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Broadband Related => ISPs => Topic started by: Chrysalis on July 02, 2015, 08:50:42 PM

Title: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 02, 2015, 08:50:42 PM
Have initiated a move to sky, but they have got me seriously considering changing my order to 40/10.

Here is what I was offered to those curious.

Credit of £60 to compensate me for 6 months of LRS lost on plusnet.


£50 setup fee waived.
half price 12 months (on website is 6 months)
£180 pre paid card, which I would have chose tesco, but is other cards as well.

their 80/20 service has no offers whatsoever which I have ordered so just the £60 credit.

I am seriously considering currently to take their 40/10 deal tho and maybe then upgrade back to 80/20 in a year.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Dray on July 02, 2015, 08:54:09 PM
You can upgrade to 80/20 anytime
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 02, 2015, 09:09:56 PM
so you thinking I sign up to 40/10 get signup offers, wait a month then upgrade?

I would then only lose half price offer then, good idea.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Dray on July 02, 2015, 09:22:55 PM
Better check with Sky, but last time I asked they said people were doing it before they were gone live
Title: Re: sky
Post by: ip75 on July 02, 2015, 09:35:07 PM
Bear in mind that they have different contract lengths. 40/10 is 18 months, 80/20 is 12 months. Sky will hold you to 18 months if you initially sign up for 40/10, even if you switch to 80/20.

Also, I was able to get Sky Fibre Pro for £20 whilst out of contract (due to call price rises) - apparently this is a deal they commonly will do on the phone.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 02, 2015, 10:01:48 PM
I keep hearing of companies commonly doing deals but I guess I am either unlucky or just suck at haggling.

The guy was begging me to go on 40/10 and kept saying sorry is no offers on 80/20.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: ip75 on July 02, 2015, 10:03:29 PM
That's usually my experience too. I think I got lucky this time for once.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: guest on July 03, 2015, 07:40:35 AM
The only deals you'll get on "Sky Fibre Pro" are retention deals (& even then usually only if you already sub for TV). There have never been any sign-up deals for 80/20 & I doubt there will be. Sky aren't that keen on promoting a higher upstream speed for some reason ;)

Apart from speed, the differences are that "Sky Fibre Pro" comes with a static IP address (turn on/off in My Sky as required) and you have the dubious (IMHO) pleasure of having support provided by the Bulgarians who used to work for Be. Normal tech support will not deal with any BB issues on "Sky Fibre Pro" or "Sky Broadband Pro" (ADSL2+).
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 03, 2015, 05:01:32 PM
thanks for confirmation rizla.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: guest on July 03, 2015, 05:43:34 PM
Do note that if you're intending using that static IP address as a mx then I have no experience of getting the Bulgarians to set rdns/etc on Sky. I have a vague recollection of that being an exercise in beating your head off a brick wall when they worked for Be but that was a long time ago.

In addition my static IP address is in a block labelled as dynamic DNS home users or similar so even getting rdns setup wouldn't help. I don't run (smtp) mx's exposed to the internet these days (life is too short by far) - POP3 pickup is about it.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 03, 2015, 07:42:19 PM
not an issue for me I dont run services like smtp from home, the main use of a static ip for me is stable tbb monitoring and for ACL's.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 04, 2015, 08:43:51 PM
rizla see what you mean about the ex BE support.

They think FTTC dlm is the old 3,6,9 snrm config O_o.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: boost on July 04, 2015, 10:47:53 PM
40/10 ftw :)
Title: Re: sky
Post by: guest on July 06, 2015, 04:24:04 PM
rizla see what you mean about the ex BE support.

They think FTTC dlm is the old 3,6,9 snrm config O_o.

Not even vaguely surprised at that.

OH BTW the "Pro" forum on Sky is just basically self-promoting garbage from the Bulgarians. I wouldn't bother reading it or responding to anything in it were I you - most of it is total rubbish & frankly you'll get more accurate info from, which indicates how bad the Bulgarians are as Scubby ( owner) is as thick as a plank ;)
Title: Re: sky
Post by: guest on July 07, 2015, 01:33:06 PM
I made the mistake of looking at the "Pro" forums - spread the complaints around lots of unnecessary forums was my first thought & I wasn't wrong.

Its comedy central in there with the Bulgarians losing the plot left right & centre. I've just read through a thread of two pages where the Bulgarian woman was talking about ADSL while the OP kept trying to point out they were on FTTC. Nothing much changes....

For those of you thinking I'm "racist" or whatever - my experience of the Bulgarians goes back over a decade now (early days of Be) & they talk a good game but when push comes to shove they're useless. ie - anytime they had to deal with physical services/providers in the UK they didn't have a clue. I believe it got to the stage that all Be issues which required BTOR involvement ended up having to go through O2 support as BTOR refused to deal with Be. That's anecdotal but I can well believe it. I signed up to Sky when they promised 100% UK callcentres. I don't want to talk to someone thousands of miles away who has less of a clue than next-door's cat about how FTTC/ADSL works in the UK.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: Chrysalis on July 08, 2015, 12:44:21 PM
rizla I guess you have stuk it out with sky fiber pro? Positives of the sky network keeping you there I guess.

Got my welcome letter today which is somewhat amusing but wont be amusing if I have a line fault in future.

Estimated speed matches the current BTw estimate, however sky also supply a minimum guaranteed speed which I assume is used if a fault occurs.  My guaranteed speed is 36mbit.  Which is way below BTw's min estimate even for an impacted line.  Someone on the fiber pro forums posted they had a 76 estimate with a guaranteed speed of 66mbit, so for me to have a guaranteed speed over 30mbit below my estimate is pretty bad.  It seems if I proceed I am taking a lot of risks here with the BE support, default standard/stable profile (default profile noone seems to know for sure what it is) and this very low guaranteed speed.
Title: Re: sky
Post by: tommy45 on July 08, 2015, 12:54:56 PM
EX outsourced BE support (based in Bulgaria) whilst possibly better than front-line sky support  where nothing to write home about  IMO so i wouldn't let that influence you
Title: Re: sky
Post by: guest on July 08, 2015, 09:25:49 PM
The connection runs at linespeed (80/20) 24/7 and on the one occasion I had BTOR out was during the self-install trial period which was expedited. If you include UKOnline then I think I've had one problem (congested static IP tunnel) in the last six or seven years.

Provided your line is OK then Sky "just works". Don't expect bells & whistles - stay away from the forums & its fine.

You should be able to set static IP via MySky & I think you get to change it 3 times max. You can of course go back to dynamic anyway but it's probably going to be sticky for a while.

Edit - my estimated maximum speed is set at 70Mbps which is funny as its now at 56Mbps (impacted) on the BT checker. BT just change the figures to fit the targets but it'll be amusing if I have a fault.