Hi mywifeshusband,
Thank you b*cat
I think the important thing is not to start Bald_Eagle1 going off on another saga about FTTC services.
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Assuming the configured speeds you mention are the results from BT's speed/performance checker, these are the same as your IP Profile/BRAS Rate.
I suspect the increase to 37.565Mbps in December was due to the FTTC/VDSL2 profile change from 8c to 17a (higher frequency band available for BT's soon to be rolled out 80Mb/20Mb service).
As IP Profiles for FTTC usually work out at 96.79% of Sync speed, that would suggest an actual Sync speed of 38.811Mb.
Your initial reduction in speed may well have been the telephone noise issue that was "cured".
However, it appeared to have left your connection in a poorer/slower condition.
This was apparently not resolved depite assurances from India.
However, it may by coincidence have stayed lower, at that time, due to other causes such as increased crosstalk from more subscribers becoming connected, or other external sources of noise interference.
Without access to an unlocked modem, there is no way to monitor/record any changes in connection conditions such as increased attenuation, SNR, SNRM, bit loading etc.
So, it is quite feasible that if your connection had remained in the same condition as it was back in May, with the same external factors affecting it (or not), being switched to the 17a profile would have given you the full 40Mb Sync speed.
Most other users with similar IP Profiles to yours are now indeed seeing the full 40Mb following their switch, with IP Profiles of 38.717Mbps.
As you are not quite achieving the full 40Mb at the moment, your "Attainable Rate" will not be much higher than 40Mb, so it is unlikely that you would see much (if any) advantage from the 80Mb service as & when it is introduced.
A lot of this is "guesstimation" as only an unlocked HG612, or a different make "accessible" modem could confirm your connection's current condition etc. without an engineer's visit.
As far as differences in different speed testers goes, I think the jury is still out.
Some users have reported that they see large discrepancies in speed tests when using the HH3 as supplied for BT's own Infinity service, particularly when connected wirelessly. I'm not sure how much speeds are affected in normal use though.
Walter has mentioned the TBB speed test being the most reliable.
It may well be for certain routers & users' PC settings.
I use a Netgear WNR1000 v 3 router as my FTTC is supplied via Plusnet.
I use Windows 7 on my ethernet connected desktop PC & Vista on Mrs. Eagle's wireless connected laptop.
All my speed tests are conducted from the desktop PC as there is a significant speed reduction when using the laptop.
The speed reduction to the laptop is in part due to it having an old (low speed) wireless adaptor & it is located a couple of 2' thick walls away from the router.
With FTTC it is perfectly adequate for Mrs. Eagle's occasional use.
Throughput on the laptop is around 16Mb at best & can now range between 24Mb & 27.5Mb on my desktop, directly related to my Sync speeds which do vary due to frequent uninitiated "on the fly" re-syncs.
Again, without access to an unlocked modem, you would be blissfully unaware of any of these "on the fly" re-syncs as they do not always result in a dropped PPP session, your dynamically allocated IP address does not change, & most (if not all) ISPs do not detect them in their own logs.
I find the TBB speed tester & TBB's test download files give me the most unreliable results.
My own preference, for my particular setup, is speedtest.net as it seems very consistent, showing a slight slow down at peak periods (presumably contention) & at quiet times the results are usually around 97% of my IP Profile.
mybroadband.co.uk & bbmax speed testers also deliver very similar results to speedtest.net.
I suppose it is best to experiment with different speed testers & settle on one that most suits your own setup & then stick with it to ensure at least consistency in your results, even if they are ALWAYS optimistic or pessimistic.
That way you would be able to see any significant changes in your throughput.
Also, unless attempting to prove that contention is at an unacceptable level i.e. that the service is potentially oversubscribed, it would be advisable to ALWAYS conduct speed tests at quiet times e.g. between midnight & 08:00 a.m.
Different antivirus programs can also apparently affect throughput on speed tests.
Kapersky, for one, appears to do so.
I use AVG - Free edition. That appears to have no effect whatsoever on my usual speed tests.
Finally, I believe Windows 7 auto detects the router's MTU settings & adjusts the PC's sttings accordingly to ensure the highest compatibility between the different hardware in use.
XP doesn't do this & a manual adjustment of MTU settings (& possibly Rwin) may be required.