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Internet => Web Browsing & Email => Topic started by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 11:25:33 AM

Title: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 11:25:33 AM
I wonder of anyone could help with the following.

SWMBO has recently bought a notebook computer and is using BT Internet as her ISP, but is having some problems when emailing to my O2 account. Email to all of her other contacts appears to go through OK. Over the weekend we tried looking into why the email that she was trying to send to me was being rejected by her mail server, and on closer inspection it would appear that my email address <>, (where username is my real O2 username) has been marked as a source of spam and is on some BlackList. Why this should be the case, I have no idea, but I would like to get it sorted.

Could someone point me in the direction of where I might find out a little more about this.

Thanks in anticipation

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 11:31:46 AM
That seems implausible, please try to copy (cut and paste) the entire "reject" message here, masking any private components as minimally required.

Sure it's not just a spelling mistake in the name?  ;)
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 11:47:27 AM
Thanks for that HP. As far as I could tell from a very brief look yesterday, she had addressed everything OK. When I can get access to the relevant data, probably this evening, I will copy and paste it all for further scrutiny. I definitely don't like the fact that my O2 email address may have been marked as a source of spam, although having said that I do get email to my O2 account from all over the place, so it's more than likely something 'weird' with her setup, I guess.

Thanks for responding.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 11:52:48 AM
Spam filtering just doesn't work that way, hence my "implausible" comment.
The exact evidence should reveal more.  8)
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 01:17:15 PM
>>  Spam filtering just doesn't work that way, hence my "implausible" comment.

It could perhaps be that its her email address that is being rejected o2 or your own spam filters and therefore being bounced back to her. If her email client has not been set up correctly on the lappy it may not be authenticated/using port 25 which some mail servers may reject.
As HP says we need to see the full reject message.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 01:43:53 PM
Thanks Kitz. I'll have to wait until this evening when SWMBO finishes work, and look into it a bit further then. From the brief look at it yesterday before she rushed me out to watch 'Anna Karenina', it definitely looked as if it was my O2 email address that was marked as a 'spammer'.

More, later.......

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 02:09:38 PM
Code: [Select]
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject: Test
      Sent: 17/09/2012 14:03

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

      '' on 17/09/2012 14:03
            550 relay not permitted

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 02:23:33 PM
Im having fun trying to send mail to you..  now Im getting this

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<'>:
    host []: 550 RCPT TO:<'> User unknown

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 02:28:40 PM
Hiya Kitz,

That looks very similar to what SWMBO got if I remember correctly.

My actual O2 username is 'toulouse1712'.

I also have a further 3 PMs from you, but I don't appear to be able to access them through your site - they appear to be timed at 14:00, 14:03 and 14:07

Is it something that I've done, as I don't recall changing anything recently ?
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 02:43:42 PM
I'll give it a go as well.....

Just out of interest is this an O2 email account connected to a mobile phone number?
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 02:51:02 PM
My actual O2 username is .............
Just out of interest I logged into MY (legacy) O2 account that I haven't used in ages.
The first thing it asked me was whether I wanted to change my logon to an email address - it could be any that I own/control.
I declined that but just went to check my details; it showed an email address that I own/control that is nothing whatsoever to do with O2.

In fact I'm not sure that I have an O2-supplied email address at all..................
Do you?  :baby:

Edit: Yes I do, I sent myself an email to "username" via Gmail and it arrived OK.
I also sent you one and have not had any error message (yet).  :angel:
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 02:53:36 PM
Ok, I got the message from you HPsauce.

The O2 email account is indeed connected with an O2 mobile phone, but I do use their Home Phone and Broadband service.

I don't know if this is significant (or relevant even), but SWMBO is using Windows Live Mail to try and send to my O2 account. Just to add to the confusion, I have also recently purchased a notebook and have successfully used Windows Live Mail to send an email to my O2 account. I'm just going to try and reply to that to see if it gets through to my Windows Live Mail account.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 02:56:21 PM
Possibly the contact entry is corrupted; I'd try again just typing the address in directly in the "To:" field.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 03:06:19 PM
For HPsauce Re my O2 email account

When I signed up with them for Home Phone and Broadband I was asked to choose a username, and I selected 'toulouse1712'. It occurs to me now, though, that I had previously registered with them when I first got an O2 mobile phone, some years ago. If I remember correctly my Broadband and Home phone account was linked to my originally registered mobile phone account, but that does use a different email address, a combination of my short form name and some random numbers. Don't know if this helps or hinders getting to the root of the current 'problemette'.   
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 03:15:37 PM
I was just thinking that you may either have multiple accounts or an account with an email address that is not the account name.
However the tests show it's fine with your username @
All points to a (hopefully simple) error on the system in question.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 03:17:34 PM
Im trying to work on something else atm hence the slowness in between phone calls (for something else)..

but I think its being rejected unless SSL is being used.
I need to look into it properly, but just putting the info in so HP knows,   but I think by default Outlook sets SMTP the same as POP3,  and Im guessing that O2 doesnt seem to like anymail that isnt authenticated by using Outlooks Secure Password Authentication. 

