Iam using my HG612 (DHCP) with my Sky-Hub (which I use for wifi) - Iam turning off DHCP in the hub and matched its IP Address to the HG612's LAN DHCP Range.. works great..
but , ive learned that the sky-hub was designed with the HG612 in mind, in that it has a special WANoE mode for those on FTTC, as far as Iam aware the stats from the HG612 are displayed in the Hub, from what I been reading it seems that the HG612 just makes the connection then passes that off too the other router and the router handles DHCP and displays connection stats etc..
I would like to try this and see if I can get it too work... but I am unfamiliar with some of the options in the HG612, I wondered if anyone could help me set it up like that...
would there be any performance benefits from this?
would I still be able to access the HG612 and tweak SNRM?