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Broadband Related => FTTC and FTTP Issues => Topic started by: Wirezfree on May 17, 2017, 11:31:07 PM

Title: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on May 17, 2017, 11:31:07 PM
Where do I go next...???
Long story, in short form
- Moved into a new house end Feb this year, new development that's been occupied since Dec last year.
- Ordered phone service & broadband from EE, Phone & Broadband done approx. 4 weeks later, all fine.
- Decided I wanted FTTC, called EE, said I'm to far from exchange, I said I pass the Green box & FTTC cab about 600M away.
- Tried many times to convince them the system is wrong... No Joy

Looking on BT-OR can I get fibre shows me:
- Connected to CAB55(the one I pass) However to far away to order,
- However on the map it shows me on the other side of the town.
- If I enter the house that my back garden backs onto, the last house before the new estate it shows
> Connected to CAB55, and FTTC available to order, and it shows them correctly on the map.

My address & postcode are correct, checked with council planning who submit address data to Royalmail to assign a postcode.

Finally today a bunch of BT-OR vans are on the site.
I spoke to one of the engineers, it turns out he's done most of the connections for this site.
He confirmed that I am on CAB55, and he couldn't understand why it's showing me on the other side of town.
He said there is capacity in the cab.

So how do I get EE/BT-OR to sort out me being shown in wrong place.??

Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on May 18, 2017, 12:20:15 AM
Welcome to the Kitz forum.  :)

If I have correctly understood your tale of woe, it appears to be a (relatively) simple database error. As you currently have a broadband service from EE, you need to firmly make the case that they, EE, should request for an Openreach technician to perform a "pair prove" of your circuit. Once that has been done the information so discovered will then be added to the database, thus correcting the error.

I recall that WWWombat needed to have a "pair prove" of his circuit performed, which then resulted in the correction of a "wrong cabinet" database error.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on May 18, 2017, 12:39:30 AM
Hi burakucat,

Sorry for not making it clearer...
My neighbours are on CAB55, they can get FTTC, and they are shown correctly on the BT-OR map.
I'm also on same CAB55, but I'm shown way on the other side of the town, hence the "To Far" message.
Attached 2 pictures:
My House, showing me other side of town
My Neighbours, showing correct location

Would this "Pair Prove" address this wrong side of town issue.?

Many Thanks
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on May 18, 2017, 12:46:55 AM
Would this "Pair Prove" address this wrong side of town issue.?

It certainly would. The procedure is for the pair to be physically traced, from one end to the other. If the process is started from the MDF, in the exchange building, then it will lead the technician to your home . . . by which time it would be abundantly clear there is a database error.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on May 18, 2017, 12:54:51 AM
Hi burakkucat,

Many Thanks...
Will give this a try tomorrow.

Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: WWWombat on May 18, 2017, 10:23:17 AM
My neighbours are on CAB55, they can get FTTC, and they are shown correctly on the BT-OR map.
I'm also on same CAB55, but I'm shown way on the other side of the town, hence the "To Far" message.

The internal databases within Openreach hold a lot more information than "just" the cabinet identity. One of the crucial pieces, for ordering FTTC, relates to the DP - the distribution point.

The DP is the connection box at the top of a telegraph pole, or in an underground chamber, where the cable to your house is joined to the larger, multi-circuit, cable to the cabinet. The estimations you see online (either in the Openreach checker, or in the BT Wholesale one) come from knowing the loss (attenuation) figure between the DP and the cabinet.

If the internal database has invalid information relating to the DP, then the FTTC estimation can't be made ... and the message defaults to a misleading "line too long" answer.

The map on the Openreach checker is caused by a different issue: your postcode is too new; a common issue with a new-build property. The neighbour's postcode is an already-existing one.

The website map places the flag in a position based on the postcode only, using a "centroid" latitude/longitude stored in the Post Office's address file (PAF). Your postcode probably doesn't appear in the PAF yet (or at least not in the PAF used by the Openreach website), so the checker likely puts the flag into the centre of the WN7 postcode. Try putting the same postcode into Google Maps, and see what happens...

In my case, the internal records had the wrong cabinet identity ... so I could order, but I was allocated a port in the wrong FTTC cabinet that was impossible to physically connect to. It took 3 months to fix, and a lot of cajoling from my ISP. Every engineer attending was able to see what was wrong, but little changed. The data only got fixed after an engineer was given the "pair prove" task, but as part of a task where the data was to be updated in (IIRC) "ROSE" ... and that filtered into the estimator maybe 3-4 days later.

