Kitz Forum

Broadband Related => Telephony Wiring + Equipment => Topic started by: broadstairs on October 19, 2012, 02:45:06 PM

Title: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: broadstairs on October 19, 2012, 02:45:06 PM
Since I've been running Eric's excellent rs-ux and keeping a close eye on my line I have noticed that whenever the phone is in use I see a burst of CRC errors and sometimes some FEC errors usually when the phone either starts ringing or on initiating the call. Now my broadband does not drop and the snrm does not see any significant jump, the errors do not happen to any significant rate during a call and I can hear no clicks or hiss on the line. However I am wondering if the filter in the faceplate is starting to fail?

Any ideas please? Is this worth worrying about at present?

Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: burakkucat on October 20, 2012, 03:14:27 AM
 :hmm:  Hmm . . .  If you have a good-quality "dangly" micro-filter tucked away (for a "just in case" event), it might be worthwhile testing with it substituted for the faceplate.

Call yourself from a mobile phone and see if similar error bursts occur. FECs are no great concern, it is the CRCs that are worrisome.  :-\
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: snadge on November 15, 2012, 12:05:56 AM
..still, at least the raised FEC's tell you something is going on :)

I know that when the phone rings the voltage changes down the line...but too what extent I dont know and whether its only when it rings or during a call too I dont know, I wouldnt mind testing my line just for kicks..maybe I will tomozza
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 15, 2012, 12:14:05 PM
..still, at least the raised FEC's tell you something is going on :)

I know that when the phone rings the voltage changes down the line...but too what extent I dont know and whether its only when it rings or during a call too I dont know, I wouldnt mind testing my line just for kicks..maybe I will tomozza

Quite right ....... when the landline is rung, the voltage swings from a nominal 50vdc, to between 90-120vac. It is only during the ringing that this occurs.
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Ezzer on November 15, 2012, 04:48:00 PM
Its not so much that CRC's or FEC's ar there, it's the rate at which they occur
Over about 5 mins CRC's in the low 100's or FEC's Up to low 1000's are ok. Anything over that is cause for concern.

Errors are rather like spelling errors. the odd one in a document, annoying but you can still easly read and get the gist of a document.

Too many then it slows your reading down, even making chunks too difficult to understand. It's the same for your router

Hopefully a phone ringing is no more to your dsl signal than having a conversation with some one and having a door slam in the backround.

To many errors is like the door slam followed by a hoard of screaming kids playing cowboys and indians (or is it X-factor and kardashians today ?)
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 15, 2012, 06:34:05 PM
Love the 'spelling' analogy. That is now mine to use, with patent pending.  :P ;D ;D
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: GigabitEthernet on November 15, 2012, 06:39:12 PM
I hope you can spell when you submit the legal documents :).
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 15, 2012, 06:49:39 PM
Ha ha ..... I always apply interleaving whenever I type, just to minimise the errors.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Ezzer on November 15, 2012, 08:57:21 PM
No problem Black Sheep

I always used the analogy of talking to some one standing further and further down the street to represent attenuation/signal loss

The further away some one is the harder it is to hear, so quite often you start speaking more slowly

SNR. your having the same conversation and some one nearby is mowing the lawn

Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 16, 2012, 07:24:55 AM
Aha, I use the conversation in a room analogy for SNR. The one where there's just the 2 people having a natter, then a loud party ensues whereby the 2 people have to 'up' their 'signal' to get over the 'noise', in order to be heard.

I have another analogy for SNR, that involves murder, torture and ransom notes ........ but it doesn't seem to get over to the EU in the same manner. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: GigabitEthernet on November 16, 2012, 07:35:34 AM
Ha ha ..... I always apply interleaving whenever I type, just to minimise the errors.  ;) ;D

But what if you lose sync!
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 16, 2012, 04:08:59 PM
I raise a job for myself to attend site.  :P
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: broadstairs on November 16, 2012, 04:18:42 PM
Further to my original question I have decided to re-wire my phone/adsl wiring. Currently I'm still using the original phone extension wiring which I'm not sure of the origin or type so I will get one of these new VDSL adapters and some CAT6 cable to run my only phone extension with, currently my router is connected directly to the master socket using a high quality shielded cable which should be fine but the old extension cable runs near some power cables and right past the gas boiler which I know casues a bit of noise when starting up so good CAT6 and the VDSL adapter should improve that.

Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Ezzer on November 16, 2012, 04:19:17 PM
Ha ha ..... I always apply interleaving whenever I type, just to minimise the errors.  ;) ;D

But what if you lose sync!
Reboot the laptop,

However if it was a BT work laptop:
then start the reboot,
put the kettle on,
visit the little boys room,
Make a cup of hot chocolate,
clean and tidy my tools,
sweep up around the frame in the exchange,
close any open lids on the blocks on the frame,
repair the DSL test leads on the frame,
read a bit of that book I'm on at the time,
check the exchange if the neighbours cat has got in again,
clean my mug,
Then go back to the laptop to see if it has finished rebooting,
mutter a few choice words whilst resisting the urge to use the laptop to to break the world discus record,
organise the spare fuses into a pretty stack in the box on the wall,
tidy the frames log book, add some new sheets,
Check if there's any more tools that need cleaning, adjusting, new batteries,
Clean the windscreen lights and mirrors on the van,
Go back in the exchange and watch until the laptop finaly finishes its reboot,
log back on.
then as the lappie decides to download a new update so you can't do anything for the next XX minutes start to ponder "exactly what is the world discus record?"

Then you get resync !

Ok, I can see all you field engineers nodding as you read this...
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Black Sheep on November 16, 2012, 04:27:13 PM
Wow, Ezz !!! You had one of the speedier laptops then ??  ;)
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Ezzer on November 16, 2012, 04:30:10 PM
With comms lines running near power.

It tend to become an issue if the cabling is running parrallel withing a couple of inches of each other for any lenght.
Running at right angles at close proximity reduces the risk of induction dramaticaly.
Title: Re: Is my phone filter/faceplate starting to fail?
Post by: Ezzer on November 16, 2012, 04:35:02 PM
74.5 metres.......

actualy with the handle it's more of a hammer throw ???? :hmm: