Kitz Forum

Broadband Related => Router Monitoring Software => Topic started by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 02:25:57 PM

Title: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 02:25:57 PM
I've noticed an oddity with the HG612 ongoing graph viewer which I cant understand.
I was wanting to check my attainable rate over the past few months and notice that its reporting mostly around the 90Mbps mark - see attached [image1]

Knowing that its been a long time since 90Mbps I zoomed in to check and changed the period and you can see from image2, that its currently hovering at around 89Mbps.

Yet these are my stats

Code: [Select]
adsl info --stats
adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason:    0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 30023 Kbps, Downstream rate = 83745 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79987 Kbps

Is it perhaps a graphing/scaling issue?  The graphs produced in ongoing stats appear to be ok, just those in the graph viewer.
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Bald_Eagle1 on May 24, 2015, 03:26:05 PM
Notice the Graph Created dates.

Those are very old graphs that you are viewing (June & September 2014).

You should be able to choose more recent ones.

Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 04:22:31 PM
argh so it is - I didnt notice the date.

It happens by default... I never expected it to go back to 2014.   I can repeat this.

>View Graphs  (selected date at this point is 23/05/2015 23:59)

> Change duration to 150 days (which is the period I wanted to view)

... and at this point the date changes itself to 25/09/2014 at 00:42 and starts at 22/04/2014.   There is no option for me to change that date!

Every single time I select "Duration", it will default to 2014 and wont  let me change the date created.   What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 04:28:55 PM
Just thought I'd add a screen cap so you can see whats happening here.

Its fine if I try to use it with Interleaving like you have, but when it comes to Attainable rate, then Im stuck with the following.
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 04:35:46 PM
D'oh I think I just got it.   I need to generate a graph first using graphPD?

I thought the viewer would do it for me.

Im running that now, but its taking a while


ETA.   It was taking a long time and I think it eventually crashed.   I kept seeing Bearer Messages and lines warning me about something about the bearer number on the screen. :(
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Bald_Eagle1 on May 24, 2015, 05:01:29 PM
D'oh I think I just got it.   I need to generate a graph first using graphPD?

I thought the viewer would do it for me.

Im running that now, but its taking a while


ETA.   It was taking a long time and I think it eventually crashed.   I kept seeing Bearer Messages and lines warning me about something about the bearer number on the screen. :(

It takes even longer with G.INP - much longer for 150 days.

You would see a warning if either the data didn't exist (some of it probably wasn't being logged 150 days ago) or it was zero.

Warnings are O.K. Errors from Gnuplot are not.

You might find that some graphs in the montage are blank (data didn't exist).

Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Bald_Eagle1 on May 24, 2015, 05:58:45 PM
FWIW, I just created the montage & individual graphs for 180 days working back from 31/12/2014 on my Windows 7 PC (Pre-G.INP).

This is how long it took:-

24/05/2015 17:18:34.891 - Start of [graphpd.exe] v
24/05/2015 17:24:03.051 - End of graphpd. 259200 samples i.e. 180 Days of data should have been plotted

For only 143 days since 01/01/15 to today (a mix of Non-G.INP & G.INP since 23rd March), it took 10 minutes!!!

Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Ronski on May 24, 2015, 07:32:55 PM
Hi Kitz, the GUI will only show the graphs that have already been created, it doesn't create them on the fly.
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 24, 2015, 08:47:46 PM
Hi Kitz, the GUI will only show the graphs that have already been created, it doesn't create them on the fly.

Yes, sorry I hadnt previously realised that - you can see it gradually dawn on me in this thread, where I'd gone wrong.    :doh:
For some reason I thought it would produce them without having to do a graphPD first.

I'd like to be able to blame the bottle of wine Ive been drinking whilst attempting to catch up on some forum posts today, but Im afraid I made the first post before the bottle was open.  :-X

Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Ronski on May 25, 2015, 08:42:35 AM
Hi Kitz, no need to apologise, it's a natural assumption to make as it's the way it should ideally work creating the graphs on the fly. Perhaps one day if I ever get the time.
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 25, 2015, 12:03:37 PM
heh, once you start something then there's always something else you can add :)
Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: Bald_Eagle1 on May 25, 2015, 12:31:57 PM
D'oh I think I just got it.   I need to generate a graph first using graphPD?

I thought the viewer would do it for me.

Im running that now, but its taking a while


ETA.   It was taking a long time and I think it eventually crashed.   I kept seeing Bearer Messages and lines warning me about something about the bearer number on the screen. :(

Did you try again?

If so & if the montage was eventually created from the 216,000 rows of data, would you mind attaching it for me to check that it all looks O.K?

Title: Re: HG612 modem log stats viewer (GUI) oddity
Post by: kitz on May 25, 2015, 02:06:11 PM
Yes it did finish and full monty attached which looks ok :)