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Author Topic: My new toy.. an iPad  (Read 34918 times)


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2012, 06:21:46 PM »

Well, my £2.99 case was supposedly dispatched by RM on Wednesday so I'd hoped to see it Thursday, then Friday, then Saturday.  And today... you guessed, afraid not.  Without perpetuating the "who's to blame" debate, my experience has always been (Christmas excepted)  that items sent by RM either arrive within a day or two, or not at all.  You then have to hassle the merchant, who either hassles RM in turn, or sends another item, or gives a refund.

But this afternoon I was in town and bought what i think is the same case (in black) from John Lewis at £15.

Yes, it was five times the price, but it's a lot more than five times better ('infinity' springs to mind) as it actually exists, whereas the other one doesn't yet.  I'll be chasing Amazon's merchant for a refund but, even if the mustard one shows up, at least my sister's birthday gift in May will be sorted at little expense as she's also an iPad(/hot-dog?) fan.  :graduate:

At first impressions it does seem like very good value even at £15, well made and good quality.   It adds quite a bit of bulk, but I regard that as good as I want it for protection in transit.  And it adds about 50% again to the weight according to my kitchen scales which is quite noticeable, though less than I expected.  And the (magnetic) flap folds over and shuts with a satisfying 'clunk'.  But this is beginning to sound like a 1970s car review, better stop.    :D

Wow that is a bargain!   It has got to be the colour!   
That pouch looks like it may take the keypad case as well.   When you get it, will you please let me know if they both fit in as if so I may order one too.

...responding to Kitz's comment is  of course the main reason I've composed this short review and, sadly, it doesn't quite take the keyboard.  You can get it in without undue force, and I may still use it, but it is a squeeze and whilst that nice clickety flap flap folds over nearly all the way, it doesn't quite snap shut.   :(


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2012, 09:07:36 PM »

Thank you vm 7LM.

Its a shame that it just doesnt quite fit in the keyboard too or else I would have ordered one, as they do look smart (colour aside)..  and the black one is very smart.

There isnt a John Lewis near here unfortunately so I cant just wander down and have a look taking my ipad and keycase with me  :lol:

It is a while now since you ordered hotdog case and I would have thought that it really should have been there by now and hopefully you dont have to do too much chasing with the amazon reseller.

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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2012, 03:03:13 PM »

Well I just got home from the US and, guess what.. a parcel laid on the doorstep, containing a mustard iPad case.  But it turns out to have been a fib that it was dispatched by Royal Mail, TNT were in fact used.  I can only wonder how long it was laid there, could've been up to a week.  Good job it was only worth £2.99, but a good example of why I (personally) have more trust in good old RM!

Anyways, the iPad was a great enhancement to the trip, which was for a conference event.  Perfect for unobtrusively checking mail during the duller moments, and for instant research to add substance to the topics that caught my interest. Among fellow delegates in fact, I noticed those with iPads probably outnumbered those without.  :)


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2012, 10:14:33 PM »

oh well better late than never..  but like you say I wonder how long its been on your doorstep for?

>> I noticed those with iPads probably outnumbered those without

They do seem to be quite common now!  :D
... or if not on someones wishlist.   I imagine a few will also have taken advantage of the price reduction due to the ipad3.

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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2012, 08:26:00 AM »

I have noticed that you guys have been mentioning a keyboard for the i-pad ? Does the i pod just fit in a dock so you can use a conventional keyboard instead of touch typing on the screen

I know people have said its no replacement for a pc,but what really can't it do?I know for example there is no dvd/cd drive.

Some point this year I want to replace my desk top pc with either a lap top or a tablet, the problem is the arthritis in my legs makes it uncomfortable sitting in a computer chair for lengthy periods so I was wanting something I could use sitting on the settee/or arm chair.

I really fancy an ipad,I think they look  8)

At present the most i use the pc for is general browsing,shopping,online financial stuff(banking etc),listening to music(+Youtube etc).
Hoping when I get a faster internet connection I can stream things like sporting events etc.

