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Author Topic: Your valued thoughts, please ??  (Read 48336 times)

Black Sheep

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Your valued thoughts, please ??
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:51:26 PM »

After 8yrs of using my current desktop PC, we've (The wife and I) decided to purchase a newer, more modern PC.

During my day-to-day job, I see literally hundreds of different PC's, but the one that really caught my eye was the i-Mac. My wife likes the look of them and the fact that they are virtually 'wire-free', so the battle is almost won.  ;) :D

What I hoping to obtain from you guys in the know, is, are there any pitfalls to the i-Mac that I should know about ?? Also, where would be the best place to purchase one from ?? IE- Are there any kind of trade-price websites I could visit, etc ??? We would only want a brand new one.

Thanks in advance, for any and all help.  :)


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 04:25:56 PM »

It runs OS X rather than Windows so you will have to get used to a whole new operating system and it is quite different, although one gets used to it quickly.

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 04:27:57 PM »

I take your point about another OS, but what is the big difference between what I have now (Vista) and OS X ??? You'll have to forgive my naievity, but I'm not clued-up at all when it comes down to hardware/devices etc.


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 04:33:41 PM »

I take your point about another OS, but what is the big difference between what I have now (Vista) and OS X ???

Quite a bit :). It looks very different, for example you don't have icons on the desktop, you have them in a folder, there is no start menu, and the applications are different to a PC so they will not run on a Mac.

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 04:35:08 PM »

I take your point about another OS, but what is the big difference between what I have now (Vista) and OS X ???

Quite a bit :). It looks very different, for example you don't have icons on the desktop, you have them in a folder, there is no start menu, and the applications are different to a PC so they will not run on a Mac.

OMG, what am I talking myself into here ???  :'(


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 04:41:32 PM »

Below are two screenshots showing the differences in looks between Vista and OS X (10.7 Lion - the latest version):





  • Kitizen
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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 04:42:32 PM »

OMG, what am I talking myself into here ???  :'(

It really isn't difficult to get used to, I switched from a PC to a Mac and within 2 weeks I knew exactly how to use it. It is very self-explanatory, it just looks different.


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2012, 04:46:25 PM »

Apple make some really good stuff, but I tend to think people see their products as 'status symbols' rather than see them for what they really are.  Not that OSX isn't a good operating system, because it is.  My only issue with apple gear is that you have to do everything apple's way, or you simply don't do it.  Even upgrading the memory or changing the HD on an apple system isn't the straightforward job it is with Windows or Linux.

Apple has a lot of things going for it, such as iTunes, iCloud etc, but I'm not convinced myself that these benefits outweigh the 'locked into apple' mentality that they come with.  There's also the hefty price tag that comes with Apple gear.  You could probably get similar hardware running Win 7 for half the price and a comparable Linux machine for even less.

Not my money & not my choice but if it were me, if I were going to spend the money that an iMac costs, I'd be spending it on a decent Win 7 system, if only for the fact that aftermarket software is cheaper also.
ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI -- TalkTalk Broadband since 2006


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 04:47:21 PM »

Can't speak for the iMac, but I've been using a mac mini for a few years.  Have you considered one?  They're neat little boxes, and leave you the option to upgrade to a better monitor as prices drop, or even just replace it if the monitor stops working.

Mostly the Mac has been a hit with me.  It was purchashed as a means to an end (app development) but, whilst there is both a windows PC and MAC at arm's length, the MAC has become my workhorse of choice for day to day desktop duties, web surfing, email, etc.


apple hardware is downright gorgeous.
OS/x is generally slicker than windows, boots faster, less buggy, 'just works'.


Not always intuitive.  There's no eject button on the optical drive for example, and it can be hard work finding the soft eject buttons.  More than once I've found myself searching the net just to get a duff CD out.  Later Mac Minis don't have an optical drive at all, which I suppose solves the problem, though I'm not sure it's my preferred solution.

Third party drivers, even though they support OS/X, are often a bit half-hearted.  My Canon printer, for example, has auto duplex on windows, but not on Mac.

Hardware not always user-upgradeable.  When the mac mini needed more memory I had to choose between paying the best part of £200 for Apple's service people to supply and install it, or to break the rules, prise it open with a walpaper scraper and do it myself for about £20 off amazon.

