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Computer Software => General software => Topic started by: guest on October 25, 2007, 09:10:15 AM

Title: Startup Monitor
Post by: guest on October 25, 2007, 09:10:15 AM
There's a chap called Mike Lin who creates rather useful freeware for Windows :

I have Startup Monitor/Startup Control Panel installed on all our machines. I wouldn't be without it as it really is amazing the amount of cruddy s/w that insists on starting up some superfluous program at boot time. It monitors the registry and pops up a box if an attempt is made to create a new entry in the /Run sections or Startup sections.

Thoroughly recommended. By me :)

Edit - sorry, someone else has already posted that link  :-[
Title: Re: Startup Monitor
Post by: Accordion on October 26, 2007, 05:16:21 PM
Well I hadn't seen it before - so thanks.

Just downloaded both Startup Control Panel and Startup Monitor. Looks like they may be useful tools insted of explaining how to use msconfig or individual program settings to people.
Title: Re: Startup Monitor
Post by: guest on October 26, 2007, 05:22:43 PM
I like them as they do what they say. The only time I get warnings is (usually) a Java update or an Adobe Acrobat update which I manually initiate. I am fairly brutal with apps on this machine (this one is MINE) though, so I doubt I get the benefit that the average user would get.

Oh and the answer in 99.9% of cases when it prompts you about apps wanting to run some crud is NO! :) Only say yes if something is obviously broken and then find an alternative ASAP.