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Author Topic: Does anyone have Apple TV?  (Read 17617 times)


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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2012, 10:00:30 AM »

 :clap2: :dance: 8)


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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2012, 02:07:52 PM »

..  and just for completeness sake.

 ~ 4OD works streaming and will also let you download to your itunes library if you want to save for viewing later.

 ~ I didnt have much luck with the itv player, it plays fine on the ipod, but only gave me sound via airplay on the ATV2. :/

 ~ catchup tv works.  This is not on demand, and only does live streaming, but may useful if you want to watch one of the many listed (mostly freeview type) channels.
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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2012, 08:58:22 PM »

As per title... does anyone have apple tv and an ipod/ipad.... 

....and if so would they be willing to try and see if they can stream BBCiplayer and/or ITVplayer with it?

tyvm. :)

No experience with any Apple kit, sorry.

However, have got some 'invites' for a torrent site for British TV.

The site carries seeds for most anything worth watching (and a lot of what's probably not).  Just downloading a 1974 episode of Captain Pugwash.  The good captain and his crew sink anchor off the Island of Dodos!

For months now, has been a vital replacement for TV.   Last summer, our ADB i-CAN Easy HD 2851T Freeview receiver box was 'temporarily' de-commissioned for internal examination (it has an unusual SuperH CPU running Linux).

Six months later, the box is still on the bench awaiting re-assembly!

cheers, a

p.s. good luck for hospital.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:37:51 PM by asbokid »


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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2012, 10:43:44 PM »

Thank you vm for the offer, but torrents wouldnt fit the bill for what I wanted as I couldnt play back on the TV in the bedroom without hooking up to some other sort of box, or burning to cd first.
I didnt want to be drilling holes and laying network cable, and although I suppose I could use powerline plugs, that would just be pushing the cost up further.

Hence looking specifically for something that would let me stream on demand when I wanted without too much hassle to the bedroom TV via wireless.

The ATV2 is a nice piece of kit, about the size of the palm of your hand and just simply plugs into the TV's HDMI socket and supposedly away you go...  (or would have been if i-Tunes wasnt being such a PITA and taking so long to update).  Now its up and running and the integration via Airplay means that my ipod now acts as a remote for it.  If you have any i-devices then I suppose it becomes the obvious choice.

I now believe there is another box which does similar (WDLiveTV) that may be an alternative for streaming via a laptop/PC.  If the ATV hadnt done what I wanted I suppose that would have been my alternative.

>>> the box is still on the bench awaiting re-assembly!

oooh dear... one of those round tuits? :D
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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2012, 11:05:09 PM »

I think my biggest worry, having followed this thread, is that OH may read it and will be asking why don't have AppleTV instead of the Linux-based MythTV?

The answer is of course that MythTV is even better, and we have one under both TVs - lounge & bedroom.  But the trouble with MythTV is, the only person who can really make it jump , is the person who built the box.    :D

Seriously, I'm aware of  the  Internet streaming  capabilities of AppleTV that bear no comparison to Myth.  But with my UK 'state of the art' broadband speed of (IP Profile) 2500kbps, internet streaming is nothing more than a dream.   :)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 11:08:08 PM by sevenlayermuddle »


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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »

>>> why don't have AppleTV instead of the Linux-based MythTV?

Without a doubt MythTV is capable of so much more than the likes of ATV2 which does have restrictions and isnt a full blown media centre.

>> the only person who can really make it jump , is the person who built the box.

Whilst I dont have MythTV, I do have a box connected to the downstairs TV that runs Windows Media Center, that I built about ummm 4-5 years ago so I can well understand that.
However, that project (which is probably documented on these forums somewhere) took months of planning and wasnt without its problems (1) the TV card (2) the O/S - yeah ok windows!!!!!! (3) It was supposed to run via Wireless - it should have worked via wireless!!!! But despite buying a wireless booster I never seemed to be able to get any decent bandwidth (again theres probably a long thread somewhere about that too) and in the end I had to lay network cable.  What should have been an exciting project for me, kind of turned into a bit of a disappointment that ended up costing more than it should have in both time, stress and money.   iirc Eric built a linux version at about the same time with the same TV card, I dont know if he had more success than me in the long term and if his box is still in use?

I dont have the patience or time to repeat that experiment again  :lol:

>>> broadband speed of (IP Profile) 2500kbps, internet streaming is nothing more than a dream.

 :( :(

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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2012, 11:15:09 AM »

Yes, you're right, I did build a Linux MythTV box at about the same time as you. I used a distro called Mythbuntu, which made the setting up of MythTV very easy. It worked very well, and I used it for some time, but the one thing I never got to work was getting it to wake up from standby when a timed recording was due. Eventually I gave up the struggle, and the parts have since been recycled into other PCs.


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Re: Does anyone have Apple TV?
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2012, 12:11:23 PM »

but the one thing I never got to work was getting it to wake up from standby when a timed recording was due.

It's one thing I've never tried.

I compromised on a central server that's and runs the backend.  It also provides all the main filestore for the various other machines that we use, and (on the to do list) will run cron jobs overnight for backups.  It also gives us Linux logins whenever we want either via SSH terminals, or VNC when a GUI is needed.

I'm embarrassed to admit the server runs 24/7, but it's the only machine in the house that needs to do so, and at least I've persuaded the disks to power down when idle (saves about 10W per disk)   :blush:

The main compromise I have accepted is wakening the frontends, which sit under the TVs. The home-made IR detectors are driven from the serial port and implemented in software, hence they can't be used to awaken the machine once it's in standby. A hike across the room is needed and given kitz's immediate requirement, that could be a real nuisance. 

I could probably use ready-made USB IR detectors that would wake the system from standby, but then I'd lose the flexibility of the home-brewed ones which can be scripted to do pretty much anything I like from any remote, or combination of remotes, that I choose.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 12:16:07 PM by sevenlayermuddle »
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