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Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 02:21:13 PM

Title: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 02:21:13 PM
Well the Olympic torch is due to pass practically at the end of my street in about an hour, but I dont think I'll be going to watch it. :(

Its absolutely bucketing it down with a small river of water running down my street.. and its really windy. 
Ive already been drenched once today this morning going to the docs and its only got worse since, so unfortunately I think I'll pass. 

Local Councils wont be able to go ahead with all they had planned too because the weather is that bad.

What a shame..  I bet theres going to be a lot of disappointed local kids (and adults) who have been planning this for months. :(
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 02:26:02 PM
Yep...  all community events now cancelled

Oh well I've just found the live relay footage, so I'll watch it from here.
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 03:32:34 PM
hah - police escort for the convoy straight through the local bottlenecks.

Debating whether to take the car up to what Im hoping is going to be a quieter part of the route (turnouts so far seem to be low) park up.... and then get soaked.

Sod it - torch just arrived in town..  off to get drenched...  I must be mad  ???
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 05:52:10 PM
I must be mad.   :-X
Rain went through my jacket, jumper and jeans to my skin...  I got well and truly soaked...  and now need to defrost.


Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: UncleUB on June 22, 2012, 06:06:53 PM
Something to tell/show the grandchildren ( when they arrive)  :)

How nanny Kitz got pee'd on during the Olympic torch relay  ;D
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 22, 2012, 06:34:46 PM
hah - youre right..  I thought its not something Im ever likely to see again, so whats a bit of water?

I thought that by driving up to the prom and staying in the car until as late as possible was a good idea, but I honestly dont think I could have got any wetter if I'd walked to my local and watched from there. 
Now my car seat is also wet through from the drive home due to my jeans being soaked.   I could wring them out.
2 hours later and I still havent defrosted..  this has got to be about one of the wettest days of the year..  not to mention the high winds.  Summer?   what summer??   :D
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: broadstairs on June 22, 2012, 07:47:55 PM
We get the relay here on 19th July so here's hoping for a dry day!!!

Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: burakkucat on June 22, 2012, 11:55:51 PM
this has got to be about one of the wettest days of the year..  not to mention the high winds.  Summer?   what summer??   :D

The days are getting shorter and the nights longer . . . here comes winter. b*cat gives thought to hibernation.  :-\
Title: Re: Torch relay.
Post by: kitz on June 23, 2012, 02:09:27 AM

thats depressing that you reminded me soltace has now passed and theres been very litte in the way of decent weather so far.

Despite putting on the Central Heating, it took me the best part of 3 hours before I got properly warm again.