As users increasingly move to FTTC connections, the "load" on ADSL connections will reduce (to some extent) & possibly slight speed increases may be seen for those who remin on ADSL connections.
In theory, as FTTC can use much higher frequencies (for users with shortish D-Side line lengths) crosstalk may well be also reduced for remaining ADSL connections, thus "potentially" allowing slight increases in sync speeds?
One or two ADSL users have reported increased speeds & stability within a few weeks of FTTC services being in use from "their" cabinets.
Mistakenly, they have assumed this was due to ADSL also being delivered to the cabinet via fibre.
Apparently VDSL2 is backwardly compatible with ADSL2+, so theoretically it may be possible to combine ADSL2+ & VDSL2 services at some later date, but as far as I am aware it has not yet been implemented (in the UK at any rate).