviously relating to the attempt to cut down the number of ES on my connection - though ASUS doesn't report an accurate number I'm trying to count it by other means). I may return to the ECI /r if it doesn't relent in a couple of days. Another idea I had was what happened if interleaving was put on my connection, perhaps after a few weeks DLM might then unband and remove interleaving at the same time (as my connection ES should be within '< 288').