Let us know how you get on with EE.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: jelv on May 18, 2017, 12:38:08 PM
If you use the address checker link from it finds the address - so the postcode is on the BT PAF/database.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: tickmike on May 18, 2017, 02:38:07 PM
Code look up just gives ADSL2+ only.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on May 20, 2017, 07:40:10 PM
Thanks all...

So I spoke to EE, in fact 3 different people, I have had a number of "promised" call-backs,
They have discovered 1 problem that needs correcting first before they can go to BT-OR
My main account, my home phone account, my mobile account are all correct,
But my Broadband account seems to have a different postcode to my main account.
Unfortunately when they called me back, as promised today I was in hospital and missed the called,
said would call me back Monday... Maybe good news.?? Will update when I know more.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on May 20, 2017, 09:37:21 PM
But my Broadband account seems to have a different postcode to my main account.

Ah, that could be significant.

said would call me back Monday... Maybe good news.??

Hopefully.  :fingers:
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on June 14, 2017, 07:19:02 AM
Apologies for delay.. Work and such like.

- Had further calls with EE, seemed to be moving along, all positive, then silence, another call was fruitless.
- Had enough... emails to CEO at BT-OR(Clive Selley) and CEO at EE(Marc Allera) expressing my frustration and desperation.
- Within an hour emails back from I assume PA's from both BT OR & EE.
- Shortly after another email & call from EE, then a 2 email exchange with BT-OR

The following day an email from BT OR...
I was then able to order Fibre/FTTC up to 78Mb, commit date of 4th July, will it be my Independence Day...!!!

 :fingers:  :fingers:  :fingers: ...  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on June 14, 2017, 05:22:42 PM
That reads as a partial success story. (Only partial, until such time as the service is actually provided.)  :)

Please keep us updated with details, as events occur. 
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on June 15, 2017, 08:26:45 AM
Further Update...

From BT OR last night:

"I'm pleased to advise we have pulled your installation forward from 04/07 to 19/06, we will contact EE to move your router delivery forward"

Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on June 24, 2017, 10:55:06 AM

Well BT-OR did the dead on Monday... Confirmation from EE done... EE shipped router, due to work/family only just connected.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on June 24, 2017, 05:42:16 PM
That looks promising.  :)

If you have only just connected the modem/router today then there will be a minimum of 24 hours when the circuit operates in a "wide open" profile, on fast-path. During that 24 hours, the DLM process will be monitoring the circuit's behaviour but will not intervene, unless there is some serious circuit stability problem. After the initial 24 hour period the DLM will modify the circuit's operating parameters, if such a modification is deemed to be beneficial.

So having typed the above I can now say that, from the throughput seed-test result you have shown, it appears as if your service would be optimal on the Openreach 55/10 Mbps DS/US product.

I suspect, in due course, NewtronStar (a fellow EE Broadband service user) will be interested to see how your circuit is behaving.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on June 25, 2017, 01:35:04 PM
So after 29hrs 15 mins of up-time,
seems stable at the moment, periodic speed tests pretty consistent, I will be happy if it stays like this....
BTW, between 0.5/0.6miles or 850/950mtrs by road from cab.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: NewtronStar on June 25, 2017, 04:12:06 PM
Looking at the attenuation for this circuit it's looking less than a 950 meter line more like 850 meters to the PCP cabinet though have had two OR engineers test this line with a JDSU one says 1km and the last test in January 2017 shows it to be 962 meters  ???

Just a heads up the BrightBox2 always shows as being on fastpath even when your interleaved or with G.INP a bug that seems has never been fixed.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on June 26, 2017, 07:15:38 PM
@ NewtronStar,

Seems O.K, sync rate up and getting pretty consistent 45/46Mbps Down & 10Mbps Up
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on June 26, 2017, 08:40:11 PM
That's looking quite reasonable.  :)

From your achieved throughput speeds, I assume your service is based on the Openreach 55/10 Mbps DS/US product.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: NewtronStar on June 26, 2017, 11:43:25 PM
It's ok apart from the errored seconds of 23620 Downstream ES, again the BB2 has another flaw it shows the downstream ES as Upstream ES and vice versa something is going to happen tomorrow  ;)
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on June 26, 2017, 11:50:16 PM
It's ok apart from the errored seconds of 23620 Downstream ES,

