Hi Roseway, kitz and all you other most helpful folks,
I may be tempting fate with this post, but things seem to be pretty good at present. Still connected at 4265, profile of 3.5mb
Had a few drops but has resynced above 4000 for nearly a week now! (Maybe after a TSNR reset the system retrains itself?) - Anyway - Well pleased
Hell, if that hasn't put a jinx on it, I may be finally OK - 'pray & fingers crossed' !
I got a call from BT chairmans office with regard to all my communications (2 really long letters, 3 emails and countless phone calls to the helplines) apologising for the inconvenience, and the fact my letters were mislaid and since been found! They made no excuses and were really apologetic and are refunding 3 months bb subscription.
After nearly 3 months of perseverence, hopefully I can finally put this to bed!
So a message to anyone having problems, if you can contain your rage and frustration, keep badgering along it may be worth it in the end!?
All the best