I have a Raspberry Pi and set it up to record the SNR margin each second.
Unless you are doing active testing then I would change the sample rate. Querying the modem every second can be quite intensive especially if the modem is also having to correct any errors.
G.INP adds a slight standard processing overhead, then more depending on if it can itself correct errors plus more for interleaving and RS correction. We usually suggest a sample rate of every minute... or 30 secs at most.
~ Running both DSLstats & HG612 modem stats too close together every min causes collision issues. To avoid this Eric added a small routine to check if HG612 stats had finished sampling before starting a DSLstats sample.
~ Watch how long the DSLstats "Sampling" message is displayed for
I have a daily burst of SHINE usually lasting a split second, but occasionally it gets stuck regenerating errors until I refresh the connection.
I have an alert set up in DSLstats to send me an email notification if I had a certain amount of errors. This system worked fine for many years and I would manually reboot the modem to clear the errors. However g.inp doesnt work too well on all types of noise. Since g.inp has been applied to my line the errors seem to get backed up and no useful data seems to get processed.. meaning the DSLstat alerts never reach me. DSLstats log shows that its tried to send mail but failed.