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Broadband Related => Broadband Hardware => Topic started by: MadAbdo on July 05, 2019, 10:11:26 AM

Title: Need help with CLI Commands Asus DSL-N16 VDSL
Post by: MadAbdo on July 05, 2019, 10:11:26 AM

I want to know list of SSH commands can be used with asus DSL-N16 VDSL Router

i want to change SNR and set channel type to Fast instead of interleaved,

my cabinet already accept the commands, i know that because i tried it with ZTE H168N and it's worked to change the SNR and and the channel type to fastpath
with these commands

Code: [Select]
wan dmt2 set snrmoffset xx xx (snr tweak)
wan dmt2 set path x (0-2 channel profile fast interleaved)
wan vdsl2 set target_snrm xx (snr tweak vdsl2)
wan vdsl2 set manual_pms on/off (something about channel profile)

but now i have this ASUS router that using MediaTek chip and need the commands to make changes to my line as i did using ZTE Router

Thanks .
Title: Re: Need help with CLI Commands Asus DSL-N16 VDSL
Post by: ejs on July 06, 2019, 08:37:24 AM
Aren't the commands the same?

Looking at the tc3162_dmt.ko module from a DSL-N16 firmware, the output of "strings tc3162_dmt.ko | fgrep usage" gives:

Code: [Select]
usage: wan adsl sethp [opt]
usage: wan ghs set toneselect <1=t9+t37/ 2=t17+t45/ 3=t25+t53/ 4=1+2/ 5=2+3/ 6=1+3/ 0=1+2+3>
usage: wan ghs set usifft <us_ifft_size>  <us_ifft_fill_type,1=complex conjurate/2=fill zero>
usage: wan ghs set nearvendorid <value>
usage: wan ghs set sendcxntghs   <on/off?>  <on/off ?>
usage: w ghs set annex [a|b|i|j|al][m][bj][aijlm][auto]
usage: wan dmt2 nm cofw [std|nonstd]
usage: wan dmt2 set fakebg [on|off]
usage: wan dmt2 nm cnxt [1|0]
usage: wan dmt2 db tlb [tlb ID]
usage: wan dmt2 db set [off/auto/db_index]
usage: wan dmt2 set ginp_test [on|off]
usage: wan dmt2 set fltrvref [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set largeD 0/1/2
usage: wan dmt2 set SRACrc [0/1 OFF/ON]
usage: wan dmt2 set esrelink on/off [threshold]
usage: wan dmt2 set medley threshold [snr threshold] [tone ratio]
usage: wan dmt2 set pilotretrain [0/1/2/3]
usage: wan dmt2 set pilotdata [on|off]
usage: wan dmt2 set linkstate [0|3]
usage: wan dmt2 set attenoffset [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set crcrelink [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set snrmoffset [Intl*512] [Fast*512]
usage: wan dmt2 set depth [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set Rs off/on/[Max R_value]
usage: wan dmt2 set vref [val1] [val2] [val3] [val4]
usage: wan dmt2 set blackout [start_tone>31] [end_tone<512]
usage: wan dmt2 set pilot [tone]
usage: wan dmt2 set path 0/1/2(Fast/Inter/Free) path
usage: wan dmt2 set Slowerbound [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set inp [INP value *100]
usage: wan dmt2 set pcb [dspcb] [uspcb]
usage: wan dmt2 set updatesync [on|off|default]
usage: wan dmt2 set sync [on|off] [sync position] [txrxsample] [0~2047]
usage: wan dmt2 set rxfiltertype <value>
usage: wan dmt2 set txfiltertype <value>
usage: wan dmt2 set rxfltrgain [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set txfltrgain [value]
usage: wan dmt2 set fdm_cfg mode[0|1|2|3] type[1|2]
usage: wan dmt2 set tcm [on|off]
usage: wan dmt set teqvref <value>
usage: wan dmt set dbgflag [value]
usage: wan dmt set  softdecode <on/off>
usage: wan dmt set bngrelinkflag <0/1>
usage: wan dmt set agcvref <value1> <value2> <value3>
usage: wan dmt set syncflag <on/off>
usage: wan dmt set up32relinkflag <0/1>
usage: wan dmt set attenoffset <vaule>
usage: wan dmt set  medleytone <start tone> <stop tone>
usage: wan dmt set snrmoffset <value[(+/-)db*512]>
usage: wan dmt set snroffset <value[(+/-)db*512]>
usage: wan dmt set pilotdata t64_value t_pilot_value
usage: wan dmt set pilottone <value>
usage: w dmt set pilotretrain [1/3]
usage: w dmt set pilotretrain [3] [0/1]
usage: wan dmt set minsnrm <value>
usage: wan dmt set txfiltertype <value>
usage: wan dmt set db rxfiltertype <value>
usage: wan dmt set txfiltgain <value>
usage: wan dmt set teqtones <start tone> <end tone>
usage: wan dmt set txrvbtones <start tone> <end tone>
usage: wan dmt set  fm <value>
