Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
DSL Stats Logging & Graphing Scripts for Netgears & Zoom X7N
Iam posting Bald_Eagle's xDSL graphing scripts here with instructions on how too use them ,for those that may want too...
credit to: Bald_Eagle also Asbokid and Burakkucat (i believe) as the original developers of these scripts, and anyone else I have missed out
NOTE: These are a work in progress, I will amend this post with a ChangeLog at the bottom as we change them - also, they have not been tested on ADSL2 connection, only ADSL2+ and ADSL (G.DMT) - we need someone with an ADSL2 connection who can aid in testing for us.
You can use these to log & graph your router stats and line characteristics, very usefull when trying to locate & resolve problems one may be having with your broadband connection, see bottom of post for example of graphs.
there are 2 main functions of these scripts,
1. Graphing a snapshot of the Line Characteristics (SNR, QLN, Hlog, Bit-Swapping) on demand of the user (it can also be scheduled to get snaphosts at set periods)
2. Log the Line Statistics (Sync, Noise Margin, Line Attenuation, Errors, Uptime etc etc) every 1 minute so that they can be graphed over any set period of time since the log began by the user (e.g. last 6 Hours, 24 hours, 3 days etc etc).
These scripts have been optimized and set too work out-of-the-box on Broadcom chipped Netgear routers such as 834Gv4 , 834GT , 834N , DGN2000 etc that use the default login of admin and password on the IP address , if you have changed your routers login and/or IP Address then changes need to be made...see below, these scripts work on Stock Netgear Firmware and DGTeam Firmware.
If you need to adjust the scripts to work with your IP or Login details then follow the instructions below, other wise go to How Do I Use These below...
To adjust login details,
1. Install the ADSL_Stats folder into the root of your C:\ drive.
2. Find the LOGIN1.TXT and LOGIN2.TXT files in the Apps folder, open them and change the text in LOGIN1 to your username and LOGIN2 to your password and save them.
3. If you have change the IP address of your router then you need to find and replace all instances of in all scripts and change & save them to whatever you use.
1. If you haven't already done so, install the ADSL_Stats into the root of your drive.
2. To get the Line Characteristics just run GET CURRENT STATS.BAT in the Scripts folder, the graphs will be output in the Current_Stats Folder.
3. To start logging of your Line Stats (every 1 minute) run START_LOGGING_24-7.BAT , follow the instructions, this runs a silent task that retrieves your router logs every 1 minute and stores them , to stop & delete the task run STOP_LOGGING_24-7.BAT
4. To Graph your router stats from the log thats being built up simply run graphpdADSL.BAT and follow the instructions, for example: you would enter 10 m for 10 minutes, 10 h for hours or 10 d for 10 days.. or just pressing enter without entering anything defaults to last 24 hours, the resulting graphs are output in Ongoing_Stats folder
thats it!! :)
If you want to schedule the GET CURRENT STATS.BAT script for comparing SNR, QLN, Bit-Swapping etc over periods of time then open task scheduler and create a new task and set it at daily, recurr every 1 days, repeat task whatever periods you want (hourly etc) for duration of: Indefinitley , but MAKE SURE you offset the time by 30 seconds (so it starts at 30 seconds past the minute/hour) this is important because if you run both the LOGGING task and This task at same time (Like I do) then thay can clash when they meet on the hour, whereas off-setting it; one will run dead on :00 and the other run on :30, each only take about 10 seconds to complete, then, on ACTIONS, choose new, in program/script box type wscript.exe and in the add arguments box copy and paste the code below:
"C:\ADSL_Stats\Scripts\invisible.vbs" "C:\ADSL_Stats\Scripts\GET CURRENT STATS.bat"
then finalize the schedule and enable it.
thats it!!
Thanks to Bald_Eagle for all his hard work and support developing these scripts for us too use, and also thanks to Asbokid and B'kat who I believe also played huge part in developement, credit to GrahamC from the Plusnet Community Forum for testing & amending the scripts for use with the Zoom router & to Aroberston545 from Kitz for his feedback & findings through the amending & testing process.
and thanks to everyone else for help and testing :)
changes to ADSLGRAPH.bat + graphdADSL.bat
1. Now available for Zoom X7N Routers
changes to ADSLGRAPH.bat:
1. To multiplot Upstream Bit-loading in Green & Downstream Bit-loading in Red.
2. ADSL2+ Bit-loading and SNR is now plotted with "absolute" sized filled boxes as the original graphs were plotted with boxes touching each other, even when there should be a gap (no bits loaded at the given tone).
changes to getADSLstats.bat:
1. left in quite a lot of REM'ed comments & debugging code just in case a problem crops up that needs sorting out.
2. only report actual data collection errors in Error.log to keep the file down in size & to make it easier to spot errors.
changes to graphdADSL.bat:
1. change Error.log back to just recording errors.
2. US_RSCorr plotted in wrong colour...fixed.
3. US_RSCorr missing from montage...fixed.
Thanks for doing this. I was struggling through the history of its development trying to find the current version. However your mediafire link does not work for me. Please can you check it.
Yes it does work if you try a few times. Thanks
Hi les-70,
the link works for me? if others have trouble I will provide a few more links with other hosts, I may just do that for good measure
--- Quote from: snadge on May 23, 2012, 08:09:41 PM ---the link works for me? if others have trouble I will provide a few more links with other hosts, I may just do that for good measure
--- End quote ---
It worked O.K. for me when I tested it too.
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