Oh and the odd bit of printing

Any advice will be  welcome  :)

Edit,whats the best size to get..16,32,64MB......and is there much difference between ipad 2 and 3

« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 08:28:34 AM by UncleUB »


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2012, 11:32:20 AM »

>> Does the i pod just fit in a dock so you can use a conventional keyboard instead of touch typing on the screen

The ones that 7LM and I got arent true docks because the ipad doesnt sit in them and re-charge.   Instead they have a 'ledge' which the ipad can sit in (either horizontal or vertical) and they connect to the ipad via bluetooth.

You have to charge the keypad separately, but Ive found mine holds the charge well (weeks) and I dont need to plug it in that often.   Ive not had it long enough to comment more on this as Ive only had to charge it a couple of times so far.

Its an easy matter to sync them up.. once youve done that then you can forget it - in fact you dont even need to have the ipad on the ledge to use it. 
The keypad is like a normal keyboard just a bit smaller - it feels more like a keyboard that youd find on a notebook than a full size stand alone keyboard.  But other than that - yes it means you type anything via the keypad rather than touch screen.

>>> I know people have said its no replacement for a pc


It isnt - no cd/dvd/usb....  and lack of conventional storage as it doesnt have a hard-drive and uses flash memory.
Lack of external storage - It uses I-tunes to sync with music/videos on a conventional PC/laptop.
Screen Size could still be a problem for some although its easy to pinch and squeeze to zoom in.
You may run in to problems with printing as you can only send to a printer that is compatible with Airprint.
The camera in the ipad2 is p00.  It takes rubbish pics in low light.


Whilst there's lots of 'apps' for the ipad.  Apps are just small applications and you cant put full programs (like word, photoshop etc etc) on it.  There are some quite sophisticated apps that you can pay for, but they dont have the full functionality of programs that we are perhaps used to using on the PC.

>> i use the pc for is general browsing,shopping,online financial stuff(banking etc),listening to music(+Youtube etc).

Its great for general browsing, music and streaming and social networking sites.


Big downside for me personally is the lack of Flash.   I didnt realise just how many websites do actually use Flash.
Most of the social networking sites have an i-device app so You-Tube, and other social networking sites work fine.

There is an app you can install called 'Puffin' which I use.  It allows you to view some flash based sites.   Puffin has advantages and disadvantages.  I use the lite version which can sometimes be slow..  I dont know about the full version and if that is quicker. However using Puffin its like going through a proxy so everywhere thinks you are coming from Canada.

There is also a forum app (tapatalk) which is used by a lot of mobile and i-device owners. I am thinking of installing it on - as more sites are beginning to be accessed via mobile devices.   However the site currently works just fine when viewed via an i-device..  the forum software just makes it a tad easier for doing things like replying to posts, and adding attachments etc.


Quicktime streaming works fine. - Flash doesnt work at all !!!!!

Some sites you stream from need to have an i-device 'app' available.  Some do, some dont.

The BBC iplayer and 4OD also have i-device apps so these work fine.  ITV player doesn't work.
One thing I have noticed though is although there is a huge range of programs covered on the bbc iplayer for the i-device..  there does seem to be more (and kept for longer) on the traditional iplayer list accessed via the PC.
BBC i-player (and ITVplayer) wont work using Puffin as the BBC/ITV think your location is Canada rather than the UK.

Streaming with the ATV

I also use it a lot with my ATV (Apple TV which my parents bought me for xmas).  As well as the traditional streaming that you can do with the ipod/ipad to the TV, the ATV can mirror the ipad screen. 
Mirroring means that anything on the ipad screen can be output to your TV.   Now used with the keypad (not how earlier I said the ipad doesnt have to sit in the keypad for it to work), this means that I can mirror the ipad to tv and just use the keypad on my lap to control what I see on the TV.