usage: wan dmt set tcm [on|off]
usage:wan dmt aoc gwtst [value]
usage:wan dmt aoc bwtst [value]
usage: wan dmt aoc bitswap [on/off] [on/off]
usage: wan dmt pilot [cnt] [pause opt]
usage:wan dmt db tlb [value]
usage: wan dmt db set  [off/auto/db_index]
usage: wan vdsl2 show online_snrm
usage: wan vdsl2 set olr_timing [timing][sos_x][sos_y][sos_z]
usage: w vdsl2 test inm [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 show st_avg_snrm (tx/rx)
usage: wan vdsl2 show errpwr [init|st]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ginp_sra [on/off/go]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ginp_sos [go/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 test ovhd [diag|inv|pm|mgcnt|clreoc|nsf|pmd]
usage: wan vdsl2 show vector
usage: wan vdsl2 show st_soc_info
usage: wan vdsl2 show pms_pmd [tx|rx]
usage: wan vdsl2 show pmdtestparam (hlog/qln/snr/attndr)
usage: wan vdsl2 show snrm [st]
usage: wan vdsl2 show snr [init|st]
usage: wan vdsl2 show new_bgtbl rx
usage: wan vdsl2 show bgtbl [tx|rx]
usage: wan vdsl2 set gsd [value]
usage: wan vdsl2 set gso [value]
usage: wan vdsl2 set gvt_mode [value]
usage: wan vdsl2 set hrt_delay [tx sym] [tx dtu] [rx sym] [rx dtu]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sync_sym [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ginp_test [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set max_ds_rate [valus/8] (unit:kbps)
usage: wan vdsl2 set max_us_rate [valus/8] (unit:kbps)
usage: wan vdsl2 set tr115 [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set cd_us_band_adj [on|off|auto]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ds_est_new [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ds_est_new min [x] ,X = (0.1 * x) dB
usage: wan vdsl2 set ds_est_new adsl [y], Y = (1/1000 * y)
usage: wan vdsl2 set ds_est_new echo [z], Z = z dB(>=0)
usage: wan vdsl2 set cd_us_comp_value [value]
usage: wan vdsl2 set usbp_check [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set kikp [0~13][0~11]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rtslog_from [rtslog_state_from]
usage: wan vdsl2 set v_noise [on|off]
usage: w vdsl2 set pilot tone [num: 1|2|3|4] [tone1]...
usage: w vdsl2 set pilot band [idx: 0|1|2|3] [start] [stop]
usage: w vdsl2 set pilot method [method: 0|1|2|3|4|5]
usage: w vdsl2 set pilot start [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_cp_len [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_comp on/off
usage: wan vdsl2 tx_comp tone start_tone relay_tone stop_tone
usage: wan vdsl2 tx_comp value start_tone_psd_comp relay_tone_psd_comp stop_tone_psd_comp
usage: wan vdsl2 tx_comp offsetrelay_tone_psd_comp_offset_non_upbo relay_tone_psd_comp_offset_upbo
usage: wan vdsl2 set txgain_deploy [0|1|2]
usage: wan vdsl2 set txpsd_drop_check [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set txpsd_drop_limit [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set txpwr_diff [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set txpwr_limit [on/off] [value/none]
usage: wan vdsl2 set mode_select [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rxpcb [on|off][rxpcb_mask]
usage: wan vdsl2 set detect_tone_offset [index1] [index2] [index3] [index4]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ds_tone [ds_lowest_tone] [ds_highest_tone]
usage: wan vdsl2 set us_tone [us_lowest_tone] [us_highest_tone]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_pcb [on|off] [pcb_mask]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rfi_cancel [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rx_win [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_win [on/off][win_len]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rxfltr_gain [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rxfltr_ref [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ta_offset [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set byte_med[R_MED 1|2][O_MED 1|2]
usage: wan vdsl2 set kl0 [val:0~1280]
usage: wan vdsl2 set kl0_offset [val]
usage: wan vdsl2 set kl0_method [0|1]
usage: wan vdsl2 set upbo [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rx_blackout 0 : ds blackout off
