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Author Topic: Your valued thoughts, please ??  (Read 48335 times)


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2012, 09:06:34 PM »

nps, always lots of things to learn with PCs (and Macs).

What I normally do is if I pull images from my camera then want to edit one for some reason or other I normally save a copy which is the one that I then play with.

For example if the image from your camera was 100_0283.jpg, then save a copy of it as 100_0283a.jpg or 100_0283_copy.jpg, then you always know which is the original and which is the one that youve resized etc.
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Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2012, 09:18:22 PM »

nps, always lots of things to learn with PCs (and Macs).

What I normally do is if I pull images from my camera then want to edit one for some reason or other I normally save a copy which is the one that I then play with.

For example if the image from your camera was 100_0283.jpg, then save a copy of it as 100_0283a.jpg or 100_0283_copy.jpg, then you always know which is the original and which is the one that youve resized etc.

Thanks again, and I can assure you I'm learning the hard way ....... I've lost/deleted one photo already !! :-[

Obviously, I'm practising with a few I took yesterday, so no big deal. What I could do with is an 'Idiots guide to using OS X Mac Lion'. Or, maybe a 'Kitz' tucked away in the spare room ???  :) ;D


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2012, 10:17:32 PM »

I know it's an extravagance but, considering the price of sd cards, and how long they take me to fill, I never re-use them, just buy a new one when needed about every 18 months.

That way, should it transpire that I accidentally trashed a photo, or that my stack of back up DVDs suddenly are unreadable, I can always fall back on the last resort of just copying the card again. :)

Have fun with the Mac BS.  And welcome to the cult. >:D

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2012, 07:33:14 AM »

Ha ha 7LM ...... thank you for the warm welcome to the cult. I've got to slaughter my first goat later today, after which Apple said they'd show me the 'back door' to obtaining Microsoft Office for the Mac.  ;D


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2012, 07:53:46 AM »

There's always 'Libre Open Office' which does just about everything Microsoft office does, it's compatible with Microsoft office and it's free.
Colin II : It's no good being a pessimist, it wouldn't work anyway.

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2012, 02:19:00 PM »

Thanks SS, I wasn't aware of that site. Alas, I was only jesting in my comments above, obviously about the goat, but also about the MS Office suite too.

Due to the fact my wife is doing a Masters Degree, she needs the MS version to do whatever it is she does. We actually bought it when we got the i-Mac and i-Pad, and was a critical leverage point with my missus's bartering technique. I'm not kidding, she is the best in the business at cutting a deal. Especially as Apple do not do discounts on their products. They do 'Educational discounts', but that's it. We (or rather she) did alright though.

This was the sales rep as we were leaving =>  :no: :'( :no:


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2012, 02:35:39 PM »

I may be mistaken but I think Microsoft office was designed around Star Office which has had a couple of name changes now and ended up with Libre Office.
It has a big following in the corporate world as there is payed for versions as well as the Free Licensed. It is open source so is left alone by hackers and such.
Ah well needs must eh!.

I would have expected the sales rep being more like this  :cry2:
Colin II : It's no good being a pessimist, it wouldn't work anyway.

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2012, 09:30:35 PM »

Either way, tis a good tip if others are looking in on this thread, SS.

I've just spent about 4hrs cleaning the old PC up, uninstalling, exporting piccies, saving docs etc etc ........ I can tell you now, I shan't miss the whirring fan noise one little bit. Even though it's not faulty, the noise level is very noticeable compared to my new best-friend ...... the silent i-Mac. ;) ;D

If anybody's interested, I'll let you look at her for 30 seconds for just a quid. If you want to run your fingers gently around the edge of the screen, it'll be a fiver. Form an orderly queue please.  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2012, 12:33:31 AM »

I can tell you now, I shan't miss the whirring fan noise one little bit. Even though it's not faulty, the noise level is very noticeable compared to my new best-friend ...... the silent i-Mac. ;) ;D

Indeed, the cool ( silent) running of my Mac Mini is perhaps its greatest asset.  I suspect it comes from Apples tendency to design the whole box as a system with carefully considered airflow (patented I believe), rather than follow the herd's formula of a generic ITX motherboard, in a generic cabinet, with copious vents and crossed fingers that it'll all stay cool, backed up by massive fans just in case.

I'm not a fully fledged cult member as I reserve the right to vent my cynicism when I feel the urge, but I do credit Apple with getting the hardware right, to the extent you wonder what the generic PC makers have been doing this past 20 years.  And it's so darned gorgeous looking too :)

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2012, 07:44:21 AM »

I'm no techy at all, when it comes to PC's, 7LM. But I fully understand your point regarding the 'cooling' of other systems. Why haven't the others engineered around this issue ?? If Apple can, then I'm sure MS have the funds to reciprocate ??

