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Simons Cat - The Book

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--- Quote from: kitz on October 12, 2009, 11:21:19 AM --- Wooo- hoo thanks for that Ezzer - I so love these.   :hug:

>> And now ther's a book, I'll let you know what I think when I find a copy

The books only just been released this month... but Amazon has it on special offer £7.79 inc P+P Theres also a preview of inside the book on there - Simons Cat. me goes to order one.
--- End quote ---

The book is lovely... its hardback and filled with 100/1000's of new cartoons.

I still havent read it all yet, but already its had me chuckling many times over...    This guy really has the knack of personalising a cat and playing on their traits.
If you are a cat lover.. and know how stubborn & crafty they can be.... then this book should appeal.  ;D

Thanks for the link Kitz,

One nice little christmas prezzie for my sister methinks  ;)

The price has dropped to £6.48 so you'll be able to claim a little bit of cash back  :)

Just ordered it for one of my sisters Christmas presents.......... ;)

>> The price has dropped to £6.48 so you'll be able to claim a little bit of cash back 

Do amazon do that?
I had noticed it had dropped... but just thought it was tough


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