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Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 09:05:28 AM

Title: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 09:05:28 AM
Gordon Brown is set to announce that every low income family will get £700 to get a computer and internet access,where do they get £700 from  >:(.
This sounds about as good as the beer money child trust fund set up by this government. >:(
What is this idiot on. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: Floydoid on September 23, 2008, 09:29:39 AM
Precisely... £700 to cover the cost of a PC and internet access???... I think he lives in cloud cuckoo land. 

He sure doesn't live in the real world.
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 09:42:51 AM
And whats going to happen when a lot of these no-marks low income families get on the internet?Are they going to look/study for jobs online?Or are they going to.............................I'll let you decide that one.
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: toulouse on September 23, 2008, 10:27:44 AM

What is this idiot on ?

I don't know Uncy, but I sure wish I could get hold of a bottle of it. Come the revolution, he'll be one of the first up against the wall.



Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 10:34:13 AM
Oh yes Toulouse,put me down for a place on the firing squad.  :shoot:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: tuftedduck on September 23, 2008, 10:36:31 AM
Makes you wonder why we all worked all our days and tried to save a bit for our retirement.

We're the worst off ones now, the new opulent classes are the idlers and the irrelevant (by that I mean sportspersons and showbusiness types)
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: chrissie on September 23, 2008, 12:30:01 PM
Makes you wonder why we all worked all our days and tried to save a bit for our retirement.

We're the worst off ones now, the new opulent classes are the idlers and the irrelevant (by that I mean sportspersons and showbusiness types)

You should have heard me when reading our morning teletext pages and that popped up.... oh boy..... no lady in this house at that time!!!!   I just wish from the time this lot of incompetents got in POWER, I'd have kept a log of all the loony things they'd done and are still doing.  Might have made a best seller book - Believing the Unbelievable - Idiots and their wonderful ideas!  Trouble is I get soooo mad at the things they come up with... I don't think they are doing any good for my blood pressure!
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: Floydoid on September 23, 2008, 01:48:50 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think this is a cynical vote winning tactic, aimed at the ignorant underclass, i.e. 'vote for us and we'll give you more beer money funds for a computer'.

Anyone remember the (largely unfulfilled) promise of free computers for the poorest households?
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: oldfogy on September 23, 2008, 02:19:03 PM
In a make-or-break speech to Labour's conference in Manchester, the Prime Minister will announce plans for a voucher scheme worth up to £700 to hard-up families to get a broadband connection.

The scheme, funded by Ed Balls' Department for Children, Families and Schools, will be paid for by efficiency savings made in Whitehall, according to senior Government insiders.

The internet pledge is part of a move to promote what Mr Brown will call "fair chances for everyone".
He will tell his party that 1.4 million school age children live in households with no internet access.

He will say that all the evidence suggests that access to the internet has a big impact on the educational achievement of children in school.

The vouchers proposed by the Government will be to pay for broadband connections, technical support, software and - where necessary - a computer.

In a make-or-break speech to Labour's conference in Manchester, the Prime Minister will announce plans for a voucher scheme worth up to £700 to hard-up families to get a broadband connection.
Most have already got it and the rest don't want it.

... will be paid for by efficiency savings made in Whitehall,....
Then wasted on a futile attempt to get people surfing the internet.

The internet pledge is part of a move to promote what Mr Brown will call "fair chances for everyone".
The internet pledge is part of a move to promote "Himself"

He will tell his party that 1.4 million school age children live in households with no internet access.
Whats the point of internet access if you can't read or write.

He will say that all the evidence suggests that access to the internet has a big impact on the educational achievement of children in school.
Yes it's called "Plagiarism" (hope thats in the dictionary)

The vouchers proposed by the Government will be to pay for broadband connections, technical support, software and - where necessary - a computer.
What a load of hoggs wash.

Get me out and beam-me-up-Scottie before I die of laughing.
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: chrissie on September 23, 2008, 02:25:08 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think this is a cynical vote winning tactic, aimed at the ignorant underclass, i.e. 'vote for us and we'll give you more beer money funds for a computer'.

Anyone remember the (largely unfulfilled) promise of free computers for the poorest households?

