Kitz Forum

Broadband Related => ISPs => Topic started by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 08:43:38 AM

Title: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 08:43:38 AM
As most of you know I'm on a very long,but stable line with BT.I get about 1mb downstream and about 380kbps upstream.My question is,could I change to another ISP and get a faster upload speed even though I only get 1mb downstream. Would it make uploading photo's faster.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: roseway on May 29, 2008, 10:00:56 AM
No, moving to another BT-based ISP would make no difference at all. You could in principle get a higher upload speed from an LLU provider if any of these are installed in your local exchange, but I rather doubt that any of them would be interested in such a long line.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 10:11:10 AM
Eric,what do you mean by 'I rather doubt any of them would be interested in such along line'

Edit, I see O2 and Be are LLu enabled at my exchange (Attercliffe)
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: roseway on May 29, 2008, 10:23:17 AM
That was just an off-the-cuff opinion. I've no personal experience of LLU, but I'm guessing that if you applied to O2 or Be for a service their response would be that they don't support such long lines. I may be wrong, so perhaps someone who does know will pop up shortly and enlighten us. :)
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 10:35:05 AM
Thanks Eric,just to add when I first went over to broadband (March 2007) I was with TalkTalk.After 2 months of continually re-synching and getting nowhere with there tech support I went over to BT.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: guest on May 29, 2008, 10:41:59 AM
Be won't want to know about your line and will in fact decline your order. O2 might accept it - if they do then you may get a slightly higher upstream, but I doubt it as I'm not even sure you'd achieve an ADSL2 connection with your line.

UKO will (AFAIK) accept your order but with a long line I'd be willing to bet they leave you on IPStream rather than move you to their own kit.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 11:11:01 AM
Thanks guys,its nice to know your wanted. :(
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: kitz on May 29, 2008, 11:37:03 AM
aww poor UB :(

Seriously though... whilst adsl2+ can improve speeds on a lot of lines.. the general consensus is that for the longer lines it can sometimes make things worse.

Therefore some of the more "cautious" ISPs will reject the order rather than putting you on something where you may end up an unhappy bunny. Hence also, why the likes of UKO will accept orders but leave you on the same IPStream product.

IMHO this is far better than the dubious tactic of promising speeds that arent really available due to the physical condition of the line.  There is perhaps one ISP that I can think of whose LLU service may benefit you, due to their lack of the BTw IPprofile system..  but Im not sure if I rate their actual service and speeds.  :-\
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 12:25:41 PM
And The ISP being.....................................?
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: kitz on May 29, 2008, 05:03:33 PM
.....  said with very much trepidation...   :-\

... Tiscali LLU.... and it would have to be their LLU service.

Can you run your phone no and postcode through the exchange checker and tell me which ISPs are listed on the right hand side?
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 29, 2008, 07:28:22 PM
Thanks Kitz.
UK Online

Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: roseway on May 29, 2008, 07:31:44 PM
So Tiscali is available to you, and might benefit you as Kitz said. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: kitz on May 29, 2008, 10:32:13 PM
My sentiments too eric...  hence why I didnt really want to mention the name.  :-[

I think due to the fact the line is stable with IPStream as it is - particularly in view of the line length I'd rather risk the IPprofile than tiscali as an ISP.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 30, 2008, 01:12:18 PM
Thanks guys,I must admit a lot of those ISP's I've listed fill me with fear.I think no matter who I went with my speed would not increase enough to notice.I am quite happy with BT,my line is very stable for along line and I don't do any big downloads.I do find it a bit slow when uploading photo's.
The bottom line is,I need an exchange at the bottom of my garden.  :D
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: Yorkie on May 30, 2008, 02:36:23 PM
Slightly off at a tanget, but what format are you using, I noticed photobucket took longer than usual to upload a screen shot and then realized I had saved it as a bmp and photobucket converted it to a jpeg so obviously taking longer than usual.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 30, 2008, 03:01:10 PM
@ Yorkie,I upload to Photobucket from Windows photo gallery (Vista).They are jpeg's that I upload but each picture is about 2.5mb.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: Yorkie on May 30, 2008, 03:36:49 PM
Cut myself off in my prime there, as I was saying, have you tried their bulk uploader, have just tried it for the first time on three files in the 2.5 - 3.00 mb range and it was quite quick. They obviously use some form of compression because thats not the size they've uploaded as but the results look okay to me.
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: tuftedduck on May 30, 2008, 05:11:26 PM

The bottom line is,I need an exchange at the bottom of my garden.  :D

UnkyUb solves problem of long line.  :D

Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 30, 2008, 05:18:32 PM
 :lol: :lol: :lol:

And somewhere to hang the washing. :D
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: UncleUB on May 30, 2008, 06:47:31 PM
Thanks Yorkie,just used the bulk uploader.Its a lot faster,8 no 2.5mb files in abot 20 seconds.  :)
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: kitz on May 30, 2008, 11:19:53 PM
lol TD -

Did you have to apply for planning permission
 :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Upload speed
Post by: mr_chris on May 31, 2008, 08:24:58 AM
Nah, he was naughty and hoped they wouldn't notice :lol: