Vista - How to Disable the Confirm User Changes in User Account Control (UAC)
Built into Vista is a new feature called "User Account Control" (UAC)
Yes, you know the one, that annoying pop-up screen that pops-up each time you may want to alter or view something.
The User Account Control (UAC) forces users each time to confirm actions that could potentially harm their PC or make important changes.
(Even when they are not always important changes)
Okay it may be a sensible idea, but it can be very annoying especially for intermediate or advanced users.
But if you are sure and confident you can do without it, then you can turn it off as follows.
First of all.
As you will see, I have my PC set to open folders in the "Classic View" but use whichever setting you are happy with.
1. Click "
Start" then open "
Control Panel"

2. Click the "
User Accounts" icon.
or3. Click the "
Turn User Account Control on or off".
... (Bottom option)
Remove the tick from the "1. Use User Account Control (UAC) .... check-box" and then click "2. OK".
... (Mine is already removed, so the box is empty)
Then, just exit as you normally do.
However, Microsoft strongly recommended that novice users keep (UAC) active.
Once it's disabled Windows constantly "NAGS" that something is wrong.
So either go to: - How to Disable the Windows Security Center Notification
(or click Here):