Even more than Windows, you may find yourself getting caught up in the perpetual upgrade cycle.  In order to install some app you want, you might have to purchase a new version of OS/X, and once in a while a new OS/X might mean a new Mac.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 04:49:37 PM by sevenlayermuddle »


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2012, 04:50:09 PM »

Even more than Windows, you may find youreslf getting caught up in perpetual upgrade cycle.  In order to imstall some app you want, you might have to purchase a new version of OS/X, and once in a while a new OS/X might mean a new Mac.

The average lifecycle for a Mac is about 3-5 years (e.g. it will still run the latest version) and OS X upgrades are getting cheaper, Mountain Lion (the new version coming out in a few weeks) will only cost about £15.

Black Sheep

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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2012, 04:53:36 PM »

Wow, some great comments guys. I found myself going one way, then the other for a moment there. Good info. Please keep 'em coming if you think of anything else.


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2012, 04:54:28 PM »

Spec for today's top of the range i-Mac (not that bleeding edge): [1]

3.4GHz quad core Intel Core i7-2600
2TB Serial ATA Drive
256GB Solid State Drive
AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5
27 inch TFT @ 2560 × 1440
Apple Magic Mouse + Magic Trackpad
Apple Wireless Keyboard (British)
Microsoft Office for Mac Home/Business 2011
OS X Lion

Price... <drum roll!>  £2,992.96  incl. VAT and  Free Delivery (!)

That specification could probably be built for £1100.  The Apple™ premium is close to £2000.  Ouch!

These days, Macs are just x86-based machines. Macs used to be based on the elegant Motorola 68k architecture. Now Macs are powered by bog-standard Intels same as all the PCs running BillyGatesWare:o   However that means that OS X will install on most much equipment sold for use with Microsoft Windows.  Do-it-yourself Macs are dubbed the Hackintosh. [2]

To DIY a Hackintosh of that spec, the screen would be the costliest component to buy separately. For example, a 27-inch TFT @ 2560 x 1440 from Dell (U2711) costs around £500.

The i7-2600 CPU in the iMac is high-end, but plenty of better CPUs are available. [3]

And excepting Apple's proprietary mouse and keyboard,  the rest of the components are off-the-shelf.

cheers, a

« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 05:59:06 PM by asbokid »


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2012, 04:58:47 PM »

But: installing OS X on any non-Apple labelled computer is against Apple's EULA, so technically it is "illegal" (well at least according to Apple). Plus, there will be no support from Apple and you won't be able to do software updates because they can break how the OS X is installed, you will have to wait until the "community" say it is okay.

Of course it is your choice, but I would highly recommend against it. Sorry asbokid.


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2012, 05:31:53 PM »

But: installing OS X on any non-Apple labelled computer is against Apple's EULA, so technically it is "illegal" (well at least according to Apple).

We're in Blighty - Land of the Free! So nothing to worry about! No DMCA, etc.  Where there's no commercial gain, EULAs are a matter of civil law (tort) not criminal law (illegal).

To prove a tort, Apple would have to demonstrate to a court that a valid and enforceable contract existed between Apple and the Hackintosher and that a "demonstrable loss" had occurred. And then Apple would have to quantify its losses..

EULAs from the likes of Apple and Microsoft are full of terms which a court would never enforce.. [1]  Some examples.

"Do not use this product with other vendor's products",
"Do not criticize this product publicly",
"By agreeing to this contract, you also agree to every change in future versions of it",
"You are not entitled to any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages if the Software does not meet Our Limited Warranty".. etc etc.

EULAs often contain terms like those above, which smell distinctly unlawful -  viz the 1999 Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations! [2]

Apple lawyers can go and troll  ::)

Plus, there will be no support from Apple and you won't be able to do software updates because they can break how the OS X is installed, you will have to wait until the "community" say it is okay.  Of course it is your choice, but I would highly recommend against it. Sorry asbokid.

For the immediate £2000 saving (probably more) I would happily forego the special rate helpline for "Apple Support" (after 3 months, a paid subscription is required  :o)

cheers, a

« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 09:22:43 PM by asbokid »


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Re: Your valued thoughts, please ??
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2012, 05:56:17 PM »

Wow, some great comments guys. I found myself going one way, then the other for a moment there. Good info. Please keep 'em coming if you think of anything else.

If/when you ever get FTTC installed, you need Windows or at a pinch Linux to run the Graphing Scripts  :lol: :P
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