>>> why don't have AppleTV instead of the Linux-based MythTV?
Without a doubt MythTV is capable of so much more than the likes of ATV2 which does have restrictions and isnt a full blown media centre.
>> the only person who can really make it jump , is the person who built the box.
Whilst I dont have MythTV, I do have a box connected to the downstairs TV that runs Windows Media Center, that I built about ummm 4-5 years ago so I can well understand that.
However, that project (which is probably documented on these forums somewhere) took months of planning and wasnt without its problems (1) the TV card (2) the O/S - yeah ok windows!!!!!! (3) It was supposed to run via Wireless - it should have worked via wireless!!!! But despite buying a wireless booster I never seemed to be able to get any decent bandwidth (again theres probably a long thread somewhere about that too) and in the end I had to lay network cable. What should have been an exciting project for me, kind of turned into a bit of a disappointment that ended up costing more than it should have in both time, stress and money. iirc Eric built a linux version at about the same time with the same TV card, I dont know if he had more success than me in the long term and if his box is still in use?
I dont have the patience or time to repeat that experiment again

>>> broadband speed of (IP Profile) 2500kbps, internet streaming is nothing more than a dream.