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Author Topic: help with my stats needed  (Read 49901 times)


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #90 on: May 14, 2014, 10:20:48 AM »

just putting up a few stats from the past 5 days.

as already stated, im around 300 meters from my cab and the stats included are based on the weather for the last 3 out of five days being heavy showers.
my line is brand new from the pole, fitted 1 year ago, and is connected directly to the NTE5 with no extensions running, directly to the HG612 and from there to my billion 7800n router.
no powerline adaptors are fitted , everything is connected by ethernet cat 5e.

...although ive only got 5 days stats so far, ive had the HG612 connected and monitored for the past 14 days, and other than a reboot of the modem 5 days ago (unknown as to why as it wasnt a resync or any noticable power cut ) the stats have stayed stable other than a noticable rise in attainable speed and SNRM over the past 24 hours.

just wondering if anyone can see anything amiss that would have caused my interleaving ( other than running a HH5 previously that would like like to constantly resync) and could tell me if im likely to see interleaving reduced or taken off soon ?

of course, ill continue to collect the stats until the end of may , but would like to power down the server asap once anything is picked up to to electric costs of running the pc 24/7.



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #91 on: May 14, 2014, 07:13:44 PM »

I can see relatively quite a lot of US Error seconds & US RSCorr/FEC errors, despite your connection achieving the full 20 Mbps US sync speed.

We don't often suuch such high US sync speeds with such relatively low DS sync speeds.

You do have a little spare DS SNRM, but not much to suggest massive improvements in sync speed.

Your QLN graph indicates a fairly steady, but highish level of background 'noise'.
-140 dBm is the 'ideal' quiet line level.
That on its own could be the reason for not having much in the way of spare DS SNRM and/or the lowish DS sync speed.

Can you hear any background hissing or humming on a quiet line phone test?

There's also quite a bit of bitswapping going on for a non-updated firmware version.

Line Attenuation isn't fantastic, but I have seen worse.

Unfortunately, the non-updated modem firmware doesn't show the 'real' DS Signal Attenuation values per band in the pbParams data, but I imagine they will actually be significantly higher than the levels shown.

I can also see smallish, but constant US SNRM fluctuations.

Do you have any ideas as to what might have caused the jumps in DS SNRM on 11th & 12th?


I'm hoping to release v 2.1 of my programs during this week.
Perhaps that might be a good time for you to try one of the updated firmware version?

FWIW, to keep the time shown along the x axis 'constant', plotting periods of 2, 3, 4, 6 12, 24 days/hours assists in determining patterns etc.



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #92 on: May 14, 2014, 07:57:02 PM »

I can see relatively quite a lot of US Error seconds & US RSCorr/FEC errors, despite your connection achieving the full 20 Mbps US sync speed.

We don't often suuch such high US sync speeds with such relatively low DS sync speeds.

You do have a little spare DS SNRM, but not much to suggest massive improvements in sync speed.

Your QLN graph indicates a fairly steady, but highish level of background 'noise'.
-140 dBm is the 'ideal' quiet line level.
That on its own could be the reason for not having much in the way of spare DS SNRM and/or the lowish DS sync speed.

Can you hear any background hissing or humming on a quiet line phone test?

QLN phone test is quiet, even using a dect phone

There's also quite a bit of bitswapping going on for a non-updated firmware version.

Line Attenuation isn't fantastic, but I have seen worse.

Unfortunately, the non-updated modem firmware doesn't show the 'real' DS Signal Attenuation values per band in the pbParams data, but I imagine they will actually be significantly higher than the levels shown.

I can also see smallish, but constant US SNRM fluctuations.

Do you have any ideas as to what might have caused the jumps in DS SNRM on 11th & 12th?

only that it tended to rain heavier during those periods

I'm hoping to release v 2.1 of my programs during this week.
Perhaps that might be a good time for you to try one of the updated firmware version?

im willing to give that a try :)

FWIW, to keep the time shown along the x axis 'constant', plotting periods of 2, 3, 4, 6 12, 24 days/hours assists in determining patterns etc.


Many thanks for taking the time to check things over BE1 ,  i shouldnt complain , theres a lot worse off than me. im hoping it just doesnt get any worse.
..... having said that , if it does, ill go with virgin media as im fully cabled for that and theres one of their green cabs outside my drive.


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #93 on: May 26, 2014, 11:14:05 AM »

just to update:

17 days without a resync now ( so the HG612 is keeping BT out at least ) , i was resyncing 2 times a week on the HH5.
the router says 30 days, due to what i suspect was a power issue in the area causing the HG612 to reboot ( hence only 17 days uptime).

i havent been able to constantly monitor stats as leaving the pc on all this time would = a massive electric bill , however from my own observation, nothing much has changed from the stats already provided in this thread.

interleaving hasnt budged from IMP 3.0 / depth 993 downstream. upstream not interleaved.

speedtesting gives a download speed of 47 Mbps constant throughout the 17 days with no variation .
SNR margin never drops below 6.0 averaging around 6.4 on downstream.

 so , whats the best way to go now ?..

should i leave well alone and continue to monitor and hope interleave relents ( if at all)

reboot the router or modem ( not sure if this would help to nudge something along or make it worse)

update to the latest firmware for the HG612.



