Broadband Related > Broadband Hardware

Netgear DG834G V4 enable SNMP



I am trying to enable my DG834G v4 (with Firmware V5.01.16) for SNMP so that I can monitor bandwidth usage at the Router, to include TV usage as well as computers.  (This v4 Netgear has the Broadcom chip.)

It cannot be SNMP enabled within the normal interface so have tried enabling it via the direct page at, then put it into debug mode, then telnetted it with ‘iptables -D INPUT' as widely cited on Google to clear the default firewall blocking of Port 161, but then I lose internet access, and have to reboot the router to recover.

Does anyone have experience of enabling SNMP on the DG834G, preferably with V4?  Is that telnet instruction correct, or does it require that I should be doing something to specifically unblock Port 161 as well?

I saw on a South African forum that the telnet instruction should be
# iptables -L
Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
target prot opt source destination ports
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:161
DROP udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:161
# iptables -D INPUT 1

I tried that - it would list iptables -L but none of the change commands were recognised (syntax?), and of course iptables -D INPUT 1 just blocked internet access again.

Or does the DG834G have the SNMP enable page without supporting SNMP in reality?  That's what this forum at indicated.  I would ask there but it's impossible to complete registration on the Netgear forum at the moment!

That earlier stuff was a bit of a Red Herring.

OK, I have got SNMP working now on my DG834G v4 having put on the DGTeam Firmware V5.01.16 - Rev. 1018 - 023o.  It has its own integrated page for SNMP, (which I have enabled with a secure-ish alphanumeric community name).  Testing it on the Tembria SNMP browser says it's alive on Port 161, so I assume that it is really there and working...

I want to measure all bandwidth going into and out of the router from/to my ISP.  It is offering the following interfaces to the monitoring program:
lo eth0 atm0 cpcs0 dsl0 br0 wl0 ppp0

Which is the most likely to offer total bandwidth monitoring, without adding on any intra-LAN traffic etc? dsl0?

Is there a definitive standardised definition for these interfaces?  I saw from another forum question here that Kitz was suggesting
lo = loopback - NAT loopback traffic - used to redirect (lan) to the other (wan) side of the router
eth0 = LAN side traffic
atm0 = the atm interface
cpcs0 = the ATM Adaptation Layer 5 interface
dsl0 = The adsl interface
br0 = bridge???
wl0 = Wireless interface
ppp0 = the PPP interface

Any knowledgeable guidance gratefully received!


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