The 'official' Apple silver keyboard is pretty, but not particularly nice to use, still I use one for the MAC Mini as, although a windows keyboard will work, some of the keys are subtly different which would annoy me. When in Rome, do as the Romans and all that.
A couple of days ago I noticed the USB cable, which is unusually thin and fragile, had somehow got physically damaged, a nasty graze and exposed wires leading to intermittent operation. No problem, I'm fully qualified to wield a soldering iron, so all I had to do was open it up and replace the cable with that from a dead mouse that's been lying around for a while. Clever, huh?

A quick bit of internet research tells me the keyboards are glued together, and not just at the edges, each layer of construction seems to be glued on top of other layers - the whole thing sounds like a kind of 'potted' construction. They simply cannot be dismantled without destroying them, and a new keyboard is of the order of £40!
For the time being I've settled for a shameful looking spliced repair,
all bound up bodged with insulating tape. Longer term, I'll fit a new USB plug to the short 'stub' of remaining cable, then use a USB extension cable to connect to the MAC. But what a palaver over a damaged keyboard cable, why is nothing ever easy when fixing/modifying Apple bits!?