Think I have to agree with you Floydy on this one.... money buys votes doesn't it.... hand it on a plate and they are in with a chance..... cynical??  Moi?? ;D
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 03:19:42 PM
The funny thing is the so called 'voters' he is aiming this at will not/have not ever voted in their lives.You can't vote when you are in bed/pub/betting shop.
When these no marks get on the internet(if the voucher has not already been sold on)what will they do.Kids(social networking and games)Fathers(porn and gambling).Mothers(bingo). >:( >:( >:(
I am typing this still thinking 'It can't be true' :no:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: oldfogy on September 23, 2008, 03:54:29 PM
Do you want to hear a "REALLY GOOD ONE"?

This is totally true.
I was talking to my estranged daughter-in-law last night who is complaining that with all her benefits.
She can't manage on WAIT FOR IT IT

£1,000 yes "One Thousand Pounds" per month benefits.

And that does not included any money toward paying for the mortgage/interest on her £180,000 house.
Payment is for 1 adult and 2 children under 16 years old, with a working adult son also living at home.

Comments on a post-card c/o Somerset CC. :wall:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 04:37:10 PM
OF,this is why a lot of young girls can't wait to pregnant.............Council house,benefits galore and never have to do a days paid work in their lives. >:(
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: Floydoid on September 23, 2008, 06:57:01 PM
OF,this is why a lot of young girls can't wait to pregnant.............Council house,benefits galore and never have to do a days paid work in their lives. >:(

I watched something about careers advice in schools not so long back, and they featured one school which was in a run down inner city area, and it seemed that most of the female pupils' idea of careers research was to find out about all the state benefits they can get, and picking the *furniture that they want from the Argos book for when the council gives them a flat because they are pregnant.

*all paid for by the government of course

I tell you, the TV set came so close to being pulverised with a sledge hammer that day.
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 23, 2008, 07:01:25 PM
OF,this is why a lot of young girls can't wait to pregnant.............Council house,benefits galore and never have to do a days paid work in their lives. >:(

I watched something about careers advice in schools not so long back, and they featured one school which was in a run down inner city area, and it seemed that most of the female pupils' idea of careers research was to find out about all the state benefits they can get, and picking the *furniture that they want from the Argos book for when the council gives them a flat because they are pregnant.

*all paid for by the government of course

I tell you, the TV set came so close to being pulverised with a sledge hammer that day.

And there's me thinking all they wanted to do was win the 'X' Factor.  :D
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: Floydoid on September 23, 2008, 07:15:24 PM
Careful now, a closet X-Factor fan here... I know it's complete tosh, but I'm addicted to it.

(I really should get out more)
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: oldfogy on September 23, 2008, 07:51:46 PM

 and it seemed that most of the female pupils' idea of careers research was to find out about all the state benefits they can get,

"one" of my many and varied past employments was running various "Back to Work" workshops for Employment Services.

During one "young" clients interview her aspiration's was to have x number of children at strategic intervals, this would then result in the eldest one looking after the rest of the brood, so she could get on with her life.
Plus being young enough that clothes would be passed down from one-to-another cutting down on costs.

At what was the then current rate of benefit for child allowance etc she had it worked out exactly how many children she would have to produce to give her the amount of money she wanted.

But it did not stop there, as the kids grew up she said she would then either force them to go to work or claim unemployment benefit "PLUS housing benefit or mommy will throw them out"
So as to be able to live a rich life by the time she was 25.


I vary rarely reported anyone for not looking for work.
But for this one "I MADE AN EXCEPTION"
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: Imagine. on September 23, 2008, 08:14:54 PM
Is it just me or does anyone believe that if Gordon Brown was to undergo a brainscan they would reveal he is missing several parts of the brain mainly the one that makes you think like a normal human.
I'm not sure who it was that said it but most lower class people either have broadband or didn't want it in the first place. TRUE!
Broadband is unreasonably cheap eg. AOL broadband PAYG 1p/min. TRUE!
Computers can be bought for even £90 if you just want a PC TRUE!
During financial times like these giving out £700 each to millions of families in the UK is just unbelievable TRUE!!!!