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #94 on: May 26, 2014, 11:41:31 AM »

Apparently, 14 days of a stable connection with low error counts is often the time when DLM decides to try removing Interleaving and/or increase sync speeds.

You don't have much in the way of spare SNRM, so a simple modem reboot is unlikely to deliver much.

I would suggest now trying an updated firmware version as that does apper to improve matters (on some connections).
e.g. increased bitswapping & so on, which in turn possibly results in fewer CRC/UnCorrected type errors.

Updating the firmware to a current version will obviously cause a modem reboot, but I reckon it's an experiment worth trying (nothing ventured, nothing gained eh?).



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #95 on: May 26, 2014, 04:42:06 PM »

Hi perry081064 your DS & US Bitswaps Graph really caught my eye, see how during the morning your swaps are at it's lowest point at 9am and as the evening starts to arrive the swaps start to climb and by 22:30pm the swaps are at there highest point  :-\



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #96 on: May 26, 2014, 05:08:57 PM »

Thanks for your feedback guys :)

BE1 and NewtronStar , you have both made some very valid points , i didnt think a simple reboot would help either , but just wanted a second opinion.
also , as BE1 states, theres not much leeway in SNRM to make much of a difference anyway.

i wasnt sure how long to wait for a resync , but it seems as mentioned , i should have seen a possible resync within 14 days stable , its coming up to 18 days now, and not a sign of anything occuring.

NewtronStar , the bitswap graphs are something ive been mainly watching too, and they have been following the path you mention , however by 11pm seem to settle down again.

dont get me wrong guys, im happy to be getting the 47 Mbps downspeed , an increase back to 60 would be great too , however i dont want to do anything thats liable to make it any worse.

i think ill give it 20 days , then i will try the latest firmware ..can anyone point me in the right direction to the steps required as ive never done a firmware upgrade before as i bought the HG612 already unlocked.

thanks again for all the help guys  :)


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #97 on: May 26, 2014, 05:38:18 PM »

can anyone point me in the right direction to the steps required as ive never done a firmware upgrade before as i bought the HG612 already unlocked.

Hmmm perry I would would have thought you'd flashed that HG612 yourself, anyway it not a big deal but you need to follow the Instruction's by the book !

You will need to get latest firmware file and save it to you computer first.

and read through this tutorial



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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #98 on: May 26, 2014, 05:50:08 PM »

can anyone point me in the right direction to the steps required as ive never done a firmware upgrade before as i bought the HG612 already unlocked.

Hmmm perry I would would have thought you'd flashed that HG612 yourself, anyway it not a big deal but you need to follow the Instruction's by the book !

You will need to get latest firmware file and save it to you computer first.

and read through this tutorial


i prob would have if i could have got a cheap locked one at the time  :)

thanks, that was the link i was looking for, cheers mate !


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #99 on: May 27, 2014, 11:14:26 AM »

Apparently, 14 days of a stable connection with low error counts is often the time when DLM decides to try removing Interleaving and/or increase sync speeds.

You don't have much in the way of spare SNRM, so a simple modem reboot is unlikely to deliver much.

I would suggest now trying an updated firmware version as that does apper to improve matters (on some connections).
e.g. increased bitswapping & so on, which in turn possibly results in fewer CRC/UnCorrected type errors.

Updating the firmware to a current version will obviously cause a modem reboot, but I reckon it's an experiment worth trying (nothing ventured, nothing gained eh?).

i decided not to wait any longer  :baby:

firmware is now updated as from this morning ( 27th May 2014).

server is being switched on in a minute or two to start collecting stats from HG612 Modem Stats , will try DSLstats on my main pc too but it usually crahes out if they are both going.

stats on day1

Code: [Select]
Stats recorded 27 May 2014 11:19:38

DSLAM/MSAN type:        IFTN:0xb203 / v0xb203
Modem/router firmware:  AnnexA version - A2pv6C038m.d24j
DSL mode:                VDSL2
Status:                  Showtime
Uptime:                  40 min 55 sec
Resyncs:                0 (since 27 May 2014 10:43:53)

Downstream Upstream
Attenuation (dB):        18.2 0.0
Connection speed (kbps): 51601 20000
SNR margin (dB):        6.3 6.3
Power (dBm):            13.1 6.4
Interleave depth:        1009 1
INP:                    3.00 0

RSCorr/RS (%):          0.0004 0.0044
RSUnCorr/RS (%):        0.0000 0.0000
ES/hour:                0.29 4.60

