>> Why does iOS 6.0 (and 6.0.1) for iPad not speak IPv6 any more over wireless LAN.
Despite the nag screens, Ive still not updated my devices to iOS 6.x. I learnt my lesson a while ago on my ipod and whilst it wasnt too disastrous it meant a bit of messing about. Ive since waited before doing any updates on my iPad.
By all accounts iOS 6.x seems to be a bit too quirky yet for me to want to risk it, with numerous complaints in particular the maps and IPv6 problems. Im not too chuffed about the withdrawal of gmaps.. and even more so the YouTube app. Because Apple wont let me install flash on my i-pad, the loss of the YouTube app I definitely would miss.. and no I dont want to install the ad-ridden alternative

>> What on earth isApple doing?
Ive really no idea. Yes I love my i-devices, but I certainly dont like the way Apple are going.
They are getting way too restrictive and IMO down-right greedy about certain aspects. They are also getting away with things that M$ would never be able to do without causing one hell of an uproar. All credit to Apple for finding a niche with the i-devices, but theres quite a lot of things that Im liking Apple less and less for these days.
iOS 6.x seems to be a bit of a pigsear and the worst update so far, leaving many users unable to connect to their own WLANs and other wi-fi spots.
Sorry that I havent been able to help. I do hope that Apple sort this mess out soon.