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Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: UncleUB on August 16, 2010, 08:24:23 AM

Title: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: UncleUB on August 16, 2010, 08:24:23 AM
Good morning all (

Are you ready for the week ahead,mid August already  :o

Sunny at present here,but more rain forecast for tomorrow. :(

I think we are having a trip into Derbyshire later when Sue gets home.Going to have a look round Yeoman's camping exhibition in Calver.

Whatever you have planned have a nice day.  :)
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: scottiesmum on August 16, 2010, 09:07:30 AM
( (    Unc  ....  and all the latecomers   >:D :)

 :sun: :sun: is par for the course  and although we desperately need some proper rain, we struggle on   :D

Enjoy the camping show Unc ...   look forward to hearing about your purchases   ;D

I'm off to the tip later with some garden rubbish and some recycling bits   .....  washing whizzer is full   ........    house-wifery done and dusted  ....  and it's coffee time now ..

Hope all are well  ....Enjoy your day everyone  :)
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: silversurfer44 on August 16, 2010, 09:24:38 AM
Good Morning UncleUB, Scottiesmum.
Enjoy your scouting UncleUB.
Scottiesmum: make sure you bring the OH back from the tip.  :'(

Like you have the washing in the machine, one lot hung out also. Now I'm off to get the Barnet trimmed.

Have a good day everybody.
Colin No.2
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: tuftedduck on August 16, 2010, 09:30:22 AM
Good morning, Kitizens, and all who may call round.........hoping all are well.  ;D

Very pleasant warm day again...and more outdoor pottering to be done.

Enjoy your various excursions and have a good day.  :)
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: Floydoid on August 16, 2010, 09:37:15 AM
Morning all :)
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: silversurfer44 on August 16, 2010, 10:27:53 AM
That's the ears lowered, another load of washing out. I suppose I will have to cut the grass now. Well maybe after a cup of coffee.
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: scottiesmum on August 16, 2010, 10:44:17 AM
Our grapes (Chasselas)  are doing well    ....  another few weeks and we'll be able to start eating them   :yum:   We have them trained over an entrance archway ..... 

 ( (
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: camallison on August 16, 2010, 11:28:20 AM
Surprisingly, our grapes are at the same level of growth, and we are obviously further north than you Kate, just South of Gloucester.  We have one vine that produces red wine grapes and one that produces white.  Most years, we can make one demi-john of each wine.  The sugar levels are going to very high this year and so, hopefully   :drunk:

Shame is, because I am on a multitude of medications, I can't touch a drop!   :cry2:

Any offers to come by and do a tasting when its ready?

Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: scottiesmum on August 16, 2010, 11:50:43 AM
Ours are eating grapes Colin  ...    no  point in our making our own wine here   :D    we're surrounded by it for hectares  :drunk:    In previous years we have started eating them by the beginning of August, so I am assuming our late starting warm weather has had an effect this year.  By March we are usually over the worst and temperatures in the region of 23/24° but this year it was well into May before it started  :'(   The 'real' grape harvest usually tales place around the 25th September...   but we have known it be as early as the 12th due to extremely  persistent hot weather  causing  the sugar level to rise ......  I think it will be later rather than sooner this year !   

Your unusually hot weather this year has obviously had a good effect   .....  happy brewing  ! ;D
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: camallison on August 16, 2010, 02:16:58 PM
The 2 vines were courtesy of a shopping trip to F W Woolworth about 16 years ago.  We bought them to provide shade on the patio, and after 4 years realised that we had enough warmth (SW facing patio) and water (subterranean stream) to produce good wine.  Th German wine industry always speaks of "head in the sun and feet in the water" when relating how the Rhine and Mosel produce good wines.

Happy eating Kate!  Our supermarkets have them quite cheap at the moment.

Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: UncleUB on August 16, 2010, 04:56:38 PM
Enjoy the camping show Unc ...   look forward to hearing about your purchases   ;D

I am now £647 out of pocket....just bought a new tent (well it is Sue's birthday tomorrow) :D

Yeoman's exhibition had this tent on display and it was reduced to £600 as it had a tear in one of the flyscreen's to the door.I tried to get the price knocked down but they wouldn't budge so we walked away.

After returning I looked on Go Outdoors website (who do a price match  and then knock a further 10% off),I managed to find one at £719,so with a further 10% off it came out at £647.Go Outdoors sell the same tent for £799.99.

Here's our new baby

Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: tuftedduck on August 16, 2010, 05:04:49 PM
>>> I am now £647 out of pocket <<<  :scare: :swoon:

That's not a tent, unkyUb....that's a bungalow... ;D

Many happy returns and congratulations to Sue.... :congrats: ...........for both her birthday and her new house.. ;D
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: UncleUB on August 16, 2010, 05:13:43 PM
And before Scottiesmum asks it doesn't come with matching shoes and handbag  :lol:
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: camallison on August 16, 2010, 05:46:36 PM
I hope you bought Sue a battery operated vacuum cleaner to go with it!   >:D

Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: scottiesmum on August 16, 2010, 08:51:00 PM
Unc  ....     like all men you've missed the highlight   .......   you haven't spent  £647.00   .....    you have saved  £152. 99   :lol:  ..............   perhaps enough for matching shoes and handbag   :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Monday 16th August Chat
Post by: UncleUB on August 17, 2010, 06:04:16 AM
Unc  ....     like all men you've missed the highlight   .......   you haven't spent  £647.00   .....    you have saved  £152. 99   :lol:  ..............   perhaps enough for matching shoes and handbag   :lol: :lol:

I hadn't thought of it like that Kate.......Now why can't men be that logical.  :-X  :lol: