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E-Readers and Tablets

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With my wife's birthday coming up on the 23rd  :angel: she dropped a hint about a Kindle or other make as she likes her books.
What can you tell me about these devices please.

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Black Sheep:
Not much on a technical level, but I can recommend them personally. I didn't think I would adjust to E-reading but now, I don't think I'll ever buy a 'normal' book again. Is that a travesty in itself, or progress ??

Get one mate.


--- Quote from: Black Sheep on February 10, 2013, 06:21:38 PM ---Is that a travesty in itself, or progress ??

--- End quote ---

Sorry but yes it is a travesty  ;) Seriously though I wish they had been around when I was working as I could have carried my whole manual collection on something like this, but to me there is nothing but nothing like a book in hardcopy, the smell, the feel, the way you can flip back (and forth if you cant wait) so easily, to me an e-reader is too much like being on a computer. Having a real book in hand is relaxing and that's how it should be. Plus what happens when you're on the beach and get to an exiting part and the battery goes flat and you left the spare at home on charge!


I've had a Kindle for some time, and now I wouldn't be without it. It's very readable, even in bright light, and so convenient. It's perfect for the kind of book which you read straight through from beginning to end (e.g. a novel) but not so convenient for the kind of book in which you need to refer to diagrams and then back to the text.


--- Quote from: broadstairs on February 10, 2013, 06:35:45 PM ---what happens when you're on the beach and get to an exiting part and the battery goes flat and you left the spare at home on charge
--- End quote ---
Kindles last for months, literally!
(battery is inbuilt and recharges quite quickly)

Amazon say:

--- Quote ---Battery Life

With Kindle's long battery life, you can read your Kindle device for up to 10 days with wireless on. In Aeroplane mode, you can read for up to one month. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content.

--- End quote ---


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