Do we actually know over what time-frame those errors have accumulated? And is that counter reset to zero upon a link re-train or does that only happen with a power-cycle? (I can't remember if that is another BB2 quirk, so I will defer to your knowledge and understanding of the device.  :)  )
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: NewtronStar on June 26, 2017, 11:56:24 PM
The counters will reset to zero after a re-sync or retrain on the BB2 if used as a all in one unit modem and router that I can confirm if used as a router (bridged) then all stats show as zero or empty with a dash -
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: burakkucat on June 27, 2017, 01:13:40 AM
Thank you.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on February 22, 2018, 04:29:33 PM
I know it's old... but thought I would just update this.
Not sure what/when/how..?? My speeds gone up.
Was getting pretty consistent 43/44D & 10U

Checking over the last few days... I'm getting:
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: re0 on February 22, 2018, 06:55:10 PM
It is indeed old, but I cannot see that anyone will mind. :)

Quite a nice increase there, though I would like to see some stats from your router because of the potential oddities with BTW speed tester.

If the sync speed has increased, could be one or a combination of different things. The DLM may have lowered the SNR, removed banding (if applicable) or perhaps your modem resync'd after a power cut (so less interference :D). Though if it is the latter as opposed to the DLM making changes to your parameters, then you will probably lose it after another resync. So let's see those stats!
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: jaydub on February 22, 2018, 08:04:14 PM
As re0 has intimated, the BTW Tester is notoriously inconsistent.  You are better off using the ThinkBroadBand speed test or even the Ookla one at
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: tiffy on February 22, 2018, 08:43:14 PM
I have found the BTw Performance Tester to be quite consistant recently provided Firefox Browser is not used which is a known issue and will give huge speed errors.
Although I still like Firefox for general usage, always use Pale Moon Browser now for BTw performance testing.

The "Further Diagnostics" option of the BTw tester in now very reliable since the few weeks outage before Xmas, very rarely fails now in producing BRAS IP profile details, used to be very hit and miss before the outage.

As other forum members have already said, it's difficult to offer an opinion on your line performance without modem/router stat's.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on February 24, 2018, 04:41:03 PM
Hi All,

Stats page below... Unfortunately I did such a good job with my router password... I forgot it  :-[  ... So a hard rest and setup this morning.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: re0 on February 24, 2018, 05:37:44 PM
Looks like you've gained a little over 2 Mbps on the downstream, but lost around 1.4 Mbps on the upstream. :hmm:

I am unable to tell whether your SNRM is set to 3 dB on the downstream or whether you synchronised during a time of low interference (so it started at 6 dB but dropped to 3.5 dB throughout the day). :shrug2: None of the typical ISP routers give you much to go on when figuring out this stuff. Either way, small variances in the speed are possible at each resync due to the way bits are allocated so that might account for the 13% drop in the upstream and 4% increase in the downstream (of course, that excludes other factors such as action from the DLM).

I would say just enjoy the speed that you get!
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on February 24, 2018, 06:28:43 PM
@ re0

Yes... It's doing me fine..

I was considering getting a new modem router, but which one..??
One with GigE on all ports, not just one, then dispense with a switch for my 2 NAS boxes.
Also with USB 3 useful for tacking on some USB 3 drives occasionally.

Not sure though if I would gain anything on the BB side.

Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: re0 on February 24, 2018, 06:59:27 PM
If you're looking for a combined (All-in-One modem/router) solution then you should check the list here as a good starting point:,14436.0.html (,14436.0.html)

Personally, for the reason of stability, I would ignore anything that is not sporting a Broadcom (or "BCM" as it is listed on the above topic) DSL SoC. That is because I have personally had issues with Lantiq degrading my line speed and stability, and I have heard bad things about MediaTek (though I cannot comment on "Ikanos" as I have never used a modem with this chipset or even heard of them up until today actually). Your mileage may vary. While you do not have anything to gain in terms of broadband sync speed by changing modem (since the EE BrightBox 2 you have is Broadcom as far as I know), some chipsets may be more unstable on your line which could equate to a loss of speed.

I can see there is at least one router which is absent from the list in the above topic and that is the Billion 8800 AXL R2. You can find this for £92.62 Inc. VAT at Comms Express Ltd ( ( Perhaps it is not the best choice if you're looking for USB 3.0 connectivity though since it lacks this, but it may be worth keeping that in your tabs on your search. :)

You could also make a topic asking for advice, since people in the know for router/modem hardware will be able to give you suggestions.
Title: Re: Want FTTC - Loosing what little hair I have...!!!!
Post by: Wirezfree on February 24, 2018, 09:06:22 PM
@ re0

Thanks for the pointers and info, all noted.
At present, like they say "If it ain't broken......"
