I am going to do the horrible thing and not answer your question in the positive sense (sorry)
I had one, and frankly it didn't behave well at all
I had read the grief that others had trying to get a stable, reliable connection, however I assumed that as most seemed to be running Infinity 2 (or equivalent) link speeds, my Infinity 1 (40/10) might have more luck, as the slower the link speed the easier a job the modem would have maintaining sync.
Bad assumption.
It synced up ok , but then started dropping PPP sessions (LCP link down), and then after a few drops would then drop the actual vdsl2 link and cause a resync. I was lucky to get 30 mins uptime.
I tried everything I could in terms of tweaks, including the not-so neighbourly "Disable UPBO" and the uplink tx power reduction, and I couldn't make it better at all.
At one point I managed to get 3K+ CRC errors in the space of less than an hour, and I think this points to the root cause. The PPP session was dropping due to the keep-alives getting lost, and then so many errors occurred that the link was dropped.
There was also some serious strangeness with what the telnet grabbed stats were telling me, but that is another story.
Now, this points to a crap path to the cabinet, yet my Homehub5 has only dropped the link once in 2 weeks, and performs very well (modem wise). I obviously don't have access to any more line stats (i.e. CRC error count) using that device, but basically the link is as near 100% stable as you can get - it cannot be that bad else the HH5 would be having problems as well.
So, I gave up with the Asus. A real shame - it has a lot of potential ...
I have a Billion 8800NL on its way that will reveal more about the link condition, but basically I think the Asus vdsl2 driver is a bit unforgiving, very prone to errors and in my case was totally unreliable, even on a 40/10 connection