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Computers & Hardware => Other Technologies & Hardware => Topic started by: Floydoid on April 18, 2008, 06:01:27 AM

Title: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: Floydoid on April 18, 2008, 06:01:27 AM
I'm thinking about replacing my DVD player (possibly with a DVD/VCR combi) and prepared to pay £60-80... 100 quid tops... any recommendations anyone?
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: UncleUB on April 18, 2008, 11:40:47 AM
The DVD part,are you wanting just a player or one that can record ? I have a JVC one  which is just a DVD player/VCR.Had it 4 years without any problems.
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: Floydoid on April 18, 2008, 12:59:09 PM
Just a player, or a vhs/dvd combi... I never record from TV these days.  I'm not even sure about the VHS part... rarely watch video tape either, it's just that I've got a few movies I haven't got round to replacing with DVD yet.
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: UncleUB on April 18, 2008, 02:19:02 PM
Have a look here Floydy,start about £60.I don't think there are really any bad ones this day and age,just some have more functions than others. :)
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: Floydoid on April 18, 2008, 03:04:06 PM
Yeah I guess you're right... tho I like to stick with tried and trusted brand names such as Philips JVC or Samsung... have loved Philips products ever since I bought my first (mono) cassette recorder back in '72... If I remember right I saved my pocket money for weeks, it cost £17.99... plus it was another £7.99 for a mains adaptor (which my Dad paid for).
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: UncleUB on April 18, 2008, 03:13:25 PM
I myself stick to the big brands,Have had a couple of JVC tv,s in the last 15 years,there was nothing wrong with the one we replaced in 2004,apart from it not being widescreen.I must admit I do always look at Sony products as being near the top of the tree.
Back in 1979 I had a Bang & Olufsen 20" TV ,which then cost £379.99.Dread to think how much they are now,   :o  they don't print their prices.
Title: Re: DVD Player Recommendations
Post by: oldfogy on April 18, 2008, 04:14:56 PM
1. I never record from TV these days. 
2. I'm not even sure about the VHS part... rarely watch video tape either,
3. it's just that I've got a few movies I haven't got round to replacing with DVD yet.
1. But are you 100% positive that you are never going to either ?
2. But you do watch VHS on the odd occasion !
3. So do you want to transfer these to DVD ?

We all know that nothing is future proof, but how often have we bought something then later discover it only does 90% of what we want.
Although you may be looking at £150+ for a DVD R/VCR combi with HDD.

However, just a couple of points to bare in-mind remember.

Make sure it's "Digital"
Make sure it's dual channel. (There are still single channel recorders out there, although few and far between)
Possibly even think about a DVD R + built-in HDD.