Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software

DSL Stats Logging & Graphing Scripts for Netgears & Zoom X7N

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BA just sent you 2 emails  ;)

I might have a luke at dis  :)

Topic moved to the router section and stickied.   Thanks to all involved for doing this.

thanks KITZ :)

they work a charm, I have just printed out before/after shots of QLN/SNR ... AND ... past 10 days Line Atten/ SNRM / SYNC so I can show the BT Broadband Engineer when he lands today... I can say LOOK, BEFORE , AFTER... AND MY SYNC AND UPSTREAM LINE ATTEN HAS BEEN ALL OVER THE SHOP, HERE ARE RESULTS FROM PAST 10 DAYS...

thanks guys :)

I've arrived late at this party.The scripts look like they produce pretty neat graphs of the stats.
But on downloading them I was disappointed to find that they're Windows scripts..
If there's ever a rewrite in the future perhaps consider making them more portable by using a language like Perl or Python which would enable the scripts to be run on WIndows, Linux and Mac.



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