For me personally I really love the ATV/ipad/keypad combo.   I dont have sky and despite forking out for a digital aerial to be installed, I have problems with freeview.   This has opened up a whole new world for me.  Stupidly I can stream live programs from the BBC with much better quality than via digital freeview.   
On demand...  wow...  I love all the documentaries available, and so far the science and nature section of the BBC has kept me well entertained.  Theres lots and lots of other sections too which Ive hardly begun to explore. 

This to me has been fantastic... however where I am does seem to be a blackspot for digital due to the stupid wales transmitter and its ridiculous that I get better quality via my internet access..  this wont be the case for everyone..  so someone else may not perhaps feel this is such a major aspect to them.

>>  whats the best size to get..16,32,64MB

I opted for the 32GB...  based on my previous experience with an ipod touch, therefore I had a rough idea how much storage I personally need.  Someone like my dad would easily get away with 16GB. 
Some-one who is going to store lots of movies on it for viewing later will need more.

Ive just thought of another option which you may ponder over and thats 3G/wifi. 
I have the basic wifi model, paying for 3G wasnt worth the expense for me personally. 
If I take it anywhere I just hook up to wifi,  but if you are someone who is going to use it a lot 'on the road' then you'd probably need 3G.

>> is there much difference between ipad 2 and 3

The info above is based on an ipad2.  It depends on how much you want to pay I guess and what you need it for.
For me the ipad will never be able to replace my PC therefore the ipad 2 fills my needs and the additional cost for ipad3 wasnt worth it for me.

For more details see


On the whole, I love mine, it opens up a new world for me.   I love being able to sit on the sofa and browse.  Lots of times I may want to quickly look something up and the ipad comes out.  I can take the ipad practically anywhere.

In no way shape or form though can it ever replace a PC/laptop though.

edited to add info about 3G/wifi option.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:54:04 AM by kitz »
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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2012, 11:59:44 AM »

Thanks Kitz.  :)

No flash  :o I am surprised....I see the Samsung Galaxy Tab has it ?

Can't put full software programmes on....Not too bit a problem I suppose.Can you have something like Google Picasa?


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2012, 03:16:21 PM »

>>> No flash  :o I am surprised..

Yep..  lack of Flash is my one BIG moan about the ipad.
Its supposed to be mine, and if I want to put Flash on it and understand the risks..  then I should be able to.   
Not because Steve Jobs and Adobe have their own issues. (Google the subject then make up your own mind why!)
You can put flash on, but only if you jailbreak the OS.  My ipad is too new to consider me wanting to worry about possible breaking of guarantees.

If you feel flash is important then you need an android tablet not an iOS one.  Swings and roundabouts I did some heavy weighing up over it.

AFAIK not google picassa (Steve Jobs again).  There may however be something similar in the app store.
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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2012, 03:23:25 PM »

just to re-inforce kitz's list, one example of something the iPad CAN'T do...  better half had to give a presentation at that conference;  The organisers provided two choices for connection to the projection equipment (1) take the presentation on a memory stick and plug it into their own PC, or (2) take along a laptop and connect it via VGA.  The iPad can do neither of these (no USB, no VGA), so we had to take along a hulking great (in comparison) laptop as well as the iPad, just in case she wanted to make any last minute changes.

I believe there may be apps that can view/edit Powerpoint docs, and Apple do sell a VGA adapter, but it's all extra spend and complexity, whereas a PC can 'just do it'.

And one more thing... the iPad(/Pad/Phone) won't run Java applets.  One reason is, I believe, that Mr Jobs decreed that the perceived performance of the devices had to be as perfect as possible, whereas Java includes an additional layer of processing which can slow things down, and increase CPU/battery usage.  I'm not necessarily agreeing with Apple on that one, but I can at least see that side of the argument.  Not sure whether or not the same 'defense' could be applied to Flash?