And if I may move onto my next point during all this credit crunch why is the government focusing on areas that aren't even issues when they should be helping the people who actually work in this country who have lost a lot rather than helping those that just live off government benefits and haven't lost much. This is just adding fuel to the already raging fire of the public against this retard pillock! Prime-minister *hopefully soon to be ex prime-minister*
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: oldfogy on September 23, 2008, 08:43:26 PM

Is it just me or does anyone believe that if Gordon Brown was to undergo a brainscan they would reveal he is missing several parts of the brain
Has this not been said for every PM?

During financial times like these giving out £700 each to millions of families in the UK is just unbelievable
But only to those that "Qualify"

why is the government focusing on areas that aren't even issues
Because it makes them look good and costs nothing.

when they should be helping the people who actually work in this country who have lost a lot rather than helping those that just live off government benefits and haven't lost much.
Why on earth would they want to do a thing like that!
That would cost money.

The government may well come up with lots of "seemingly" crazy/good ideas, but fortunately for them, very few people qualify to be able to benefit from them.
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: chrissie on September 24, 2008, 05:43:59 AM
Careful now, a closet X-Factor fan here... I know it's complete tosh, but I'm addicted to it.

(I really should get out more)

Oops me too.... should we be admitting it though!  :lol:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: kitz on September 24, 2008, 10:36:16 AM
Wow  £700 for a PC and net access - thats nice! -
Wonder which families will get those?  Wonder if the kids have smart PS3s and the latest fashion trainers?

We all know that decent kit and adsl connection can be bought for much less than that..  wonder where the extra will go.  Im not impressed with that statement at all.  Make or break statement indeed.   It just broke it for me.

>> £1,000 yes "One Thousand Pounds" per month benefits.

That really pees me off..  the £12,000 figure..  there's some people who get a private income of less than that through personal funds they have paid into for many years..  but because their income is slightly just under that figure then they dont get a bean from the state.

Yet without a doubt if they didnt have that income that they paid for through a private scheme (1/2 salary long term sickness).. same person would have been much more financially better off because that would have then also opened up all sorts of other benefits such as the mortgage payments, free school dinners, not have to pay council tax, help with uniforms etc etc.  This would have amounted to several thousand pounds per annum.   :angry: :angry: :angry:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 24, 2008, 11:35:27 AM
Surely something along these line is good enough to give people internet access.

Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: dave.m on September 24, 2008, 06:25:48 PM
Wow  £700 for a PC and net access - thats nice! -
Wonder which families will get those?  Wonder if the kids have smart PS3s and the latest fashion trainers?

We all know that decent kit and adsl connection can be bought for much less than that..  wonder where the extra will go.  Im not impressed with that statement at all.  Make or break statement indeed.   It just broke it for me.

>> £1,000 yes "One Thousand Pounds" per month benefits.

That really pees me off..  the £12,000 figure..  there's some people who get a private income of less than that through personal funds they have paid into for many years..  but because their income is slightly just under that figure then they dont get a bean from the state.

Yet without a doubt if they didnt have that income that they paid for through a private scheme (1/2 salary long term sickness).. same person would have been much more financially better off because that would have then also opened up all sorts of other benefits such as the mortgage payments, free school dinners, not have to pay council tax, help with uniforms etc etc.  This would have amounted to several thousand pounds per annum.   :angry: :angry: :angry:

Blackpool Pleasure Beach have announced that they are going to charge £20 entry fee during October with free rides.

Disabled mum Alison Stowe is furious. She bought three season passes, costing £100 each,  :o :o to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for her two sons Jonathan, six, and Luke, four, and nephew Joshua Poole, four.

Now, she has been told, she will have to pay the charge for herself throughout October, despite her disability meaning she is unable to go on any of the rides herself.

"I'm a single mum and I paid a lot of money for these passes - £300," she said.

The regular bleat, "single mum". BUT she spent a hundred quid on a nephew.

