Kitz Forum

Broadband Related => Broadband Hardware => Topic started by: Bowdon on April 01, 2016, 01:57:36 PM

Title: HG612 System uptime duration question
Post by: Bowdon on April 01, 2016, 01:57:36 PM
I've just been checking my current modem settings.

I noticed that in the HG612 settings my system uptime is just over 4 days. This is what HG612 stats say that my connection uptime as been.

Does this mean my modem rebooted and caused the reconnection rather than me losing sync with the exchange/cabinet?

In HG612 stats it says Retrain reason: 0
Title: Re: HG612 System uptime duration question
Post by: kitz on April 01, 2016, 03:13:30 PM
If Im understanding your question correctly..

then system uptime is usually the amount of time its been powered up and can be different from connection uptime.

My last Retrain reason is currently 0.  That is because it was me power downing the modem whilst messing with something - I'd physically switched it off at the mains.
Title: Re: HG612 System uptime duration question
Post by: Bowdon on April 01, 2016, 03:55:34 PM
I thought so.

So it seems a bit odd that my system uptime is the same as my last connection time in HG612 stats. I think that would only happen if the modem powered down. Then powered back up and reconnected.

I'm wondering if it could be a heat issue as I have the modem/router set up in the front living room and it can get kinda hot in there when the fire is on.

I wonder if I can find a little table fan. I remmeber someone mentioned that recently.