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Announcements => News Articles => Topic started by: Bowdon on March 31, 2016, 04:14:47 PM

Title: FISP Calls for 1000Mbps Broadband to be Deployed Across London UK
Post by: Bowdon on March 31, 2016, 04:14:47 PM
FISP Calls for 1000Mbps Broadband to be Deployed Across London UK (

The Foundation for Information Society Policy (FISP) think-tank has said that some 20 cities in the United Kingdom are on their way to rolling out Gigabit (1000Mbps+) class broadband services, but London isn’t one of them and they want the capital’s mayoral candidates to change that.

In fairness even many of the cities that do have 1Gbps broadband connectivity available often only deliver very limited consumer coverage of such connections (e.g. the Sky Broadband and TalkTalk Joint Venture with Cityfibre in York does intend to cover the whole city, but so far they’ve only actually achieved a few thousand “premises passed” since 2014).