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Internet => Interesting Websites => Topic started by: Ezzer on June 10, 2009, 12:37:34 AM

Title: Blood sweat and takeaways/bbc
Post by: Ezzer on June 10, 2009, 12:37:34 AM
I found this to be such a program. but after watching the first few the last one really struck, particualy the interupting "tourist" of all things. In order of episodes
Title: Re: Blood sweat and takeaways/bbc
Post by: kitz on June 10, 2009, 12:56:19 AM
Ive been watching those, although I havent yet seen the last episode (chicken) as I missed it so I'll have to catch up on that one.
I was perhaps thinking I could catch up on BBC3 who do repeats of it, so thanks for the linkies so I can watch it when I want.

Ive quite enjoyed the series so far... its been eye-opening... although there is one of the guys that I feel needs a damn good kick up the ass.
BTW did you see the black guy practically put the Asian ethnic through the glass panel!    :-X
Lots of admiration for the farmer guy in episode 3... and the Warrington guy for continuing even though his ankle must have been causing him lots of problems.

Title: Re: Blood sweat and takeaways/bbc
Post by: oldfogy on June 10, 2009, 01:12:57 AM
Same here I somehow missed the Chicken episode.

Although I think it's a bit much with these people being thrown in at the deep-end and being expected to live, eat and go native in an instant.

It would be like giving a office worker a shovel and saying dig a trench down to 100yds long.
Although informative, what is being asked is unrealistic.

BTW did you see the black guy practically put the Asian ethnic through the glass panel!    Lips Sealed
Missed that one also, but just had a quick look and the incident happens in the second first episode "Tuna" at approximately 27 minutes into the film.

And it was "totally" uncalled for.
Title: Re: Blood sweat and takeaways/bbc
Post by: Ezzer on June 10, 2009, 01:39:44 AM
the one who needs a kick up the prostreior? wonder who you mean..........

Seriously the arrogance of the boy, then comes out with the deep statements then returns to form. Only way of seeing more hissy fits is if Indiana jones lands in a egyiptian pit full of eplilectic adders.

I agree, I think his name was James, but that young farmer. What a sound chap he is.

And Ody? he was looking for/engineering a confrontation, pushing him through that glass door  :no: he was looking for/constructing the slightest rise as an excuse to turn violent, didn't get one so kept pushing and pushing until he did literaly. Not so much genualy annoyed at the shirker as looking to prove in his eyes him manlyness by being the big hard man

I particuarly found the bit when the girls gave the Lady they were staying with from the tuna factory the spare change from the sweet shopping jaunt, then the realisation what that amount ment so touching.

There are a couple of similar tear jerking points in the last episode, but that "tourist"......."empowerment?" that idiot was obscene. What a vile human. I'm not a violent person but he deserved a lot more the glass incident of part 1, that pilchard got me very angry. as the farmer lad said "So what are you doing here ?"  >:(

I liked the attitude of the young lady Stacey? her attitude and insights very astute. sumed up the touching nature of the program very well. Not the food but the people and families around it.