usage: wan vdsl2 set teq_fir_coeff [a2] [a3] [a4]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rx_fltr_type [fltr_for_cd_phase] [fltr_for_training_phase]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_fltr_type [fltr_for_cd_phase] [fltr_for_training_phase]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_fltr_gain [tx_fltr_gain] [tx_fltr_dout_scale] [tx_upshift_bit]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tx_gain_offset [value]
usage: wan vdsl2 set st_period [period(sec)]
usage: wan vdsl2 set st_task [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set st_dbg [on/off/olr]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tpstc_type [0(ptm only)/1(ptm+atm)]
usage: wan vdsl2 set gvector [1|2]
usage: wan vdsl2 set amd [0|1|2|3]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sync_check [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set one_bit [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set st_target_snrm [snrm]
usage: wan vdsl2 set target_snrm [snrm_dB]
usage: wan vdsl2 set manual_pms [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set inp_snrm_roc [inp_min(symbol)] [snrm_offset(dB)]
usage: wan vdsl2 set roc [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set dual_lp [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set fake_pms [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set search_time_pms [time (# symbols)]
usage: wan vdsl2 set rscg_pms [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set largedelay_pms [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set inpdelay_pms [inp_min0] [inp_min1] [delay_max0] [delay_max1]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ndr_pms [msg_min] [ndr_min0] [ndr_min1] [ndr_max0] [ndr_max1]
usage: wan vdsl2 set ins_inp [on/off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sos [on/off/go]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sra_trans_method [0(non-seg)/1(seg)]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sra_l_target off/[bits]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sra_step [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set sra [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set bs_param [snrm] [trigger] [scan_tone_num] [wait_cnt] [scan_start_idx] [scan_end_idx]
usage: wan vdsl2 set bs_1bit_change [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set autobs [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set bs_tx [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set bs [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set mgcnt_ovhd_test [on|off]
usage: wan vdsl2 set agc_vref [val1] [val2] [val3] [val4]
usage: wan vdsl2 set tcm [on|off]
usage: pmd [single|muti|nextmulti|block|hlog|qln|snr]
usage: wan hwdmt afe set txfc <value>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set vld <BIAS> <CPP> <CPN>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set vld <REG> <DATA>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set ldv_gain <value: 0/6/12
usage: wan hwdmt afe set rxlpf 0(Bypass)/1(8M)/2(4M)/3(2M)
usage: wan hwdmt afe set rxlpf 0(27M)/1(17M)/2(8.5M)
usage: wan hwdmt afe set rxgain  1(ADSL Mode)  <eclna_atten> <eclna_gain> <lnhpf_gain> <aaf_gain> <sf_onoff> <hpf bypass>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set rxgain  2(VDSL Mode)  <lna_atten> <lna_gain> <aaf_atten> <aaf_gain>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set rxgain  value(value not 1 and 2 means cancel rxgain setting) !
usage: wan hwdmt afe set txgain <value: 0~7>. Correspond value[-12 -6 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]
usage: wan hwdmt afe set iampgain <value N(0~4) G1(1~4) G2(1~6) G3(1~6)>
usage: wan hwdmt afe set iampgain N <value 0~4>)
usage: wan hwdmt afe set iampgain G1 <value 1~4>)
usage: wan hwdmt afe set iampgain G2 <value 1~6>)
usage: wan hwdmt afe set iampgain G3 <value 1~6>)
usage: w hw show ecir [start_idx end_idx (72~1023)]
usage: w rts fast_boardsop [on/off]
Title: Re: Need help with CLI Commands Asus DSL-N16 VDSL
Post by: MadAbdo on July 10, 2019, 06:29:20 AM
i will check them as soon as possible, do you know which commands i can use also to improve my connection ?

thank you so much