Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
Getting extra DSL stats from TP-Link modem/routers
DSLstats reports the values provided by the 'official' Broadcom commands, so they should be more correct than the values given in the GUI. An upstream attenuation of 0 dB is obviously not real, but that is what the Broadcom command reports.
--- Quote from: mofa2020 on November 09, 2020, 11:24:26 AM ---Welcome to the forum :)
Did you use StatPOSTer to encrypt the .xml file into .bin? I am using the VR400 V2 and tried this step on two computers and StatPOSTer did not create any .bin file on both of them, so if you could tell me which Windows version you are using or anything that can help me..
For your line attenuation, I believe that web version is more correct as if you look to DSLstats upstream attenuation is 0db which can not be true even the 27.9db attenuation might be not accurate I guess it would lead to lower attainable/sync. speed.. BUT in general VDSL signal is divided into bands and each band has its own attenuation so somehow routers shows something like average attenuation between bands for download and upload.
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* Windows 10 v1909
* java version "1.8.0_271"
* Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_271-b09)Just make sure to choose TD-W9970 before you encrypt the XML file.
[Moderator edited to fix the broken bullet-point list.]
--- Quote from: unc0der on November 10, 2020, 01:01:04 AM ---
* Windows 10 v1909
* java version "1.8.0_271"
* Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_271-b09)Just make sure to choose TD-W9970 before you encrypt the XML file.
[Moderator edited to fix the broken bullet-point list.]
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Thank you for the info,, tried again with no luck so I put the file on a usb stick and got the job done in internet café (I believe PC was running Windows 7) however after restoring the new conf file the router worked fine for sometime then line resynced and to my surprise found the attainable/sync. speeds dropped by ~ 50% tried to fix things with a resync. but no luck so I reverted back to the router I were using and speeds jumped to normal again.. do not know what happened..
Any word on getting this working with the VR400 v3?
I'm getting encrypted bins to generate just fine, no matter the model I opt for results in -
When trying to restore the file.
edit - after setting up a ubuntu virtual box on windows and usuing the python script method, I ended up being able to make the edit and retore the resulting bin settings file.
Still, not having any luck with DSLstats though, doesn't want to connect, unless there's something I'm missing.
Edit2 - Turns out it did work after all, got into telnet manually and "adsl show info" seems to work fine - at least I have more comprehensive stats now.
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