Code: [Select]
xdslcmd info --stats
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 21951 Kbps, Downstream rate = 59092 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 51601 Kbps

Link Power State: L0
Mode: VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile: Profile 17a
TPS-TC: PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis: U:ON /D:ON
Line Status: No Defect
Training Status: Showtime
Down Up
SNR (dB): 6.3 6.3
Attn(dB): 18.2 0.0
Pwr(dBm): 13.1 6.4
VDSL2 framing
Bearer 0
MSGc: 18 150
B: 51 236
M: 1 1
T: 64 5
R: 12 16
S: 0.0321 0.3771
L: 15968 5410
D: 1009 1
I: 64 255
N: 64 255
Bearer 0
OHF: 1192159 400855
OHFErr: 0 3
RS: 305069576 272926
RSCorr: 1224 12
RSUnCorr: 0 0

Bearer 0
HEC: 0 0
OCD: 0 0
LCD: 0 0
Total Cells: 243646123 0
Data Cells: 2600353 0
Drop Cells: 0
Bit Errors: 0 0

ES: 0 3
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
AS: 2456

Bearer 0
INP: 3.00 0.00
INPRein: 0.00 0.00
delay: 8 0
PER: 2.06 6.15
OR: 93.19 202.87
AgR: 51694.07 20203.27

Bitswap: 1664/1664 0/0

Total time = 41 min 22 sec
FEC: 1224 12
CRC: 0 3
ES: 0 3
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Latest 15 minutes time = 11 min 22 sec
FEC: 461 6
CRC: 0 1
ES: 0 1
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC: 332 6
CRC: 0 2
ES: 0 2
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Latest 1 day time = 41 min 22 sec
FEC: 1224 12
CRC: 0 3
ES: 0 3
SES: 0 0
UAS: 26 26
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
FEC: 0 0
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Since Link time = 40 min 55 sec
FEC: 1224 12
CRC: 0 3
ES: 0 3
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0

wish me luck :-\
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 11:20:50 AM by perry081064 »


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2014, 07:46:17 PM »

i decided not to wait any longer  :baby:

firmware is now updated as from this morning ( 27th May 2014).

server is being switched on in a minute or two to start collecting stats from HG612 Modem Stats , will try DSLstats on my main pc too but it usually crahes out if they are both going.

wish me luck :-\

See that was not so hard you don't need any luck you have successfully flashed a new firmware into the HG612 -> Modem/router firmware: AnnexA version - A2pv6C038m.d24j
Well done  ;D

As for the crashes you will need the Help of Roseway and BaldEagle1 and I think if you have two DSLstats running together on same PC it causes it to crash when running it on a server, I am not well versed on this issue so they will help you  ;) 


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2014, 08:16:49 PM »

See that was not so hard you don't need any luck you have successfully flashed a new firmware into the HG612 -> Modem/router firmware: AnnexA version - A2pv6C038m.d24j
Well done  ;D

As for the crashes you will need the Help of Roseway and BaldEagle1 and I think if you have two DSLstats running together on same PC it causes it to crash when running it on a server, I am not well versed on this issue so they will help you  ;)

nah , it wasnt hard , i was just lazy and just purchased one pre flashed .
didnt know at the time that it would prob need reflashing anyway as i thought it was the latest firmware at the time lol.

ive got both the stats programs running through the server now, and no crashes on any of them.
it only crashes DSLstats when i run it through any pc when modem stats is running on the server.

on a good note, for around 9 hours uptime , im not seeing as many errors....yet.
...will upload some graphs after 24 hours.


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2014, 08:46:06 PM »

nah , it wasnt hard , i was just lazy and just purchased one pre flashed .
didnt know at the time that it would prob need reflashing anyway as i thought it was the latest firmware at the time lol.

Thats ok, now you know how to find which firmware is installed on the HG612, It looks like when you purchased the HG612 is was using the older firmware but it may have been updated by the BT agent soon after you powerd it up & connected the DSL cable.

There are some members here that block the firmware updates coming in and find the older firmware works better for them, for me on a longer line the A2pv6C038m.d24j feels better  ;)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 08:48:42 PM by NewtronStar »


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #103 on: May 28, 2014, 05:23:55 PM »

stats after 24 hours.

feel free to ask to see any other graphs guys :)


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Re: help with my stats needed
« Reply #104 on: May 28, 2014, 06:51:41 PM »

It might be interesting if you could zip & post the Plink logs from the 2 snapshot montages you have posted in this thread.

Also, ongoing graphs/modem_stats.logs over a few days may highlight any differences between the 2 different modem firmware versions.

From the version number (4.1) as shown in your graphs, it looks like you are still using an older version of the HG612 Modem Stats programs.

v 2.11 is on its way - as soon as I get the relevant debugging logs back from a couple of users currently testing it out & if it appears to be reliable (unless you want me to post the latest programs for you to try out).

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