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Books which you've enjoyed

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By popular request (well, two people anyway) here's a place where you can talk about those extra special books which you've read and would like to recommend; those books which really stand out above the crowd. I'll make it sticky so it stays at the top, and we'll see how it goes.

I'll repeat  my  2 most recent reads   : -

The Ghost   . ...Robert Harris
The Camel Club   ..   David Baldacci

Another 2 I would highly recommend   ..... I found  both of these extremely powerful books, and I suspect they are more biographical than fiction !

The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns both by Khaled Hosseini    ....       

My two all times so often that the books are falling to pieces. In fact, the first named, I am on either my eight or ninth copy.

1) The Story of San Michele..................Axel Munthe

2) Christ Stopped at Eboli.................Carlo Levi

I've looked those up TD and I think I could lose myself in them;  I have taken up your recommendation and they are now on order ....   Thank you.      They have also opened up other options by the same authors    :)   

One book I re-read was given to me by my mother when I was in my teens, Our Dearest Emma  by Lozania Prole  ..... it tells the story of the love affair between Horatio Nelson and Lady Hamilton.  I found it magical then, and I still do !    Sadly the original  was lent to someone who then lost it  :(  but I have a copy. 

For anyone who might be interested in unusual WW2 history ...  British woman, Susan Travers, was the only woman to officially serve in the French Foreign Legion.  Her story is quite fascinating and can be read in :-

Tomorrow to Be Brave

She wrote the book in 2000  (having waited for the main people in her story to have died)    She died in 2003 at the age of 94 .....


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