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Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: Weaver on June 02, 2018, 09:07:48 AM

Title: Mouse for dinner
Post by: Weaver on June 02, 2018, 09:07:48 AM
Oisín has put a fresh mouse (very dead) in his brother’s dish in the kitchen. It seems as if he is feeding Somhairle who possibly does not catch, which could be because Somhairle’s eyesight is possibly rubbish, we can't be sure.
Title: Re: Mouse for dinner
Post by: Ronski on June 02, 2018, 09:10:01 AM
That's very thoughtful of him, our cat which we got recently seems to like catching flies and wasps, and then bringing them into the house, and they are not always dead  :no:
Title: Re: Mouse for dinner
Post by: Weaver on June 02, 2018, 09:48:50 AM
Somhairle catches flies, thankfully not wasps or bees, but the flies go straight down the hatch instantly. I am a bit worried about Somhairle, he does look as if he is not seeing me properly. I do wonder about his eyesight. He looks worried if I come near to him without talking to him first.
Title: Re: Mouse for dinner
Post by: kitz on June 04, 2018, 05:46:44 PM
I have one very pretty cat who looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. He is an FHO cat (false hip) and suffers from triaditis/pancreatis and needs daily meds to stay alive but despite all this excels at hunting and has razor sharp reflexes.

OTOH my girl cat who is perfectly fit and healthy is the most rubbish hunter ever and despite being 6 this week has never managed to catch a thing in her life.  Despite being a crap hunter, she is not short on bravado and will go for a herring gull if she feels it is encroaching on her territory.

Title: Re: Mouse for dinner
Post by: Weaver on June 04, 2018, 06:56:20 PM
Kitz it seems to me some cats just aren't interested in hunting. I can't blame every instance of non-hunting on disability. My Buidheag, tortoiseshell moggy, 9 years old but very young with it, is a perpetual hunter always out stalking slowly, but she doesn't bring her prey back to the house, unless it is to feed one of the other cats. She would feed my 19 year old ginger tom cat, Orange aka Tiddy Puss, whom we had to say goodbye to in the new year because of continual crazy weight loss. But she did not bring kills in and play with them it eat them. She would just occasionally dump something in front of a non-catcher. She might have felt the urge to train kittens like that, I'm trying to remember. I used to see this when I was very young on the farm, old cats who stayed in the house all the time were fed by the others even though of course we fed them all.