Kitz Forum

Computer Software => General software => Topic started by: jazz on February 23, 2009, 01:35:41 PM

Title: Gnucash
Post by: jazz on February 23, 2009, 01:35:41 PM
Any Kitizens used Gnucash for personal/household accounts?  I have used Quicken (on Windows) for about 12 years but it hasn't been supported in the UK by Quicken since 2005.  Although my software is still working fine I don't like to rely on unsupported software indefinitely.  I use it only for general personal finance - bank account, savings, a few investments etc and don't need any online additional facilities or tax return capability.  I don't really want to lose 12 years of data in any changeover though I could archive it and start afresh if necessary.

Looking round the possibilities Gnucash (a free download) looks a good bet and is now available for Windows users.  I know it was originally developed for Linux and there are a number of Linux users on this Forum so perhaps there is experience out there??  Any views/comments??
Title: Re: Gnucash
Post by: roseway on February 23, 2009, 03:01:47 PM
Personally I think that Gnucash is horrible. It's got an unintuitive interface and a bloated content (all in my opinion of course :) )

I've been using Moneydance ( for some time now, and it's really very similar to Quicken and just as easy to use. It's a java program, so it works on a variety of platforms. It costs a little money (not a lot) but it's been worth it for me, and it's regularly updated for free.

Title: Re: Gnucash
Post by: jazz on February 23, 2009, 04:01:23 PM
Thanks Roseway.  I've had a look at Gnucash and "imported" my data into it via a QIF file.  Like you say, I haven't found it straightforward to look at (though such a major change in presentation would take some getting used to). 

I suppose that as my Quicken ain't broke (for the way that I use it - as a "computerised cash book" with easily viewable sub-totals) I should perhaps just stay as I am for now.  I'll have a look at Moneydance though - thank you for that link. :)