When I get a mo to mess I'll try changing some settings in Outlook.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 03:20:38 PM
Yes, I was beginning to think along the same lines. Fortunately, she's taken the notebook to work with her today, so we'll be able to look at it in detail when I pick her up tonight at around 6:00.

I do appreciate you taking the time to help with this, by the way. I'm sure it's something really simple - it's just a case of what.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 03:35:55 PM
but I think its being rejected unless SSL is being used.
OK, I'll try a different email account that doesn't use SSL - I have many to choose from!  :lol:
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 03:42:57 PM
I just sent myself and Toulouse separate messages via a simple non-SSL email account.
Mine arrived OK on my O2 account.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 17, 2012, 03:46:25 PM
Yes, I also got that message and have replied to it.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 05:20:57 PM
Ive just done a couple of tests which can be replicated.

Mail 1 Appeared to go through perfectly fine.
Mail 2 Gets bounced back to me
Code: [Select]
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
      Subject: Test
      Sent: 17/09/2012 17:05
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:
      '' on 17/09/2012 17:05
            550 relay not permitted

Mail 1 uses Advanced settings in Outlook
Mail 2 uses the default settings in Outlook using the setup wizard and putting in your POP3 and SMTP details.

I'll post some screen caps showing the 2 different configs so it will give you an idea where she should be changing them.  The only difference is on the Advanced settings screen.

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 17, 2012, 05:27:56 PM
Ive just done a couple of tests which can be replicated.
For you maybe, but not for me.  ???
All my tests go through OK, SSL or not (set as shown by you).
Admittedly in my case I used different accounts on different email servers, I didn't change my Outlook settings but I did check them.

I used Gmail (their servers) with SSL and 2 different non-SSL (ports 110 and 25) email accounts via a hosting service I use.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 17, 2012, 05:49:00 PM
>>> For you maybe, but not for me.

No idea then HP its very strange  ???   Its got to have something to do with her configs somewhere though..  I can constantly repeat the above, so I suppose it must depend on the mail server?

Port 995 isnt required -  thats something specific to the new platform that Im on.  But as soon as I try to use port 25 then the mail gets rejected. 

Yet the weird thing is the forum software uses port 25 and that mail is going through ok to Toulouse.  However the IP which the forum is on... isnt the same as my mailserver IP which I use for Outlook.  Go Figure that one out,  because I well and truely have no idea! :-\

Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 18, 2012, 11:05:50 AM
Ok, I'm back. Thanks to Kitz and HPsauce for taking an interest in this issue for me. A little more info on the original email message that SWMBO tried to send me on Sunday morning, which contained 2 attachments consisting of two poems which she had written using OpenOffice Writer. Initially, I thought that maybe some size limit had been reached and that somewhere between her Btinternet account and my O2 account something had stepped in and decided to reject the message. However, having looked at things a little more, I'm not so sure that it is my O2 account that is causing the problem, but I am prepared to be corrected on this.

When she got here last night after work, I attempted to forward the offending message to my Hotmail account, thinking that we would be able to use my O2 Wireless network to receive the message on my new notebook computer. Of course that didn't work because she needed to be connected to her BT account in order to 'forward' the message. Around 8pm last night, after she had left here and got home all of a sudden the offending message appeared in my Hotmail account on my notebook computer. She had of course switched on her computer when she got home, and this allowed the forwarded message to be sent. Anyway, I'm probably rambling on a bit, but what I have done this morning is to extract all the headers from the message and hopefully all the relevant information is included, but before I attach it to this forum topic, could someone explain to me what are the  'sensitive' parts which I may need to edit out.


Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 18, 2012, 01:59:09 PM
>>> 'sensitive' parts which I may need to edit out

Just the email addresses.  I know you have given us information in this post which enables a human to be able to piece together the info, but its the automated spam bot harvesters routinely scan everywhere on the internet trying to pick up valid email addresses, which is what you need to avoid.   Replacing the first part of the addresses with something like 'user' or 'me' should suffice.
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 18, 2012, 02:40:25 PM
Ok, thanks Kitz.

I think an on-the-ball spammer might have picked up some of the details from yesterday, but never mind.

I think I've attached the relevant details (just the headers) from the message that SWMBO got back on Sunday morning after trying to send email with attachments to me. I looks to me as though it may not be my address that is causing the problem, but I'd be happy to be told otherwise.


Mick (& SWMBO)
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 18, 2012, 03:43:03 PM
That basically says that the Yahoo email server used [] is blacklisted.
Nothing you can do about it.  :'(
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: toulouse on September 18, 2012, 04:04:17 PM
Ok, thanks for that HPsauce. So it doesn't indicate that my email address has been marked as a 'spammer' ?
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: HPsauce on September 18, 2012, 04:11:35 PM
Nothing to do with you at all, other than your email service is checking for blacklisted senders - in this case Yahoo.
Spamcop no longer lists that Yahoo server so it may be OK now, though other blacklists do still have it.
Or it could just be that O2 are slow at updating their anti-spam lists  ::)
Title: Re: No email access to my O2 account from a BTinternet account
Post by: kitz on September 18, 2012, 11:21:46 PM