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Apple iOS 6.0.x and IPv6

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Grrrr. Why does iOS 6.0 (and 6.0.1) for iPad not speak IPv6 any more over wireless LAN.

Older releases 4.x and 5.x do the right thing and my older iPads pick up a global public IPv6 address for themselves on my WLAN fine. (I have native IPv6 from isp But the first two new 6.0.x releases don't seem to see the RA from my router (which is a Firebrick FB2500 with a TP-Link access point attached to it) or at least that's how it appears.

Other operating systems are happy to speak IPv6 on the same LAN, an oldish version of Android on a Sony Walkperson personal music player box thingy has no problem acquiring a global public routable ipv6 address for itself. Two MS Windows boxes have died on me - hard disk failures in both laptop and desktop machine - so I would have had a Vista box to test, a first-class ipv6 citizen. I have a winxp sp3 box running which can be persuaded to speak ipv6 and I can use that as an additional test tool. Old iPad running latest 4.x.x o/s is perfectly fine.

What on earth isApple doing? These two iOS releases seem to be a fair old mess. I can't print from the 6.x ipad anymore. Again an iOS 4.x iPad 2 works though, so the only solution for printing is to get stuff copied over onto that older machine. I suspect that these problems are linked. Theory: Apple printing over the WLAN involves ipv6. Since the iPad doesn't list any discovered printer names anymore so you can't attempt to print. Somehow OS 6.0.0/6.0.1 isn't dealing zero-conf discovery of printers properly and I'm assuming this printer discovery may involve ipv6, normally link-local ipv6. To detect Apple-friendly kit they fire up their Apple Multicast m-DNS. (Microsoft do a similar thing, ipv6 with ND and their LLMNS "link-local multicast name resolution" with their zeroconf magic discovery process)


>> Why does iOS 6.0 (and 6.0.1) for iPad not speak IPv6 any more over wireless LAN.

Despite the nag screens, Ive still not updated my devices to iOS 6.x.  I learnt my lesson a while ago on my ipod and whilst it wasnt too disastrous it meant a bit of messing about. Ive since waited before doing any updates on my iPad.

By all accounts iOS 6.x seems to be a bit too quirky yet for me to want to risk it, with numerous complaints in particular the maps and IPv6 problems.  Im not too chuffed about the withdrawal of gmaps.. and even more so the YouTube app. Because Apple wont let me install flash on my i-pad, the loss of the YouTube app I definitely would miss.. and no I dont want to install the ad-ridden alternative :(

>> What on earth isApple doing?

Ive really no idea.  Yes I love my i-devices, but I certainly dont like the way Apple are going. 
They are getting way too restrictive and IMO down-right greedy about certain aspects.  They are also getting away with things that M$ would never be able to do without causing one hell of an uproar.  All credit to Apple for finding a niche with the i-devices, but theres quite a lot of things that Im liking Apple less and less for these days.

iOS 6.x seems to be a bit of a pigsear and the worst update so far, leaving many users unable to connect to their own WLANs and other wi-fi spots.

Sorry that I havent been able to help.  I do hope that Apple sort this mess out soon.

I won't be buying any more Apple kit in future. Ever. The iPad 1 was my first toe into rhe water with Apple. The relationship hasn't worked out.

The iPad is just way, way too restrictive. The fact that you can't share files between applications, no networked file system, can't copy files between iPads, the list goes on and on. These limitations omissions and bizarre restrictions might have made some kind of sense when the h/w platform was a phone but the iPad is potentially a grown-up computer. With tools like TexTastic, I could edit code all day, I could even use it as development platform, but its just too artificially restricted.

Shame. The iPad 3 hardware is beautiful. I'll be buying a Microsoft Windows 9 Pro tablet instead. (I mean 9.) not the ARM 'rt' variant. A Surface 2 or some such.

Apple don't have much time left before the tidal wave of tablets washes them away. Remember Compaq? Who does?

Can any iOS 6 users print at all?

I wont go into the various rumours about ipv6 on iOS6 (you can google those yourself and draw your own conclusions), but it would indeed seem that iOS6 devices do 'phone home to Apple' to authenticate your device each time you try to connect to via wifi, and wont connect to your network unless the device has been authenticated as genuine.

Without doubt iOS6 does appear to be all about locking down and restricting the i-devices - to date it cant be jailbroken (untethered). 

What I also find amazing is that from 28th of Oct it is now ILLEGAL to jailbreak your i-device.  Previously we all knew the risks of jailbreaking and it could void your warranty - thats fair enough -  but to make it illegal under the DMCA is a whole new ball game. 

If I jailbroke one of my devices I would do so only because I wanted to install legitimate apps such as Flash or those which enabled me to share legitimate files between my other devices.. not because I want to put pirated material on it.  How many other users only jailbreak so they can free themselves from Apples dictatorship of what you can and cant install.. NOT because they want to use pirated files and apps.

The recent turn of events has made me regret ever buying anything Apple, like you I wont be doing so again.  I feel Apple have become too greedy and restrictive and they are cutting their own throats. :(

My next purchase will either be Android or Windows. I want a device that:-

* Will let me use Flash if I want to.
* Will natively let me use google maps and youtube videos.
* Will let me install another browser of my own choice.
* Will let me easily communicate with other machines on my network.
* Will let me transfer files between my devices.
* Will let me upgrade the hardware without ripping me off.
* Have such things as USB and SD card slots to make life easy.
* Give me at least some control over what I want to do on MY device.
The above isnt too much too ask. All of the above is available for non-Apple devices.


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