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2012, 03:55:07 PM »

All this discussion has got me tempted now, but I'm leaning more towards a Motorola Xoom - it does support flash, and it does have a USB port, and it's quite a bit cheaper than the iPad ((£280-ish for 32 GB). I expect someone is going to tell me why it's a bad choice, so feel free. :)


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2012, 04:09:04 PM »

. I expect someone is going to tell me why it's a bad choice, so feel free. :)

Well, you won't be able to purchase my first $1 app which I hope to publish quite soon now.  But you may regard that as a reason to avoid iPad, of course :D

Seriously, the volume and quality of apps is probably the iPad's saving grace.  Kitz recently discussed airplay which I've not yet played with, but I see it mentioned in the latest mythtv release notes too... if I ever get that to work I'll feel very smug indeed.  All I need is the time to play with it all (I thought being 'retired' was meant to provide more free time, not less?).


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2012, 08:21:24 PM »

Before I bought mine I went into PC world and spent a bit of time handling the available tablets.  I liked the Galaxy but it was as much as the ipad3.  IIRC there was a cheaper Asus one, but it really didnt appeal - I dunno didnt feel right (yeah yeah woman thing).  Some of them feel heavy and harder to hold, but since its a hand held device I felt that it was important.
At the time I was looking anything decent, wasnt any cheaper than the ipad.  I dont know if that has changed in the past 5 weeks to compete with the lower price of ipad2's?

TBH eric I think you will probably be one of those much happier with an Android tablet. 

I was already on an Apple path due to my ipod touch and ATV - they all just work together so well and Apple makes it so easy to integrate with anything else Apple.  If it wasnt for what I already had, I probably would have gone android.

Although I love my ipod/ipad/ATV, I dont like how Apple is so rigid in what you can and cant put on devices.  I also dislike how they make upgrading any of their equipment nigh on impossible.

Yes there are lots an lots of apps for i-devices, but I have a 'droid phone and their apps arent too far behind.

And one more thing... the iPad(/Pad/Phone) won't run Java applets.  One reason is, I believe, that Mr Jobs decreed that the perceived performance of the devices had to be as perfect as possible, whereas Java includes an additional layer of processing which can slow things down, and increase CPU/battery usage.

Yes Java is another thing, but it hasnt affected me personally as much as Flash.  This does all seem to go back to Jobs and him not liking much that wasnt Apple..  dont Apple and Google 'have a thing' now?  It gets me why we cant use what we like and bear the consequences even if it does 'slow' things down.
Im sure there are much more knowledgeable debates about Apple and what they do and dont let you do, and their reasons for it..   but as an end user I find it annoying that a manufacturer should decide what I can and cant do with my device.
Hence me feeling that eric in particular would be much happier with a android device.

In a few months I may look at jailbreaking, but atm I'm not touching the o/s.

I think one of Apples main selling points is that they make things simple, easy to use... and boy do they have a damn good knack of making their stuff  look and 'feel sexi'.

Kitz recently discussed airplay which I've not yet played with,

I love it..  apple makes it so easy..  mirroring takes it one step further...  then add in the keypad.  Used it with my router, my broadband connection and my TV and a whole new world opened up to me.
Downside it mostly only likes Apple - yes I can browse my PC via Airplay... but you guessed it, I can only browse anything listed in i-tunes.  I guess if I had a Mac then I'd be fine.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 08:36:21 PM by kitz »
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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2012, 08:52:22 PM »

All this discussion has got me tempted now, but I'm leaning more towards a Motorola Xoom - it does support flash, and it does have a USB port, and it's quite a bit cheaper than the iPad ((£280-ish for 32 GB). I expect someone is going to tell me why it's a bad choice, so feel free. :)

Just seen them for £249 on amazon


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2012, 10:42:46 PM »

Oh dear, it's very tempting...


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Re: My new toy.. an iPad
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2012, 11:44:41 PM »

RRP:   £479.99
Price:   £249.97

They certainly have come down in price...  less than 2 months ago there really wasnt much difference costwise between android touchpads and the ipads.
Looks like there possibly has been a massive price reduction in response to the cheaper ipad2's.

I think I can hear erics wallet rustling from here :lol:
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:47:33 PM by kitz »
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