Or, is it this aspect of the Mac models that makes it that much more expensive than their cheaper cousins ??

My thoughts (still as an excited schoolboy), is that I love my Mac. I was messing about with the photo's I've accrued over the years and the clarity/sharpness of them is immense. The whole experience is sharper, whatever you access !! I've just ordered the 'Idiotd guide to LION OS X',to ensure I make the most out of it, as navigating is completely different to Windows. But, as somebody who uses a desktop PC every day, and someone who has worked hard all my life, I can justify this small extravagance and love every inch of it. Roll on early evening when I can get back to it. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2012, 08:01:48 AM »

The point about the PC of course is that it's an open design - it isn't owned by a single company like the Mac is. It's built from a kit of standardised parts with many competing suppliers, so the price is low but there's no unified overall design. You can buy more expensive PCs in attractive boxes, but not many people are prepared to pay a lot extra for something which is no better technically but just looks pretty.


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2012, 08:51:16 AM »

The point about the PC of course is that it's an open design - it isn't owned by a single company like the Mac is. It's built from a kit of standardised parts with many competing suppliers, so the price is low but there's no unified overall design. You can buy more expensive PCs in attractive boxes, but not many people are prepared to pay a lot extra for something which is no better technically but just looks pretty.

Agreed.  And when it comes to the Mac Mini of course there's nothing to stop other manufacturers from making smaller systems based on (say) mini-itx form factor.  And a few do, often calling them 'net top' computers.  But I'm not sure how many average people are even aware of such systems?   Also they tend to be low-end, and usually target a specific function, such as a home-theatre, rather than as a generic desktop.

Come what may though, when it does come to unusual packaging, I'm not aware of anybody that makes half as good a job of it as Apple.   :)


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2012, 10:21:59 AM »

Im not anti-Apple (as you know I own a few apple products) and whilst I agree they look smart and apple do great designs I think the major thing for me when it comes to Apple Desktops is the price, how hard it is to upgrade, and what you get for your £ you can get much higher spec in PCs.  My own personal bug-bear with anything apple is how difficult it is to upgrade without it costing an arm and a leg..  thats if you can.. and dont have to buy a whole new machine.  Personally I'd feel too restricted, and to be happy Id also need a PC.

You cant really compare M$ to Apple because M$ are primarily software designers and dont build complete systems. 
In fact M$ in some ways have it tougher because they are seen as the major O/S supplier - they have the monopoly and therefore the regulators could be seen to come down harder on them than they do the others in some areas - Just like how BT cant get away with some of the stuff that the smaller operators can.  Take for example bundling a web-browser or email client into their operating system..  yet Apple and even the linux distros can and do.  Nor can they charge for service pack upgrades or else there would be a huge outcry.  Think of the upgrades XP has gone through over the past >10yrs and its all free.

Design is down to the likes of Dell/Medion/whoever, and there are some pretty smart all-in-ones appearing on the market at a fraction of the cost of Apple, often with higher spec internals.

Dont get me wrong either by thinking Im an out and out MS fan.. because M$ do have their faults too that Im well aware of.   I had my eyes open wide many years ago when I had to write a thesis comparing 3 different Operating Systems, and another module where we had to design a complete new network for a small graphics design company, right down to the machines and software. Apple arent totally whiter than white either.

At the end of the day, its horses for courses and both systems come into their own in different respects.
Apple do some fantastic stuff... its sexi as hell.. but it is overpriced for what you get.
There will always be debates between different operating systems and PCs -v- Macs.   I see it as choice and its healthy that there are alternatives. 

However, you are quite right, when you work hard for your money and you see something that you like and it appeals to you..  then I really dont have any problem in the slightest with someone getting what they want.   Go for it..  and enjoy..  thats what computing is supposed to be all about :)
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Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2012, 04:15:20 PM »

Absolutely spot-on with your final sentence, Kitz. If it looks and feels right, one will be more likely to continue using it, than if it is clunky, slow, always screen-freezing etc etc .....

As I say, I'm not geeky enough to compare OS's at many levels, but I can say that for what I need it for, it is looking pretty good atm.  :)

From post above ..... 'If anybody's interested, I'll let you look at her for 30 seconds for just a quid. If you want to run your fingers gently around the edge of the screen, it'll be a fiver. Form an orderly queue please'.

I take it from your comments, I can put you down for a fiver, Kitz ?? ;) ;D ;)


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2012, 06:14:03 PM »

From post above ..... 'If anybody's interested, I'll let you look at her for 30 seconds for just a quid. If you want to run your fingers gently around the edge of the screen, it'll be a fiver. Form an orderly queue please'.

Get Windows 7 on it & I'd pay a tenner :P
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