 >:( >:( >:( >:(

They'll have to make do with a couple of networked computers instead.

dave :-X
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 25, 2008, 07:41:28 AM
I am sick and tired of hearing the I'm a single mum card.Why is there all these single mums?.All you hear is,'I can't manage because I'm a single mum,throw some more money at me Mr Brown.Have these people never heard of cutting back,spending less,NO.They want to continue in their benefit rich society and expect even more benefits to keep them from having do any work.  >:(  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: dave.m on September 25, 2008, 12:07:33 PM
Sorry for taking it a bit off topic.

Another of dave's brilliant ideas.
Back to the computers, I wonder if Roseway could persuade Gordon to save £millions by not paying Bill Gates for Windows and, instead, put a Linux Distro on them all.
Imagine, Linux is suddenly in thousands of UK homes, good for Open Source, and the little darlings cannot sell any install or recovery discs because no-one will pay as the OS is FREE!

Roll on the General Electrocution Election

Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 25, 2008, 12:25:45 PM
No worries Dave,me and you must be on the same wave length, 'Viva the Forum'
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: roseway on September 25, 2008, 12:42:14 PM
I wonder if Roseway could persuade Gordon...

Regrettably, Gordon and I aren't talking at the moment. :shoot:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 26, 2008, 05:10:29 PM
Moving away slightly from the main topic,Sue phoned her son today who lives in Lincoln.They wern't in as they were in town spending their maternity grant(baby due in November) £500,I nearly collapsed when Sue told me how much it was.No wonder all these foreigners are having their sprogs here.
If I could turn the clock back there would be droves of little UB's running all over the place. :D
They are actually spending it on baby things,but I wonder how many spend it on other things.
Still can't get over the amount.  :o

Just to add we can't moan because she has just returned from the doctors after having her flu jab,she gets one automatically with having a heart complaint.
Heres the best bit,they were giving away 2 free low energy light bulbs with every flu jab.........its true.  :lol:
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: kitz on September 27, 2008, 09:55:23 PM
"I'm a single mum and I paid a lot of money for these passes - £300," she said.
and also disabled.. so we know where her income is coming from.

OK a bit harsh because I wouldnt wish disability on anyone.


What I do disagree with the pleasure beaches new rules is that many people take the kids there but dont go on rides.  How about pregnant mums, or grandparents etc etc.. theres many that take kids so it does seem a bit harsh that they have to pay the new fee too.  This concerns me.. because many parents would go watch and supervise the kids..  would the new scheme make more parents just drop the kids off and leave them unattended now?
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: UncleUB on September 30, 2008, 08:16:04 AM
Do you want to hear a "REALLY GOOD ONE"?

This is totally true.
I was talking to my estranged daughter-in-law last night who is complaining that with all her benefits.
She can't manage on WAIT FOR IT IT

£1,000 yes "One Thousand Pounds" per month benefits.

And that does not included any money toward paying for the mortgage/interest on her £180,000 house.
Payment is for 1 adult and 2 children under 16 years old, with a working adult son also living at home.

Comments on a post-card c/o Somerset CC. :wall:

Well if thats the case,wheres the money going because according to the BBC millions of kids are living in poverty.

Edit,I have an idea where it goes,do you?
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: kitz on September 30, 2008, 06:41:29 PM
It wasnt clear from the interview on that page whether the guy was working or not...

But the one thing that he mentioned in his bills that he had to pay was "Council Tax" which presumably if he was unemployed then he wouldnt have to.
What some people may not realise is that there are situations were people can be working and in employment or means of other income...  the result of which it takes them below the level of what some others who wholly live on benefits actually get.  Thats wrong!
Title: Re: Beyond Belief
Post by: oldfogy on September 30, 2008, 07:15:26 PM
It wasnt clear from the interview on that page whether the guy was working or not...

But the one thing that he mentioned in his bills that he had to pay was "Council Tax" which presumably if he was unemployed then he wouldnt have to.
What some people may not realise is that there are situations were people can be working and in employment or means of other income...  the result of which it takes them below the level of what some others who wholly live on benefits actually get.  Thats wrong!
Yes it is wrong, I totally agree with you.
They could also be being penalised if they have any savings over the limit.

This is why "some people" go on the dole, as they can in some circumstances be financially better off.

And sorry if this may sound sceptical, but it is a news story and we hear and see only what they want us to.