Kitz Forum

Broadband Related => ADSL Issues => Topic started by: feliscatusx2 on March 22, 2007, 07:46:17 PM

Title: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: feliscatusx2 on March 22, 2007, 07:46:17 PM
Continued from about 4 months ago.........

Well, the telephone pole replacement due November happened yesterday.  I refrained from bothering the lads as they looked a little harassed, the local council had thoughtfully planted a tree right next to the pole about 40 years ago.  Much wielding of chainsaws before they could begin.

The result is SNR seems to have improved a little to about 18~20 Db, but the attenuation is still 49.

Is there any way that I can check the attenuation figure apart from the modem stats?

(And without involving BT in case they reduce my speed)

Plusnet PAYG/RIN 2Mb Fixed, downloading at 1.969.  Not bad for an oldie  >:D.
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: havelock on March 22, 2007, 08:12:05 PM
Easiest way is to ring Plusnet and ask them to run a "DSL Status Check" to determine your Loop loss (attenuation) - This will test the circuit between your exchange and the modem, but tbh your modem stats are almost certainly accurate within a decibel or two.

Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: kitz on March 22, 2007, 08:15:09 PM
>> Is there any way that I can check the attenuation figure apart from the modem stats?

Borrow a different modem router for 10 mins?

BT engineer would be the most obvious, but without a fault then it wouldnt get checked.
You could also get your line stats from PN if they did a WOOSh test - but they will be what your modem reports.
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: feliscatusx2 on March 22, 2007, 08:17:59 PM
I had read somewhere that certain modems report a default, but incorrect, attenuation.

Can't remember where or when, it must have been more than 10 minutes ago............... :-\

I will just sit tight until BT get round to replacing all those nice alloy cables.

We are due the new network thingie in about 2 years or soish
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: kitz on March 22, 2007, 08:46:45 PM
Easiest way is to ring Plusnet and ask them to run a "DSL Status Check" to determine your Loop loss (attenuation) - This will test the circuit between your exchange and the modem, but tbh your modem stats are almost certainly accurate within a decibel or two.


Sorry havelock didnt mean to duplicate your post - it wasnt there when I started mine, and just as I was about to post - the electrician knocked on my door,  so I hit send and walked away from the PC.
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: feliscatusx2 on March 22, 2007, 09:16:50 PM
Electricians? At this time of night?
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: kitz on March 22, 2007, 10:51:47 PM

Im supposed to be painting right now - but Im having some pretty major work done around the house over the next month or so.
The electrician came round to check what was needed before he started work.... so it was only a flying visit.

The next month or so is going to involve electricians, plumbers, fitters, joiners etc ....
 and probably lots of mess  and days when I have no PC access :(
Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: havelock on March 23, 2007, 10:29:37 AM
Sounds like fun,
Might want to consider unplugging your router while they're working. If they are using power tools it might mess around with your DSL signal, and give you another few days of low bRAS woes

Title: Re: BT Phone wiring - Part 2
Post by: kitz on March 23, 2007, 10:32:25 AM
>>  If they are using power tools it might mess around with your DSL signal, and give you another few days of low bRAS woes

hmm  good point - thanks for the reminder on that one. :'(